ITT: We post our first world/white people problems that make us sound like spoiled cunts:

ITT: We post our first world/white people problems that make us sound like spoiled cunts:

>Having to delete pictures twice on iPhones

When my text messages take more than 10 seconds to send it pisses me off.

When your car air conditioner is working but isn't working well enough.

When you download FREE music and it has advertisements in the middle of the song.

Having a panic attack because you can't decide what to order at cheesecake factory

Fuckin' kek. Well done, user.

You wait 10 seconds? I rage quit way before.

My penis is too small to satisfy an ass like this :(

When you're hungry and don't know what to eat because the fridge has too much food in it

She looks like a horse.

Also, when having the A/C on 76 degrees is too hot but 75 degrees is too cold.

Horses also need big dicks

kek. Been there done that.

When you don't have time to masturbate before going to your office job.

Throwing your laptop when your download speed drops below 1mbps

porn suddenly having to buffer while jerking off

When you get spare change back and have nowhere to put it.

who dat

i ran out of space on my 4TB external hard drive because i downloaded too much porn with my broadband internet connection

When delivery takes more than 30 minutes to bring food to your 3-story house.

Issat cupcake?

Mmm. Cupcake going from dogs to horses...

No sauce shit, just shut the fuck up

That's a big mare

The easiest one of all:

When the internet isn't working at all.

Starting statements with the word "when".

Driving 3 blocks and not being able to find parking

why do i have to pick a language at the ATM

When you have money but are too lazy to go grocery shopping so you just end up starving

When your girlfriend won't fuck you unless you buy her something

When no one cares but you.

That's just cuck problems

Because America is a country of immigrants

When you scratch your butthole, then accidentally pick your nose and it smells like shit all day.

Definitely not exclusive to the first world

why are there beggars anyway. Theres lots of charities to help them. gotta smoke gimme a dollar. Go to a charity, tell them I am hungry i got no smokes stick your hand out at a charity and stop demanding consideration from strangers. Get yourself connected and MAN UP

> My office needs a foosball table
> Flying to the other side of the world and buying new tech all the time really eats into my savings
> I have too much choice of things to do
> My hotel doesn't have a waterfall shower
> Hotels that have square toilets to be fancy are stupid, those things are awkward to sit on.

Having to throw away the k-cup after each cup of fresh coffee is annoying.

When getting more money than the average 19 y/o in denmark, but still dont have enough money to buy all the shit you want.


Usually they are people with criminal background that can only get terrible jobs if any.

That looks like a male to female operation gone wrong.

On a horse


looking to a stranger to provide for you is weak . I am tired of saying no to demanding twats who think providers are everyone they see. BEGGARS SUCK ASS

Having to clean out the fridge and throw away tons of food cause my fat ass just can't eat anymore. Murica!

Deciding which fast food joint to go thru at 3a.m. while im drunk and doing 90 down the side streets.

Fuckin' kek'd my dick off

Plenty of first world places without beggers.


I read the "clue" and instead read it in my head as that stupid fucking horn sound which I assume was your intention.

Nice writing bruh

I forgot to take my socks off before I got um the shower

My wife and I waste at least $20-$30 worth of food every week. The sad part is:
>It pisses me off every single time
>It makes me legitimately feel bad for wasting shit someone else would be perfectly happy eating
>I still do it every fucking week

Not sure if retarded or just too white to care.

When they dont make a sweet case for your new phone yet

When you get owned in a game, but can't blame lag because you gave gigabit Internet and a gtx 1080.

When your french fries don't have enough salt/have too much salt.

Great safari pictures!

I have to drive an hour in my $63,000 SUV to a job where I make $210,000/year. It's a long ass drive

What do you work as?

When you have to wait in a queue to buy a new headset at a store.

being self directed and self reliant is kind of civilized and mature. Maybe I am annoyed at the weakness of looking to others as so many stunted immature tards pretending to be adults do. MAN UP

When some asshole makes twice as much as you...

I have to drive 50 minutes in my $35,000 sedan where I make $48,000/year and I'm still an entitled cunt.

I hope, as an Americunt, that we one day call "lines" "queues". It sounds better and it's fucking fun as a motherfucker to type.

Fellow Americunts: type queue and tell me it's not fun to type. Do it.

I have to drive ~2hrs (one way)in a work van to work crazy hours and make $46k/year.

But if someone offered me a desk job across the street, making three times that, I wouldn't take it.

I'm a workaholic, I love it and hate it.
I like being around people I can relate to.
But there isn't anyone like that...
...except other workaholics...
...who are all working.

I think you get it.

>hairy nigger ass
why would you want to? I was about to eat breakfast and now I've lost my appetite. Thanks you piece of shit.

Exactly. I feel the exact same way. The limp dicks up on the sales desk at my work make small talk and browse the internet for probably 80% of the work day and I can't be "friendly" with them because I'm too busy... working.

Inevitably when I have time to talk to them it's the fucking 20% of the day that they're actually working.

I don't think beggars are on Sup Forums so your sound advice is wasted.

>too white to care.

I love this.

When my mom goes on a vacation and my sister thinks she can out-nag my mom by being even more of a nag.

Knock her ass out a time or two and she will shut the fuck up. I did it to my sister when I was 13 and she was nice as hell after that.

The funniest thing about you people is you don't realise that you're going to die just like everyone else. The best bit is that your spawn are just as self absorbed and fucking shallow as you so you're gonna die not feeling loved but alone and pathetic. Know that's top Keks

nigger spotted

>virgin neckbeard detect
>white masterace

The funniest thing is that you don't realize that still applies.

>Too white to care

All the hate from the world (mostly various types of niggers) doesn't bother me; I'm white.

Unless you're white, you just can't understand.

And if you are white, then you're just lying to make others feel good, so they'll support you being white even more.


I hate breaking $100 bills because it gives me too much change

Yeah you say you don't care but you do otherwise you wouldn't respond. Don't get me wrong without white people we wouldn't have white women which us niggers love to fuck cause you're such beta cucks.

you respond every time i say nigger

you dumb nigger, i'm LMAOing at your life.

it's not. youre wrong.

When fucking motherless server is to slow to come up with my Internet speed at loading 6 vids at once

It's funny how all these beta white boys get triggered when anyone mentions there women were probably dicked by a black man before they married their fucking beta ass. I probably fucked your mum before she married your dad so you would've tasted my dick when she shat you out of her sloppy pussy fam.

never stop replying, you triggered nigger

I need to control my fapping.

gone 3 days.

seriously thats my biggest problem, got a nice job steady job, not physical labor or exhausting. My biggest problem at work is i work IT and i have social autist except for a rare few coworkers who worked outside of IT before joining IT.

hows my dick taste? if you don't know ask your woman, she'll know.


>when you cant decide what to make for dinner so you just order a pizza instead
>then you spend 45 min on the pizza before realizing you could make the very pizza you ordered
Or when you cum on something and forget that it will smell if you dont clean it

I cheated on my wife, but got a pretty solid side piece moving forward. She wanted to make sure I had all the glittery shit off of my face from her eyeshadow so my wife didn't see before I left last night.
She's older and heavier than my wife, married fags will understand why that doesn't matter.

This is absolutely hell

>beta cuck
I know who I'd rather be.

liberals the movie.

kek die commie bastard

when OP is a massive faggot and you can't punch his face through the monitor


Seriously? Why?

>iphone, not even once

you're a nigger




When a Sup Forums thread 404s before you get the see the rest of the replies

That guy has a small dick

protip: she's not your gf, just a prostitute

When I'm browsing b on clover and an image won't load
