I just found an idea to make pic relate look bad

I just found an idea to make pic relate look bad.

Go through his youtube channel and youll his last Mirrors Edge Catalyst Let's Play was last week.

Click on it and sort the commenta by 'newest first'

People are saying he stopped playing because it's only getting 1.5million views which is below the avg view of his other videos.

We can use this and beig it to twitter to point out how he now legitimately only cares about the money now. I don't know how he will react if we twitter bomb him about this but he will definitely respond to defend his position or give some sorry excuse.

We need a hastag for it too. Any ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:


lmao you're a cuck

Are you fucking retarded? Ofc he plays it because it's getting views. It's his fucking job. You don't see companies sell a product the customers don't even buy because "they don't care about money." Pewdiepie makes more than a lot of companies dipshit. Get off Sup Forums kid.

>>Pewdiepie makes more than a lot of companies dipshit

Has no clue what a company is

I know what a company is, I'm just stating that a lot of companies don't even make that much money in profit.

Doing my part.

People sont get pewpiepie has preached he does it for his fans. If we being this out in he open it will definitely make him look bad regardless if this is what youtubers do.

Doing this will highlight his greed which will in e end damage his image

What are you expecting from a youtuber? Passion? Vocation? Love? He just found a way to make money while sitting on his ass playing games, good for him

>I'm 14 and I want a personal army

You dont get it do you. On the surface he claims to care. But if he point it out he will be corced to defend his position.

Theres no way he can justify "im a youtuber and i do this for a living" excuse when mirrors edge was getting 1.5 million views. If he used that excuse it will look even worse foe him because it will highlight his greed which means his good image will take a hit.

lol are you really trying to start a Sup Forums thread to bring down pewdiepie? holy shit

why do you want that? why not let the dude earn his money? what's it to you?

Whos dat? I Dont go to youtube that much.

It wont being him down. But it will make him look bad for a little while. Curious to see how he will defend his position .

Theres no way he can justify "im a youtuber and i do this for a living" excuse when mirrors edge was getting 1.5 million views. If he used that excuse it will look even worse foe him because it will highlight his greed which means his good image will take a hit.

who the fuck cares? what is your problem?

Holy mother of autism


fucking cancer niggers

back to léddit

People don't care that he's doing it for money.

This is already common knowledge.

Same reason you waste your time on Sup Forums.org really.

Theres no good reason for doing it other than just because.

my browsing doesn't mess with some guy earning

>someone is doing his job
>"only in it for the money"

What a silly nigger you are.
Fuck off

That would be nice I'm tired of this dude being in first on youtube. Although I doubt he'll lose very many subs.

Why are you giving Felix shit? Let the man put out the content he wants out.
You're acting like he has personally betrayed you.

OP's probably a kid who "outgrew" him.

fuck off edgelord

When it comes to youtube, he already has everything. Why would he defend himself? Its not like he suddenly cares about viewers.

Thats not the point though. Lets just see how he will handle the damage control just for lols

Pretty embarrassing OP

>I'm tired of this dude being in first on youtube
What in the fuck does does that even mean? If you don't like that he's popular then get over it. You don't have to watch him.

>produces something that doesn't make much money
>stops producing it

What a fucking piece of shit money whore, right guys?

Holy fuck you turbocuck 13 year olds. Why the fuck do you still care about PewDiePie? Even if everyone noticed this nobody would fucking care because nobody would've watched those videos anyways.

You merely highlight an irrelevant difference.

Make a ytchannel. Make it good, get more subscribers. Problem solved, he is not first anymore and nobody gives a fuck about you.

Because, damage control

Who gives shit what pewdiepies doing, its not like him doing his job hurts you in the first place. Even if I don't like him I'm not gonna try to make him lose his method of earning money.


What damage control? Do you really think he will care about a few less subscribers? He doesn't cares about youtube and his viewers now, why would shitting on him change that?

Tip that fedora harder why don't you. In the real world fucking with a guy's earning is a relevant detail

Go die in a fire. OP is Cancer.

>implying a few faggots commenting on his video and twitter about a video series not getting more vids because only 1.5m views does any damage

who fucking cares

holy shit

Malcolm is that you??


fucking kill yourself underage shitter

Worded like a true twelve year old

>pewdiepie works and expects money for it
he changed, he changed

It has nothing to do with subscribers you fucking slow cunt. Jesus christ ive already explain it to you twice before. Are you serious my friend?


is op mad because his youtube account didnt get any subscribers? Fucking kill yourself


Not really. We're pointing out a fact. That he stopped making a video because 1.5mil views wasnt enough for him.

Theres no way he can justify "im a youtuber and i do this for a living" excuse when mirrors edge was getting 1.5 million views. If he used that excuse it will look even worse foe him because it will highlight his greed which means his good image will take a hit.

Repeating myself for the third time. Wew

R u a retard?

Not your personal army, faggot.

He's not going to give a shit about some slacktivists either. You know what damage control will happen? Nothing! Because he'll ignore it since it won't matter.

>Implying Felix has to justify himself
It's his channel, not yours. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

How the fuck will this make him look bad? Everyone knows he's doing it for money, it's his job. Do you legitimately think that he (or anyone for that matter) would waste his time making 1-2 videos daily to entertain a bunch of autistic 12 year olds if he didn't get any money from it? There is nothing wrong with doing something for money, you fucking idiot. It's his YouTube channel, he could delete every single one of his videos if he wants to.

This. And the cunt's still trying to argue about it.

Clearly you havent seen his videos where he keeps defending his position whenever his image is on damage control from wven the slightest shit.

You're fucking daft aren't you? Even if it's getting 1.5m it's still coming up short from his usual view count, so he's losing money. The "I'm a YouTuber and I do this for a living" is completely justified.

There's a difference between being greedy and making smart decisions

Wow.New rule of b,we cant raid well known people now.

OP is 12 and doesn't understand how money works.

Spoken like a true subscriber. Why are you brining morals and ethics into this? Do you even know what this thread is actually about? This thread isnt about your personal beliefs friend.

>OP is a disgruntled child fan confirmed
No, because I never watch his videos. And again, this whole idea's fucking retarded.

No duh he doesn't play it if it doesn't get views why would you if he kept uploading it and it didn't get views that means people don't like the content.

This. It's surreal people are giving up before even trying. The problem with b today isnt that people are making excuses to not even try. Its that theyre literally defending the other person. They think he intention of op has some moral or ethical ground to it. Theres too many uppity ppl on b these days

I'm not subscribed to PewDiewPie. And when did I bring up morals, ethics, and my personal beliefs?
Sounds like your just buttmad I don't agree with you.

Then you wouldnt know whether or not it works because you sont wven know how he operates. So youre defending him simply because you feel this hread has anything to do with having a moral cause. Which it doesnt

Exactly what i was thinking.

This is so gay, kill yourselves

Says the (former) fan who's trying to "damage" someone's image.

Fucking christ, I know the whole summerfag thing is mostly a myth, but I cannot wait for you to go back to fucking school, kid.

This thread contains to much fags. Buthurt peeps and underaged as fuck.

Okay my guess is, OP liked the mirrors edge videos and now he has sworn autistic vengeance on pewdiepie

You're fucking retarded kid. Nobody wants to do this shit because nobody cares about the fucking outcome. This is boring shit to anyone over 14 years old

You dont bring up morals to prove you bring up morals. You bring up morals through the contents of your post. Are you this dense? Are you obvlivious to the contents of your own posts?

A better question would be why you give this much of a shit about pewdiepie in the first place. Did he sleep with your mom or something?

I never said anything about morals, you retarded underaged faggot. Holy fucking shit. August can't come any sooner.

>optimizing your effort to produce maximum profit
>Things 14 y.o.'s have literally zero understanding of or motivation to pursue

fuck off, OP. who gives a shit if he wants his videos to get more views to make more money per time invested in a video? he's one of the few proles to rise out of this hellhole we call the rat race. You'll understand one day, unless you end up a NEET faggot like most of Sup Forums.

Are you autistic

Okay. Then tell me. Why raid PewDiePie?

This. He even confirmed that he watches his videos.

>I came to Sup Forums expecting edgy raids and hackers the post

What's that smell? Is someone stirring up some cancer?

Cue moral and ethical ground of reasoning. Christ.

Not your personal army, etc....

OP, twelve years and 9 months ago, your mommy should have swallowed.

Literally addressed your post 3 or so posts up. Literally.

>I'm 13 and I learned these words in school before summer

Does he have an obligation to make videos that people don't want to watch?
If no, shut the fuck up you autistic fedora tipping waifubeater and get a life.
If yes, shut the fuck up you disease ridden communist buttpirate and get a life.

are you seriously this retarded? pewdiepie makes basically pure profit, since he has little to no expenses. companies have tons of expenses and mostly barely make profits compared to their expenses in a %. this is speaking of most companies in general, and not just the big names that you know.

>no retort

You're just trolling at this point tbh. Are you a fan of pewdiepie or something.

Envious piece of shit. You must be fucking miserable. Only people that are fucking unhappy with their lives seek to damage the lives' of others.

Maybe he stopped playing Mirror's Edge because it's a shit game.

Could you do everyone a huge favor and end your underaged life?

Again youre using moral based arguments. Obligations is irrelevant. Christ what happened Sup Forums? Whats with all these talka of obligation and whats eit and wrong? Reddit tier tbh


Found the pewdiepie subscriber

Found the autist.

This whole idea is dumb and anytime someone points that out, you respond with some bullshit about morals because you have shit reading comprehension. And no, I'm not a fan because I find him annoying, but you are since you admitted that you watch his videos.

Fuck off pewdiefag

>I'm le edgy and don't have morals

There's no way to argue against not doing a shitty thing without bringing up morals, it's a right and wrong situation.

Your constant "moral arguments don't count" is just proof that you're a fucking 12 year old that doesn't want to be told he stupid