Sjw hate thread

Sjw hate thread

That bitch looks like my big toe


"ignorant doctor" lol ok

Bump cause I enjoy this shit

>you can be born a different gender, but not a different race
Literally makes zero sense using their """"logic""""



Lmao, yeah, witches are real. But they aren't pointy hat, all black wearing, green skinned spell casters. They literally grow herbs, carry crystals, and are religiously Wiccan. Not any less crazy, but dressing up as an angel or devil isn't offensive to Christians.

Niggers should all be naked because wearing clothes is cultural appropriation of white people


What's wrong with wanting Social justice? Serious question. I'd take liberals over conservative assholes any day of the week.

Ban this cuck.

Why doesn't everyone do everything in their power to trigger these people into killing themselves?


get the fuck off of Sup Forums


please raid her twitter


>oh no, he's spouting logic I don't agree with. Quick! Censor him
I thought you Amerifags loved free speech? Or is that only when it goes along with your narrative?

Eat a dick cunt


Fuck u retard


Im honestly so triggered right now omg :(

Right? Can't someone just be a male dominant genderqueer aceflux polyamarous pansexual aromantuc lesbian transnigger celestial being wolfkin with self diagnosed autism, bpd, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, synesthesia, schizophrenia, and ptsd with Sailor Moon, Nikki Minaj, and Aphrodite as headmates who are all triggered by different things but prefer the pronouns "xer, xers and xerself," JUST violently protest gender specific bathrooms, women shaving, having t spend MONEY on tampons, and anti-abortion activists in the name of feminism in peace?

Shut the fuck up. You aren't a special snowflake and making up words won't make you a special snowflake. You cheekie twat

If what they're doing doesn't directly effect the freedoms and happiness of others I don't see a problem. Seriously, how does someone being Trans effect you or anybody else in anyway whatsoever?

Nice, you sure eviscerated that strawman. You sure you're not projecting a little bit.

I'll go ahead and retroactively change that to "strawPERSON" so you have less fodder for your little ironic political correctness schtick

Yeah i think its pretty safe to say they were just being sarcastic

Because it does affect the happiness of others. Sjws are fucking annoying and they keep everyone from having any fun at all because it "offends them"

What specific fun things have SJWs prevented you, specifically, from doing?

Boo fucking hoo.
>I can't be edgy because a bunch of randoms on the internet said I can't

Reddit is that way faggot

>implying reddit likes SJWs

Reddit is not liberal. I started using Reddit last year and have since become more liberal because of it. The amount of racist and discriminatory propaganda that gets posted on the site without consequence is totally fucked. Reddit is full of backwards inbred extreme right wingers.

Um i dont know we could start with having a sense of humor


So you no longer have a sense of humor? How did the SJWs take your sense of humor away form you?

Holy shit dude, I wasn't even setting up bait and you went right for it.

>a sense of humour
The best jokes make everybody laugh

Are you stupid or are you stupid? Anytime you make a joke or even speak your mind (especially on social media) one of them gets butthurt and causes drama

strawBEING because remember, not everyone is a person, some are dragons and demons. Have respect for your otherkin out there ;)

Ok dad


>No difference between a Jew and a pig...

This person is so beyond stupid. How can they not see the ultimate irony in that statement.

So you're basically triggered by other people being triggered by you?
>social media
Get off the internet. The internet accounts for the lowest common denominator of society. It gives a voice to fuckwits of every agenda that otherwise wouldn't say shit in real life. This whole 'she' rhetoric is virtually nonexistent in real life conversations.

How does that equate to you being deprived of your sense of humor? You still have a sense of humor no matter how worried you are about what people will think of your jokes.

You really need to start making sense.

Well at least they got the part about a jew and a pig being the same right.

It corrupt communities by pandering to the smallest of minority's and shutting down the majority the ones who hold society together

Teenage edge lord confirmed.

i'm a liberal, but hate speech is part of free speech. the first amendment isn't there to protect popular speech, it's there to protect UNPOPULAR speech. while being racist is backwards, counter-productive and pointless, if someone wants to be a rcaist, that's there god- or whomever-given right. you can't make someone a criminal for the opinions they hold. As long as they don't act violently towards someone else or their property, people can believe and think and say whatever the fuck they want.

>restating the point of the joke without adding anything to it

How often do your friends, assuming you have any, tell you that you talk to loudly or too much?

I decided to research what gender actually was, since I could never properly define it, and Im actually kinda convinced by the SJW thing of gender being a spectrum and whatnot. Because the definitions I found were all so nonsensical and had no actual application to real life, them being right really didnt change anything. Assuming the wikipedia definitions were correct, people seem to assume sex and gender have the same definition, while gender's actual definition is something completely different.

But the entire concept of gender made about as much sense as if I said the new label was ;laksdas;lkajd, and within that label, some people were mbkdfml while others are nkbbnvmbl. Its just a completely nonsensical, pointless concept at its very core. So they might be right, but they are right about some ridiculous concept.

Wait a second, rape isn't the victim's fault though

Ummm that's very easy to take as anti-Semitic

But this one is funny


Double hard bastard boy

You must be a fat pig on welfare

I'm 25 and since when is the word pandering considered edgy?

Wait until she finds out about the second tower

Fuckin kek

Lol no. Comes from old english cniht which means servant.

flawless argument

>hate speech is part of free speech
Stopped reading right there. Just because the US has a the first amendment, doesn't mean the rest of the world has. I'm from Australia, we do have free speech lords, but that blocks out any racism and bigotry, as it should. You shouldn't be able to label people with discriminatory terms and hide behind 'muh freedom'. Censorship is wrong, but you shouldn't be able to abuse people with verbal assault and get away with it.

Nobody ever says that it was the victims fault though

No guns, no freedom of speech, no fucking backbone.

Yup but rest assured that if I break my ankle tomorrow I can go to the hospital and not have to pay a dime.

>censorship is wrong.
>argues for censorship.

guns + bigotry = backbone

This is why the rest of the world doesn't like the US

The problem is that when you start limiting people's speech by calling it racist then you have things like people who say criticizing Obama is racist or criticizing Hillary is sexist to shut do opposition

>censorship is wrong
>but we should do it anyway

ok. enjoy your mental slavery.

Not being able to call a homosexual a faggot and get away with it isn't censorship.

His Twitter, thats where you faggots have it wrong, one shouldnt go along with their mental problems.

You're right. It's called fucking elementary school.

trips checked

Spotted the virgins Sjw's

Holy shit, I love this one. Did the author do more?

Man, I am pretty damn liberal but if that's all you took away from that post, you're a moron.

Well, they got the jewpig thing right, though I'm sure it was purely accidental

Good point but that rarely happens here though. From a lot of what I read online that seems to be more of an American thing. You can say pretty much whatever you want just as long as it doesn't break any discrimination laws. Our immigration minster said a few weeks ago that all refugees are illiterate and he didn't receive any reprimands for it.

Strawkin thank you very much.
In all ways but physical, he is straw.

Why that nigga dressed like Geralt?

actually it is
: a person who supervises conduct and morals: as a : an official who examines materials (as publications or films) for objectionable matter b : an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (as letters) and deletes material considered sensitive or harmful

: one of two magistrates of early Rome acting as census takers, assessors, and inspectors of morals and conduct

: a hypothetical psychic agency that represses unacceptable notions before they reach consciousness

tl;dr: when you stop someone for saying something you find objectionable, you are a censor, and that is censorship.

Yeah, but hipster witches don't do any of that shit so shut the fuck up.

It's called playing devil's advocate. If you don't like when people do that, there's a lovely website called reddit where you can join a circlejerk community and silence anyone who disagrees with you.

>verbal assault


Sexual preference and gender aren't the same thing.

What does that have to do with people posting hate speech on a privately owned website?

Man I could piss this bitch off real fast with my knowledge of Wicca's history. It's one of the bigger bullshit religions in the world. It's literally cherry pickings from all the various pagan beliefs so that it has all the "oh that's so cool" stuff and none of the animal/human sacrifice and other fucked up shit pagans did and do (assuming real pagan sects still exist in the world Wicker Man style)

Is it illegal in your shitty country? You do it here, you become alienated by the rest of the country, but you aren't thrown in jail.

Calm down buddy I was attacking thr sjw's argument

Is discrimination illegal? Yes. As it should be.

Gotta get that sweet aesthetic my man

But the problem is when they do cause me to lose my freedoms, and rights, because they are affecting the political and justice industrial complexes

? Never said or implied they were. Plus sexual orientation has a considerably more clearcut definition.

You fail to see the slippery slope.

If you're able to ban hate speech, you can classify things that MIGHT be hateful as hate speech. Everything that is on the fringe of hate speech will eventually be classified as hate speech. Then the line gets pushed a little further. And a little further. And a little further. Next thing you know you aren't allowed to criticize Hilary's credentials for fear of being labeled as a sexist and being thrown in prison.

>inb4 "No one is going to go that far with it"
Yes, someone will. It will benefit someone to push for criminalization of hate speech to destroy a political/economic opponent.

You should never advocate for free speech to be eroded, under any circumstance. Basic human rights are always basic human rights and should never be compromised.

And these new hipster witches don't even do the Wiccan shit. They wear clothes with symbols unrelated to Wicca on them.

...that they should be allowed to do it? what do you mean? rights don't suddenly change their nature because a person's on a orivately owned website. what are you trying to say?