
what are you Sup Forums?

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>left wing
haha... what?


I'm a left wing conservative. I'm politically left, socially right. For instance, guns should be highly regulated, but I'll still keep mine to go hunting. Welfare services should be eliminated, except for the truly disabled. Etc, etc.

Or maybe you got that backwards

I'm with the "whogivesafuckop" party
Funded by "Opisafaggotcorp"

>guns should be highly regulated, but I'll still keep mine to go hunting

Of course it is

"The everyone is equal party"
"Funded by no one"

well rounded political view, interesting to say the least
how does that work for you in debates, can you decide for a candidate right from the start (left/right) or does it take a lot of debates to find your stance?

I am an independent dubs. Get on my level.

>government controlled economy
>no government
I don't see how those two things really line up

id say anarachist, but more from a utopian viewpoint, i know it will never ever work the way it is intended to be

"Usually considered to be an extreme left-wing ideology, anarchism has always included a significant strain of radical individualism, from the hyperrationalism of Godwin, to the egoism of Stirner, to the libertarians and anarcho-capitalists of today"

>Left wing marked as red
>Right wing marked as blue
>Conservatism does not lead to fascism. Only American conservativism does.

What the fuck is this?

right wing libertarian, the only real socialist system I believe in is government healthcare because I don't think an uncontrollable illness should destroy some economically

Depends on the day; however, I lean more toward the conservatism on this scale.

it can be considered whatever, left wing means government controlled economy, anarchism means no government

only in light of the american political spectrum, anarchism in it self is much older than that

No one thinks anarchism is anything but left wing you must be retarded

Socially liberal, politically and economically conservative.

The only thing I don't like about being able to be described as a libertarian is other libertarians... but I guess that's the point.

Is the idea that 'the people' kind of are the government and they own everything? I guess I can see that

thank you for your informative and witty input, knuckledragger

Anarchism gets switched with Fascism
Nazism moves inbetwen socialist and communist
Monarch left one of Conservatism.

NAZI stands for National Socialists. Conservatism is for less and less government.

its about not needing a government, its about personal freedom and thats why it doesnt work, human interests are to widely spread to be able to peacefully coexist without written and controlled guidlines (laws)

> no moderate option

Oh, I forgot, it's 2016. The year of the fringecuck.

anarchism and monarchism do not belong on that scale
and the order of the remaining is wrong
all other ideologies on the scale deal with what aspects of life the government should be involved in
while anarchism and monarchism deal with how much the government should be involved
it is possible to have socialist monarchies (Sweden) and anarchic fascists (although anarchic anything are very rare because anarchy usually entails government having no power making it impossible for government to be involved in anything)

a better scale would be
>communist-fascist-socialist-progressiveist (commonly called liberal today)-conservatist-classical liberal

kek... dubs never lie

if there truly is no governing body, how can it possibly be left wing?

That's a really shitty spectrum.

I'm riding the line between right-libertarianism and the Tea Party. I call myself a Minarchist or just a Capitalist.

I'm a right wing anarchist tho...

this guy makes sense
One of the truest monarchies still around is North Korea (power being passed down by generation) you going to tell me they're right wing?

is this better?

I had an Ancap phase, then I realized that it's a pipe dream. Now I'm a minarchist. You'll grow out of anarchism eventually.

fascist symbol bundle of sticks and a hatchet..

a bundle of sticks is also known as a faggot...

so a faggot with an axe... running hatchet man?

Insane clown posse logo is running hatchet man... killer clowns??

John wayne gacy was a killer clown...

and john wayne gacy killed men and went to parties

Adolf Hitler had a party and killed men...

I figured it out... Adolf Hitler is a fascist!!!

Monarchy is the best political system for countries that want to be governed in an effective way.

Not really. The only valid spectrum would be 3-dimensional or more. 2D is better, but still shit. A line is impossible to represent politics on accurately.

Faggot use something like this instead


Not the other guy, but left-wing ideology LITERALLY means bigger government. Right-wing means less government. I'd say that Anarchism could fall under either, it by no means is exclusive, or even more logical, to left-wing.

I'm for human rights and constitutional order as a first basis for everything, where does that leave me?

its considerd left wing, but in the end the whole left and right thing is just dumb to think that way, you can have conservative ideas but be considerd left and the other way around, political views are much more complex than to be reduced that way, but in the end its politician that coin these left right positions
(if only to easier identify with a certain grp of voters that share a common idea)

right-wing capitalist moderet

I'm an individualist (egoist) anarchist.

Care to explain why anarchism is a pipe dream and I should be a minarchist? (I was a minarchist for 6 years.)

i agree with you.
God save the Queen!

i think that makes you moderate, the rest comes down to your responces of current or recent events

is there another definition for activism I don't know about? Aren't there activists from all political standpoints?

slightly better
but it is still mixing "how much power a government should have" with "what a government should have power over"
and nazism is about as far left as maoism

I am a hard core conservative.

Socialism and communism, and the meme of socialism is more akin to religion - like Christianity or Islam, because it takes faith to believe in it, and to question it is to court controversy and perhaps violence.
1. Socialism is asserted dogmatically
2. It's popular, and has many followers.
3. Regardless of whether or not its true, socialist assert its usefulness to society.

To question the plausibility of socialism's efficacy is similar to questioning the meme of white racism, white privilege and black victimization - it will lead to the same kind of anger as questioning the divine origin of ancient texts for muslims and christians. It needs faith to believe in it.

"Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser"
Well at least someone here.

Whoever made that image has a very basic and naive understanding of politics.

Libertarian conservative in the idea of conserving resources not giving them away ie liberal taxes. Not morality.

Yes, because the fascist symbol should be on the socialist side. The Chinese government is fascist, and socialist. Socialism gives complete government control of land, resources, people, and their thoughts.

I am a conservative besides the religious mumbo jumbo. if you want ben shapiro interviews on youtube he is literally everything i agree with.

Government gives and gives till it's gone.

Nazism isn't a thing. It falls under fascism. Dumb shit, Nazism is just an adjective to describe the third reich's reign of fascism.

Last comment didn't post I guess.

Because capitalism lends itself very nicely to turning into feudalism without something to prevent it. Just because there's no legal government doesn't mean that the richest guy can't enforce his will on everybody else, which is a de facto government. No government = power vacuum. I'm not an idealist that thinks that people will just like the way it is and not seek to take advantage of the lack of a system. So in order to combat people's tendency to be idiots we need a barebones government with few powers that does nothing besides make sure nobody else becomes a government.

Dude, even Ayn Rand, the original egoist, wrote that anarchism is an idealistic pipe dream.

First of all Nazis and fascist crap belong on the left side of spectrum.
Second a true conservative would now that.
Thirdly dollar trump is an asshat and Clinton is a power junkie lair.


Uh... Libertarian . so middle?

the governemnt should collect taxes to use the money to take care of problems for the population, the issues should be decided by majority vote
(utopian idea, yeah, i know)

>ben shapiro
>literally everything i agree with

>Nazism isn't a thing

Either facist or anarchist, depending on wether I have to account for the retards in our society in my political wet dreams.

there really needs to be a third leg on this, because the Dutch government is a monarchy, but yet it has many different facets to it that are not a step beyond conservatism.

idk if it's been said yet, but that chart is utter bs and wrong on so many levels

no contest there mate

How is anarchy slavery? You're a dumb cunt OP...

>left wing conservative. I'm politically left, socially right

>guns should be highly regulated, but I still keep mine

Make up your fucking mind

completely different scale

>what are you Sup Forums?
pic related

also, this:

A slave to your own communities atomization and the need to provide for yourself with no ability for upward mobilization I'm assuming

the socialism and capitalism part is wrong, but apart from that pretty spot on

>You cant put the ideologies on a line because there is overlapping fundimental beliefs.
Better watch out with those republican nominees they might level up and throw america into a futuristic middle ages with kings n shit

Why should he give a shit what political affiliation you think he should be or fall under? go fuck yourself.

Nazism is interchangeable with fascism. Fascism is the firm of government, Nazism was HITLER'S form of fascism. KYS millenial newfag

Kek. Pic related.

That aside I have two questions...

1.) How does capitalism lead itself to feudalism? How is one rich guy going to enforce his will on everyone? Care to explain how?
2.) Are you actually suggesting that we need a government because if we have anarchism we'll end up with a government? Isn't that like cutting off your finger to prevent yourself from losing that finger?

So you're basically a retarded monarchist who's about to be overthrown. Combining strict totalitarianism with zero social welfare always ends in revolution.

>governed in an effective way

you havent had history lessons, take for example the monarchy in france a corrupt punch of asshats and inbreds that were so far away from effectiv governing as the sun is from the earth

>Socially liberal, politically and economically conservative.

Hello, Cuckservative. Your kind isn't welcome here

Left leaning centrist.

But I'm Canadian so it comes with the territory

think about it, giveing people that much freedom and no government would just leave people doing more crime and there would bring back slavery to the west because no government, so that means people can make their own rules and laws right?

1. You have money. You hire goons to protect your shit. You then decide you want other people's shit/want people to act a certain way. So you pay your goons to do it for you. Congrats, now you're a king.

2. See point 1. The answer is yes, and your analogy is a non sequitur.

>cavemen had governments
Fuck you are retarded

I'm literally walking around in shock that this election cycle has come to this. I stopped following politics as soon as trump became the nomine. I was all in for cruz, even helped out the campaign by door knocking and pamphlets. He won here btw.

In fact, I have had history lessons, from which I know that there are also many examples of wise thoughtfull and, indeed efeective, monarchs.

>willingly shilling for Ted Cruz
it's possible for someone to hate themselves that much?

Yeah, they did. It was government by strength, but they did. And then once society advanced a bit those leaders became patriarchs and then chiefs and then chieftains and then kings. Bang, the basis of civilization. Have some history.

How do you have money when no uses it anymore and why can't I just shoot your goons?

Violence is more expensive than co-operation generally, if you hire goons to enforce your will, you have to start paying them hazard pay, they will be risking their life. Aggressive defense agencies will quickly succumb to the market.

Have you ever read Machinery of Freedom? free PDF.

PS: my analogy wasn't a non sequitur. Pic related.

i am not sure about the hillary liar part, but power hungry is pretty much her mo, but then again i am from europe, so dont get the stuff about her anyway

i am more liberal, but the stuff that is going on in your country, my bad man ...

This "spectrum" gave me cancer

wow, you have literally no clue about politics do you

At this point you have to be trolling. Money is just wealth, I sincerely apologize for saying "money" and not "grain" or "pork" or whatever the hell people will be trading with.

And you can, but you have to think like a real person instead of assuming that you're Rambo. You're not going to shoot six dudes armed better than you to protect the yearly pig that your lord demands from you. How do you think protection money works in the mob?

>Nazism was HITLER'S form of fascism
that means nazism is fascist! you fucking retard!

Nazism involved elements of facism mate, however the doesn't make it synonymous with facism. It had to exist as a system of it's own because it is so fucked, same as Pol Pots forced agrarian revolution, people still don't know what to call that.
Just like stalinism, while it involves elements of communism, it certainly isn't communism in a form most people or communists would recognised or affiliate with.

For example, Frederick the Great.

left wing has never meant controlled by the government, what are you talking about?

Jesus christ this board is retarded.