Lets start a ReKt thread, post your best

lets start a ReKt thread, post your best











Gif literally from the 1690s. Fuck me update your folders.


Well atleast those chinks came for help and didn't finish them off. lol

yeah cuz they had fucking quality cameras you newfag..

Double Points, Score Multiplier Engaged

Holy fuck. Did they catch that guy?


>literally from the 1690s
learn the appropriate definition of the word before you use it. you literally are illiterate. cunt


not knowing a single word's definition doesn't make one illiterate user

you know theres a bigger rekt thread up right now right?


newfag, stop being butthurt

ok im sorry








That's a fucking vine, you moron.


Double kill!

Is he kill

It makes you look like an idiot, though.

Still funny, still REKT

Is he kill

can anyone explain?

nerve gas




trying to correct someones grammar, usage or spelling on the internet outs you as a rape slave and should be a hangable offense

whats funny wid drunk people, is that they force to behave like they aint drunk.

sauce ?


Nerve gas??

what a twat

Haha, love it