..This Country needs a fucking revamp.. #user

..This Country needs a fucking revamp.. #user

I don't get it, what's up?

Which country?

getting a grip? i assume you mean grip the wheels?

add a ramp? agreed either a loop or a 15ft ramp with a cool jump

flying cripple grannies would be amazing
i support this

user is mad they're doing a body check on a cripple in the airport.

Everyone gets to be treated like a criminal now because Muslims can't act like civilized human beings so we all have to be searched by a bunch of grossly incompetent highschool drop outs who couldn't find a bomb if it was rammed up their own ass in order to give idiots the illusion that the government can protect them from everything.

You're goddamn right it does.

First, we have to close our borders and profile muslims to oblivion.

Trump 2016

If someone was going to smuggle something through security wouldn't using the most inconspicuous mule be the best idea?

The USA has become so pussified, it's arousing the Muslims. Isis smells blood in the water and this fucking country worried about transgender bathrooms. What the fuck.

Word the fuck up

Omar Marten was profiled but they stopped because they couldn't find enough evidence against him.

aren't paramedics paid whether or not they answer a call?

There's absolutely no basis to your statements. There's just as many right wing hard asses in this country as there ever was, if not more.

Well that policy needs to be changed instead of the Constitution. Government so worried about being politically correct they completely overlooking anti-terrorism. The head of CIA explained it. And predicting, very accurately that more is to come. And these fucking yuppies liberals are shocked and blaming fellow Americans rather than face the music with some trace of courage

Are you fucking serious? The politics running our country is making us to be pussies. The hard ass, real motherfuckers are being blamed and deprived.

>trusting the CIA

I'll take my chances with the terrorists trying to behead me, thanks

I'd listen to the ex head of CIA before anyone in office. Even then, let the terrorists come. Then everyone would wake the fuck up

We cannot decrease national security when we have a group of tyrants wanting to reign fire down on America.

That was fucking beautiful

What you're seeing is politicians pandering to very vocal minorities. I don't look around and see a majority of genderqueer pansexual trans people walking around. I see far more crotchety right wingers like you complaining about how this country's gone to hell, and no one believes in god anymore even though the vast majority of this country is Christian.

I went on a trip to Miami with a few friends last month, and he managed to get a knife to go through the scanner both on the flight to our destination and almost got it through on the flight back home. He got caught because he brought a couple of water bottles and they had to search his shit.

TL;DR: Domestic airports ain't shit.

I almost always bring my handgun with me on the plane.

plz nerf america, he's able to 1 shot anyone, I think the biggest killstreak is like 50 kills.

In case some terries are looking to get froggy?

You mean the government can't protect me from everything?

Better give it more power.

The media has you brainwashed bro. The isis threat is minuscule to none. You have a better chance of being bit by a fucking shark. Get a grip on yourself.

Or killed by a cop.

And by the same token, mass shootings aren't a reasonable concern either.

I agree. I carry a cm9 just for shits though anyway.