Miley Cyrus Bitch Thread

Miley Cyrus Bitch Thread....

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Would love to cum on her small tits



That's just funny right there.... I don't care who you are....

holy shit kek

>how to attention whore your way into being famous



somebody's samefagging

then post something dork....


lol i got nothin'

holy sh*****T where did you find that, where is the full one?

all i got sadly

only found on here months ago


It's fake, it's two different videos cut together. The pussy fingering isn't her.

>came for fake Miley nudes
>got video of a cracked out looking bird bitch slapping another bird with its butt

I feel like I won this clickbait

i know but i meant the full video, or is this everything there is?

Kind of sad how actual musicians dont get shit. Also, look at that sold out guitar player in the background in the first pic. He's like a mercenary who is paid to fight against his own army.

that fucking cunt is hideous. The sooner she dies from an overdose the better


seeing her naked is like seeing photos of naked nignogs in national geographic. there's nothing sexual about her, she's not feminine, she's just gross. she looks like a meth addled street walker.

true but i don't fucking care, tits are tits yo

woah. idk if i find this hot or not but apparently my dick does.

>tits are tits




>tits are tits
>what did he mean by this



>why are there skid marks on my seat!?

Ill bet you a nickle thats not the first big black thing thats been in her mouth.


is there a gif of this? lol

>No ass
>No tits
>No hips
Why do you guys like this again?

I find her face very pretty
if she let her hair grow out and gained 20 pounds
she's be hot as fuck again

would anyone else let her peg you with this?
>inb4 that's gay


nothing, absolutely nothing. her songs suck too.


For once I agree with all y'all! Hilariousum!


I predict she will be the first celebrity to publicly show her asshole

that's gay

There are no tits though

Good one,eddie


I don't mind her so much. Encouraging young girls to be sluts... I have no complaint

>Good one,eddie
Man, that is ex-fucking-ACTLY what I saw when in the UK! Bunch of rotten tooth, sweaty freaks!



I totally would. But it's gay. Pretty, pretty, pretyyyyy gay.
