When people honestly think if people had guns at Paris or Orlando they'd be able to end the fight immediately

When people honestly think if people had guns at Paris or Orlando they'd be able to end the fight immediately

And it's retarded to think your mall ninja ar can take down a drone, or a tank

Other urls found in this thread:


And I'm not so pussified I need a gun, unlike you redneck faggots

So defending yourself is being a pussy? Nigga what the fuck

Defense from who? The government?

Protecting from what?

I love you for trying

but Sup Forums is too edgy for common sense topics

>there is no hope here

>I don't need a gun
>my safety is not my responsibility

I guess you're scared of big brother then. Fuck off

>definitely not bait

>implying shooter was bullet proof

>implying it would have to
>implying the goatfuckers aren't doing just that

>implying anyone cares what you think
>implying target shooting and hunting aren't a thing
>implying you have to need a thing to own it

Obviously since there has literally been 900 shootings since sandy hook there's a reason civilians shouldn't own guns

Listen, I just want guns to hunt and shoot squirrels getting in my bird feeder, leave me alone

Others want them to shoot up schools.


>criminals will follow the law

>implying that matters at all

People kill people. You gunna take knives and bats and cars?

People using a thing for bad doesn't mean you can take it from everyone else. You can't take something because someone might do something bad with it.

Get off your high horse, you're going to kill the thing riding it that hard.

Yeah but it'll reduce the amount of weapons that can be stolen from legal owners.

And Australia

Then something should be done about these mentally ill people. They were suppose to be doing research on it but it was blocked by congress or something.

If guns can't end a shooting rampage, why call the police then?

seems to work for the taliban and vietcong

The element of surprise counts for a lot when one bullet kills.

Yea, it'll also drive the market for illegal weapons into a frenzy and encourage smuggling.

Everybody shooting is called a "black nightclub".

>ITT more 12 year olds complaining about guns r bad
Guns don't kill people billy, people do.

Criminals will get them anyway so let's impede the legal owners.

But there are instances where someone shooting the shooter creates mass confusion which ends in more people dead

>And it's retarded to think your mall ninja ar can take down a drone, or a tank

There are 100 million gun owners with 300 million guns. They may not work against drones or tanks; but they work real well against CEOs, lobbyists and bankers.

That does nothing to erase the fact that the average death toll is lower. Stop.

Name one example where the shooter getting shot was a bad thing.

Don't engage in that side of the argument. It takes away from the meat of it. You don't even need to need the guns to have enough justification to own them. That sentence is always present in gun control arguments, and it's bait. It detracts from the real conversation.

Yeah but the tanks will be brought in and will be unstoppable

From a Threat? Do you know what a Threat is or do I need to give you a link to Websters?

If we go buy more kike guns, kikes win.

If we let perfidy bolsheviks take away gun rights, kikes win.

If we get scared and use guns in irresponsible ways and have to hire lawyers, kikes win.

As planned.

Whatever might be Threatening your life or someone in your proximity. It's a tool for a job. Can't figure out if your trolling or have the IQ of my 4 year old sister.

Remember the goatfuckers are doing just fine. Faggot. Not to mention military might will be diminished in the event of an uprising because a portion of the grunts will defect if it comes to killing their citizens (especially the ones who agree with them - since many military members are pro gun)


So you think American soldiers are prepared to start slaughtering their own people in the streets?

If that happens then the defections start coming fast and heavy and civil unrest turns into a civil war.

If we use guns responsibly, like civil human fucking beings, everybody wins.

So you really think if we outlawed guns all of the sudden the US would just transform into some utopia full of unicorns and liberals riding rainbows. Yea... Outlawing stuff works really well. It doesn't promote underground black market criminal enterprise or anything. Please I urge you to consider suicide.


Wild animals eating my livestock.

>He hasn't been paying attention to all the insurgencies the United States military has fought and lost in the last fifty years

All hope is not lost


I think for Paris, armed civilians would have meant less bloodshed. Orlando could have been handled by 1-2 well trained armed security.

As for fighting armies, you would be better off learning chemistry and biology and applying that knowledge than running around with a gun like a headless chicken.

I sure would love someone to produce some stats on how much of the gun crime happens with legally owned guns in the first place.

It'd be nice to see a list of all the times mentally ill dave smith, ex con tyrone and tali fuckboi bin shittin in the streets whos on a watchlist somehow get through the background check portion of the gun app. That seems a bit fishy to me.

How the fuck does that make sense? If he kills him then guess what, NO MORE SHOOTING, people might be confused but just being confused is better than being full of holes.

user. He is literally making the argument that lawful gun owners would hear a shot, and immediately begin also peppering the room in a panic.

How he is making that argument while also sucking a fat cock and licking the windows in his room, I'll never know.

libtards: why do you need guns?

law abiding citizens: protection from tyrannical government


law abiding citizens: well what do you think about trump?

libtards: he's basically the next hitler

With you brah. All these gun toting fucks are so fucking scared all the time. I live in a big city and have for a long time, supposedly one with high crime rates. I stay out of the bad parts, sure. But I have never needed a gun, have never been in a situation where a gun wouldve made me safer. And all my friends and family, no one has ever been the victim of a violent crime (maybe some bar brawls.) But I do know a guy that almost died from a gun accident as a kid, permanently scarred him in the face.

Orlando fag here, yes I'm a dirty rican. I live on the nicer side (East Orlando) but even in my nice neighborhood we have break ins. I have a cw permit 9mm glock, a shitty ar15, and a .45 glock. Not that I am waiting for someone to come in and try to break in, but I am ready. I do agree with OP. But that closet faggot chose an easy target. Gay dudes are not going to confront or try to stop shit from hapening. Guaranteed if thag sissy would have picked a different spot, he would have been stopped a lot faster.

Don't shit yourself. Mass civil uprising/revolution/Civil War II WILL happen in this country. We might be old men, or even long dead, but if not our children then our grandchildren will DEFINITELY live to see it.

> Pro-gun user reporting in

Gentile dogs are less than human beings, according to a talmudic kike named Jesus.

And for 2000 years the kike plan has been to rape, infitrate and undermine all gentile populations... through perfidy, usury and well poisoning lethe... now most gentiles are jobless and living in trailer park ghettos, mimicing spic machismo and kike "stop snitching" mobster culture of repression and denial... now we are gonna make sure everyone gets "strapped" with more kike guns before they go to the club to chest thump and drink alcohol...

sounds like uberkike levels of bad suggestion theater and emotional manipulation self destructive propaganda

>once again implying that you have to need a thing to own it.
Protection is not the only reason faggot. Put down the starbucks, take off your suspenders, grab some bleach and start chugging.

>I live in a big city
It's a different way of living in the boonies, bud


>implying everyone who wants a gun is poor and macho
>implying responsible owners can't exist

That's the whole argument? Honestly? I'm a passive middle income dude with a steady job. Don't drink. I target shoot for fun.

If no responsible owners existed, everyone would be fucking dead. There are millions of guns in the hands of citizens.

>liberal mindset as in you

Yea and everyone who bet on that war lost their shirts.

Around 1,000,000 Viet Cong died. Perhaps you mean a few hundred were left.

>Being prepared is inherently bad because it means you're scared
I guess im also a pussy for wearing a seatbelt in my car, huh? Or wearing safety glasses when im working with cars? I guess people at nuclear power plants are pussies because they wear hazmat suits.

Hipster sissy detected

So your guns have actually protected you, have actually been useful for your safety? I posed this question in Sup Forums the other day and it was fucking crickets in there. No one could give me an actual example of when they used their gun to stop a crime or protect themself. One dude had some videos of civilians shooting armed robbers but nothing first hand

I already covered the concept of not giving up our guns or rights to bolshevik kike perfidy.

This thread was about people having guns at a club, so I was obviously speaking about that.

Too bad you want to twist my words instead of reading them...

The levels of mental gymnastics I'm seeing on the left, especially in universities, is incredible. No matter how many conflicting ideas they simultaneously hold, there's no way to get them to realize it and reevaluate because the buzzword police just tell you it's hate speech to disagree then cry bully your argument out of the area.


Terrorist will always have a gun. If an equal number of trained gun owners had guns they could attempt to kill those muslim cunts

I personally have never used a gun in self defense, no.
I've also never set my house on fire.
But you're just downright fucking stupid if you think I'm gonna get rid of my fire extinguisher and wait for the proper authorities to show up in the event i may need it.

This is the 1,000,000th time some faggot has missed the fact that you don't have to need a thing, or even use it to be able to own it. On top of that, this is still the anti preparedness shit. Just because you haven't to use it yet, doesn't mean you won't in the future.

This is an invalid argument. It means less than nothing.

No, I mean when you live in the boonies there's hunting, target shooting, skeet shooting, protecting chickens from foxes and people's hunting dogs that they just let roam around (assholes). But I've heard stories on the news about people shooting burglars.

What's your issue? Does it really bother you that people own guns?


I got lost in the verbose post and forgot you were that user. My bad. My point's that a made against the argument you weren't making still stand - while it's unfortunate that a subsection of the population is gunretarded, it's no justification to take them from others who aren't.

>hackable, FLIR can be hidden from throughly $5 thermal blankets, anti material/AP rounds, and not effective in middle east

A gun is not a safety tool. Its a killing tool. Guns dont stop bullets user, they fire bullets. A kevlar vest would be the more accurate comparison

>gun owners are pussies
>*fears people owning guns*

neoliberals have zero shame, never admit fault and deny you ever made a decent point... if they are disagreeing they are ignoring to try to silence your point like "mokosatsu"

these hypocritical techniques are taught at "birthright" classes and refered to as hasbara... the self justification used is the obvious inbred supremacism of the bignosed trAshkeNazi zionazis who "awww soooo smawwwwt"

Holy shit you're either:
A) Retarded
B) A Troll
C) Both A & B


Oh, so you're saying police don't need guns either in case someone's trying to fucking kill them? The Kevlar vest will make them invincible from a violent criminal aiming for the head or face right? So you're saying deal with the problem instead of get rid of it? Mmkay.

No, but guns stop other guns from firing bullets.

Are you retarded? What are you going to do if the gun is pointed at your face. Or the kevalr fails because you've been hit multiple times. Get out.

And once again, the killing tool argument is crap. You can do more than kill people with a gun - evidence? the millions of people that don't kill people with their guns. Get out.

I'd like to have a fighting chance
If you want to lie down and die at the first sign of trouble sure but don't force others to take that route as well by banning viable options for self defense

I'd rather die knowing I tried something rather then being unable to do anything

Even if the difference would've been just one extra survivor it would've been worth it imo

Arguing with sissies is pointless. Guns are not going anywhere, and ar15 sales will continue to soar. Let them cry all they want. At then end of the day, I do not wish to find myself in a situation were I have to use any of my guns, but if I am in a situation that requires it? I'll be ready.

It bothers me that its so fucking easy to buy a gun that has no other purpose than mass slaughter. Not talking shot guns or hunting equipment. I'm talking the semi automatic shit. But even a hint of some talk of the slightest tightening of gun laws and people fucking freak out about it. And it annoys me that people think they re so much safer carrying a concealed gun. Fucking half retarded people can walk around with loaded consealed weapons. It doesnt make our society safer. It makes it more dangerous.

I don't even have mine for defense. I target shoot for fun.

Incredibly tired of faggots with Swiss cheese reasoning complaining.

>what are strawmans
>implying that's ever happened

If you have a gun pointed at your face, having a gun in your holster doesnt do a whole lot except make the other guy more likely to unload on your face.

yea and the country is STILL a commie shithole

we got the bigger bodycount but it clearly didn't change anything

>implying a shitload of hunting weapons aren't semi automatic.
>implying it is easy to get automatic slaughter weapons legally
>implying it makes it more dangerous without an ounce of proof.
>implying again that target shooting isn't a thing

Come on. Are you faggots serious? Do some research for gods sake. At the very minimum only pay attention to the states with lax laws. Not this over reaching 'it's easy everywhere' crap. Holy shit.

I don't care if you don't like guns. I really don't care. It makes no difference to me. You can sit around and be scared of guns, or hate them, or try and belittle gun owners all you want. It doesn't make a difference to me.

Maybe your country doesn't allow it. Maybe you cannot own a gun. Maybe you think you can fight someone that has a knife with another knife, or run away, or call 911. I don't care. It's up to you.

TL;DR you're an idiot.

Why do you liberal cucktards think us pro-common sensers want everyone walking round like thebwild west?

Just some security guards would have greatly reduced casualties.

Why can you not make the link between cops being needed (they sure as fuck didnt get him to stop by asking nicely) and sensible precautions against a people who have been hell bent on killing us for the last 20 years?

>missing the point fucking again.
The argument is that others in the area are also armed fuckface. He shoots me in the face, then someone else gets him before he turns around to slaughter a crowd. You are wrong, and you are stupid.

What instances were those? Mass shootings occur in "gun free zones" (100%)

at that point you better pray your friend has a gun ready to shoot that guy in the back

Not having a gun allows you to shit yourself before he unloads on your face. It's a viable option, user.

>protection from tyrannical government
the government has tanks, attack helis, jets, drones, warships... good luck

>equating the range and lethality of a firearm to that of a knife
>gun nuts think this is a good argument
>these are the best arguments gun nuts have

Would you read the fucking thread before you post?

>Abandons. Mudslimes did fine against them. Vietcong did fine against them.
Those things are good against enemies that also have those things. Not gunna be super effective in urban centers and hidey holes.

All the more reason to be prepared if they go off the rails.

First of all, the military would defect and join a legit rebellion. Usually when some prick orders them to say, open fire on protestos.

Furthermore. All that tech doesn't seem to help much in asymmetric warfare. The West has been lead on a merry dance for over 10 years by goat fucking farmers with AKs and RPGs....

>implying mass stabbings don't also happen.
Did you read the arguments about owning them for other things? Which happens to be the main argument I make in the first place. bet you didn't because you're a faggot.

>13 colonies defeat the most powerful nation in the world
>Russia pushed out of Afghanistan
>US fails to conquer all of Korea
>US withdraws from Vietnam