Non-porn webms

non-porn webms

Explain what is happening here please. I don't get it. Why does red shirt suddenly beat white shirt up? To look less like a fag to the other apes?

Other urls found in this thread:



they are probably beating him up because he is a fag and red shirt just lured him into the bathroom, fag got a little over exited and wanted to get to it right away.

Is this played backwards?



lmao i wish i could find some audio to go with that

jesus christ wtf just happened

kek, filename


This chick actually died after this didn't she?


Isn't it obvious? Um...It's typical nigg nogg shit?
The kind where someone is assaulted for no good reason?


yeah homie

If you're a sinner god sends his dark army to punish you.

heart stopping game

this isn't meth.
It's just some dumb fucking fad/crazy involving cutting off circulation to get all "fucked up"




Hmmm seems like the white shirt dude was making homosexual advancements and the red shirt wasn't aware. Though it's hard to tell because of the beginning.

Unless everybody is gay and he's upset because he cheated or something.


god, we did that shit in the 90's we called it the Pilot Game. Kids are still doing it.

But how could he not notice that he was standing behind him with his pants down. It also looks like red shirt had both hands against the wall. How do you take a piss like that?

Pieces of weave fucking everywhere

Where I live you can by alcohol at 16 to get all fucked up. Suck on that 'murrica.

this nigger is best nigger

I would love for her to lick my asshole whilst deepthroating my cock


What a cutie

BJ pls


You can in a lot of places in america dude, it's just illegal

was that a cop that beat that dude? or just some random guy dressed up?

Is this what it's like in japan? Fucking golden samurai just pop out of nowhere to punish delinquents?


I know, that's the problem.

I hope they could fix her cute nose to the way it was before.

>literally eating seeds on a train
>gets fucked up by cop

dead asf, filename

Have fun with brain damage!


Apparently this kid was a blind veteran from Iraq.


As it turns out it was all just a prank bro

full video with sound?

Is thera a video with sound of that?

He was just blind
Not a vet. They're Highschool students.

This is even better with sound:

Can monkeys get rabies?

>Not a vet. They're Highschool students.

Bullshit, they are outside the VA.




what the fuck happened

Why would you fight a monkey
Also why does it look like the monkey's winning at the end


ViperKeeper best Vipetkeeper

has a neat youtube channel


Which monkey?

I would much rather not have a bunch of drunk teenagers running around breaking shit and accidentally killing people. 21 is perfectly fine age to buy alcohol imo. It should never be lower then the age you are considered an adult where you live (so if it was lowered to 18 it would be ok but more troublesome).

And in regards to that webm, the fuck was with the armored dude? Hammer bro out of fucking nowhere. Dude was a piece of shit and deserved some punches but a goddamn hammer when he hadn't even started swinging yet is a bit overboard. Oh well, maybe he won't be a piece of shit stain on society next time he goes out.

Holy shit hoy don't see that in my country

They're not vets. They're Highschool aged kids.
This shit is old anyway dude.

>I would much rather not have a bunch of drunk teenagers running around breaking shit and accidentally killing people.

Exactly, you just have them shooting people.

Lol did that chink have a hammer?


Rule 1 in a fight: Never start what you can't finish.
Rule 2: If you're gonna fight someone bigger and stronger than you. Don't fight them in close quarters.

did her nose fall off?!

verily, you are sun tzu caliber



this video is all over the place now.
I just love how this demonstrates, even if you get plenty of hits in. Unless they are proper and really count, you're not gonna win.
That kind in teh black shirt got 1 good punch in all that confusion and fucking ended it.
Hell he almost picked him up and chucked him into the urinals.

oh no i see, it just was broken. it didn't fall off


shit is trill


Kid got warmed up of course full animal instinct fighting mode was gonna show up. Good for him

why thank you.



Brutality my ass. Idk what was going on with the person who was already on the ground but you don't just run up to the cops like that without anyone paying attention to you beforehand. Suprised she didn't get instinctively tackled down the second she approached. Police officers have to be constantly on guard for people who would run up and attack them without warning. Happens all the time. Bottom line is they wouldn't even have to be there in the first place if some shitheads weren't being shitheads in the first place. Don't want police disrupting your life? don't do shit that would bring them to you. Simple. If I was a police officer I would be on constant guard like that guy was. Ready to instinctively suppress anyone who approaches unwarranted. Being a cop makes you a target to some people and being to passive about it can get you killed.

I don't have it but there is a webm of an officer who stopped a suspicious person to check their bag and turned his back on the person as he checked it only to have the guy pull a gun on him from behind and put a bullet in his head. That's what being a trusting, passive cop gets you. I don't feel sorry for these people at all.

holy shit that looks intense as fuck, i would be scared like a little bitch.

These webs are great

What the fuck is happening here? Is he open palm slapping his ear or chopping him in the neck?


really, all that Red hated faggot could do was snatch the bucket and smack him with it?
I'd pick up a fucking chair.

No, this video is funny.

As fuck.


Ahhh can you smell that? Summer innit?

Especially if they practicaly live most of their lives in those close quarters. You're on their domain and at their mercy.

this is the real reason why cops act the way they do. It's not just because their cops with power/ego problems.
But if you were dealing with stupid ass people trying stupid ass shit all the goddamn time, especially fucking niggers aping out by the hundreds.
You would fucking slam anybody out of pure instinctive defense. Period.

Thats just hot water you dumb nigger

It wasn't acid it was hot water. He scalded the guy because he took the last hot dog. Not even kidding.

Yeah, but the story behind that scenario is that a black family was celebrating a member's birthday party at the apartment complex pool. However, because it was in the suburbs, and the location was predominantly white, they were basically the only black people in the community. And while they were there, they kept getting racial slurs and threats thrown at them, and they ultimately could not enjoy themselves.

When the cops came, they immediately went after the black people, before they got any information. That woman was running up to say something, most likely to the Black family that had just been attacked both by the tenants and by Police, and that Police office had to protect himself.

That part is funny. The rest is fucked up.

You two retarded niggers should go gossip in a DM on twitter about how cops are justified in everything they do.

Nobody gives a fuck about your soap box rants on Sup Forums, kill yourselves niggers.

True, i didn't really think about that.
I was too busy looking at this guy just immediately grabbing this faggot, holding him down and just hammering the shit out of him.

sauce please this is too much

is this a fucking worms??