


She's arguing me on Facebook about how a fetus is a "collection of cells, like cancer."

Also, feminist hate thread. I hate this shit.

Never argue with a spindles liberal OP, you'll just end up in a cycle where the white man is the main cause of the issues around the world.

It's 2016. It's time for society as a whole to grow up and realize that it's not all about white people.


>mfw non-whites can't even invent racism

>about how a fetus is a "collection of cells, like cancer."
But it is, user

>fetus is a "collection of cells, like cancer."

That makes you like stage 4, rite?

>one gun
>kills thousands

Does that mean every living thing is a cancer

I just literally cant even.


Checked lol and right?
I guess so.

Holy shit OP , how do you even end up talking to that fat cunt?

>black people had slaves and sold slaves to white people
>african ethnics kill each other all the time

>white people started racism

Except it's never part of the body

Well you're also a collection of cells. Let's not be fucking pedantic.

Remember kids, guns are evil and should be banned
>Mfw liberals will blame rifles in anything

On a page of a post of a friend of a page of a friend liked on Facebook. -_-

I can relate to that issue....cunts will be cunts

A fetus being a "collection of cells" is just feminist lingo to make the people who abort fetuses not feel guilty for what they did. Yeah it's a clump of cells who gives a shit. You put it in your body like the slut you are. You are responsible for it. Every human knows that fucking leads to babies (except for potatoes maybe). If you're gonna fuck then you should know there's always a possible chance to get pregnant unless you're like 65+. Women just don't want to be responsible for their actions that's what abortion is all about. There's literally no point to it. Yeah it reduces crime and a whole boat load of other shit. If we're going to argue the morality of abortion then that's a really hard argument. Some people don't care about the act of not letting another person exist.

I know this is long, but this is what I responded
Lol yeah you can't change my mind. Especially when you're only claim is that if I say bought a gun, I'd have the possibility of going out and killing hundreds if not thousands of people.

And if you say you're an evil feminist sure cool. But you're still destroying life.

Furthermore, it's not at all a "part of the woman's body." Let us do biology. (and I'm purely being educational not mean fyi, in would like you to consider these and share them too.)

1) If the baby were a "part of the mom" it would share the same genetic code. Each cell however in the babies body has a distinct code different from the mothers.
2) Human embryos are not independently generated by a woman body. Meaning, she needs the sperm to fertilize the egg, and begin the genetic construction process.
3) In MOST cases, the baby has a different blood type than the mother. Since the human body cannot function with 2 different blood types, it's certainly not the mothers blood.
4)It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person.
5)When the embryo implants in the lining of the uterus, it emits chemical substances which weaken the woman's immune system within the uterus so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by the woman's body. Were this tiny embryo simply "part of the woman's body," there would be no need to locally disable the woman's immunities.
6)A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides.

Those are just a few examples of how the unborn human being is not just an "appendix" or "collection of cells, like cancer."



No, it doesn't mean a fetus is "a cancer" either.
But I'm a smart and sentient collection of cells.

Only a good feminist is a dead feminist

lol wow. what a fucking tard.

If a fetus is actually someone's body, then why does it not have the same DNA as the rest of the body? Also, if she says anything about masturbating being akin to abortion, then tell her it's your body and your choice.

Or I can tell her to fuck off.


No, you're thinking Jews.

I need fresh rage material.


Well human beings are a cancer soo



Comment is probably some anti-feminist faggot making another hilarious parody.

>Fuck you CIS white male shitlord


Israel secret intellegence service (Isis) they empowered women

Yeah, because non white cultures never ever enslave and persecute each other. Look at what wonderful utopias south america and Africa are. Every different tribe treats each other with love and dignity!

Clearly not a real feminist. Keep on raging though, faggot - it's obviously what you enjoy doing, despite you being in the wrong. Cunt.

why are you giving her the time of day? ignore her and her kind and they will die. its that simple. delete your face book and live your life.

I probably should. Gets me in trouble more often then not.

>a fetus is a collection of cells

yeah that's true