
>Is it socially acceptable to say "Nigger"?


My mum says it all the time when reffering to her attraction towards blacks, but she will say "Niggers and Ethiopians" since she sees Ethopians and Somalians as simmilar (Height, blackness, slenderness ect) but also different because somalis are muslims.

I had 1 rich black classmate growing up, he was the class clown and for fun would sometimes pretend to get really angry "IS IT BCUS I'M BLACK?" and then have everyone laugh it off, and quietly explaining that he doesn't mind getting called nigger.

I would probally never call a stranger on the street or classmate a nigger, but I do when reffering to africans in africa.

I'm talking about the translated word for nigger (So in Danish: Neger)



Only in private and with a joke tone. If someone charges you and there are witnesses, you can get charged, fined and even arrested.

If in Brazilian Twitter or Facebook you used racist terms, you're permanently fucked.

It's common word even in tv

>My mum says it all the time when reffering to her attraction towards blacks


>socially acceptable
>politically correct
>do we say it a lot

Here yeah there even was a singer called "nigga" and called your darkest friend "negro", "negrito" or "prieto" is pretty common
Wtf i hate brasil now

Negro negrito/ Negra negrita is just a generic term of affection in Latin America. That was my impression anyway. People call their wives and husbands that.


I'm glad she's in a sexless relationship with a man only slightly slimmer than her fat ass. I know she's insecure about being fat, but I've never had the courage to yell the truth at her.

I really try my everything to be as least like her as possible. She's a terrible person, ugly on the inside and outside.

She looks like pic related. I hate her with my guts.

That logic is pretty cringeworthy.


Nope, it is the best way to pass as an "evil racist", but it is socially acceptable to say it if a nigger angered you


There's no difference between nigger and black in spanish

I think of it like this, if the black guy needs to constantly evaluate whether you're being racist you probably shouldn't say it.

We have a different term called "zamorc" that people might think it's derogatory just like some might think negroid is, and all it really means is someone who is behind the sea (basically from africa)

>Jeg hader min mor
dræb dig selv kanttede 12 årig

What is it that makes your country so much better than Sweden ?

Négro is ok though, but its not used as an insult.

I don't think people even use the word here, the must peyorative insult they say is "indian", as in nativ.

continental work ethic

but we don't even have any ethnic slur against blacks

We can also use nègre with expression like "petit nègre" or "nègre littéraire" but it is considered as very edgy in term of political correctness

DESU though "neger" is more like "negro" than "nigger".

>No, and it hasn't been since the 1960s
>However, "nigga" is used often by black people themselves, though whites saying it is cringeworthy

Yup, we rarely use it as an insult, we rather said "pinche indio" (fucking indian)

«nègre» is old and quite rare, we commonly say «noir» and that's it.

Older people say it, youngsters normally stick with the more PC version.

Yes, no one cares about it. Even blacks call themselves niggers and no one gets offensive.