You can kill off three types of people to begin the master race go

You can kill off three types of people to begin the master race go

> dumb fucks
> sad cunts
> niggers

short, tall, and medium height people


Conservatives, Niggers, SJW's

actually, switch indians with Femenists.


if faggots and weeaboos are considered the same, then people with mustaches who drink craft beer.

i already took care of it tho

Niggers, Queers, and liberals


Mexicans, niggers, sandniggers

Hell yea. Ummm, let's see. Probably The asians because they are the most dangerous. Then the Arabs cuz they are second. Then Africans because yeaa. The coons.


Send all niggers back to Africa, send all spics back to Mexico.

Fucking dirty dark inferiors.

Actual answer:

Anyone with an IQ under 80

Jews, sandniggers, OP





Holy shit this image is so poorly made and just stupid and unfunny


> anything below 100 IQ
> SJW/Feminists
> Sup Forums-tards unless dubs.

sjws liberals redditors

>unfaithful people
>apathetic people

whoops mentioned redditors 3 times

Nah, it's mostly right.

yeah but you see all that killing will make people sad and the drugs they'll have to take will make them dumb and... well they'll stay white. but the other things will just keep increasing.

Liberals feminests and islamics

I wouldn't kill any of them because im not a sensative bitch

you just waited a kill dumb ass. what's a feminest? a nest of feminists?

seriously though what fucking feminists are not liberal?

you suck at the pick three to kill game

Can i just kill off everyone who isn't white

you sound like a nigger

what I'm saying it is it should be liberals, islamics and you

LGBT community

ok instead of feminists I replace it with faggots which should also kill off you

Straight people
Gay people
Any non binary sexuality


>cause of all wars
>god complex faggots


this is the most likely. virus, meteor, sun going crazy, religions getting nukes or an AI event.

bring it on. the jury is still out on if the humans should even be saved or not.

Gang Members

Trump Supporters
PC Master Race

Magical thinkers. Don't really need to go any further than that. Kill off everybody who believes in mysticism, extrahuman agency, and the healing power of crystals and the world gets an 80% population drop, and the people who are left are sensible enough to rebuild.




In that order

>extremists of any kind
>science deniers (antivax, anticlimate change, anti-evolution etc)
>The Dutch

The fuck is wrong with craft beer?


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white people
adult men
there I fixed it for you

AGW is a religion, not science you faggot