Wtf is everyones problem with Trump? The Sup Forums i know would be all for some of Trumps ideas

Wtf is everyones problem with Trump? The Sup Forums i know would be all for some of Trumps ideas.

Wall isnt really a problem
Against mass immigration. Look at germany, sweden, and uk and look whats happening over there. Huge problem.
Racist? I wouldnt call trump a racist lmao. If he hates muslims thats not even being racist. Muslim is not a race. And i would say islam is a problem
He went on InfoWars and did a fucking interview with alex jones. Thats pretty rad dude. I dont think any candidate would EVER go on alex jones, crazy or not.
Was full on super establishment, worked with the clintons, was good for business. Makes sense. He said himself he is going against that now because he doesnt need to play nice for business reasons anymore. He actually wants to do good for this country. I see it in his heart.

He is getting shit on by the Media nonstop to make everybody manipulated to automatically hate him so thats a RED FLAG for me right there. WHY would they do that? There is always an agenda with stuff like this on mainstream news.
I used to hate him but i did some research outside of the fuckin news and completely changed my mind about him. Only thing is i DO believe in abortion and hes pro life so theres my only issue.

Everyone says Trump supporters are idiots and IM SURE some are those racist hick dumbasses but i see much more brainless sheep action with Clinton supporters.

Putin likes and respects trump. Trump respects and likes Putin. Putin is a fucking badass on some of his talking points therefore i pay attention to what he says.

Opinions?? Lets have a civil discussion.

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Fuck you faggot.

there is a shit load about him that really sucks and keeps me from voting for him. every week there are more reasons.

may not be able to vote for hillary but i'm sure as shit not voting for trump

I support trump. I think that many Millennials just blindly hate trump just because it's the popular thing to do once trump starts to do more advertising for himself then I believe that many will realize how much of a better candidate he is than Crooked Hillary.

> more advertising

yeah that's just what we need more shit tier trump commercials. holy shit you're dense.

Like what?

damn, she haaaaawt

oh come on. wait, let me dig out the list. it's old and the newest ones i haven't included yet.

Yea but problem is most people dont seem to be changing their mind EVER. I feel like people are willfully being controlled to think a certain way and they dont care to think differently. Its easy to say and think trump is a racist because everyone does. Its HARD to actually watch his rallies and watch his interviews and get to know his family and HIM as a person and to learn what he is really about.

Its easy to go on tumblr or facebook and just complain and say TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER. LITERALLY

By advertising I mean making Trump look better by having anti Hillary ads. There is a ton of stuff Hillary has to hide and scandals that she has been involved in

>he flip flops more than any democrat
>he lies as much as clinton, maybe more
>he’s not said anything specific other than a dumb wall
>he has zero experience running a government
>he has zero experience as a politician
>he’s proven incompetent in picking key advisors
>he’s set up and run scams like Trump U and countless others
>he’s switched political parties a half dozen times in his life
>he has ties to organized crime
>he wants to devalue the dollar to increase exports
>he doesn’t understand how the US debt works
>he’s said he would raise taxes
>he thinks americans make too much money
>he will hurt our relationships with allies, already has in some ways
>he will disrupt trade with other countries
>he owns property in other countries
>he spouts propaganda and conspiracy theories like they’re real
>he has tiny hands and gets defensive about it
>he pretends to be someone else
>he has a hair trigger temper and emotionally unbalanced
>he’s prone to getting revenge like a teenager
>he’s impulsive to the point of recklessness
>his love of drama is dangerous on a global scale
>he’s pointedly uninformed about many things, including economics

those "scandals" and stuff to hide is right wing propaganda, nothing more. everyone who's going to be swayed by that noise already is.

Oh yea dude. Hillary is on their tier of basically being a MOB BOSS. But shes "in" with the higher ups so shes never going to get prosecuted sadly.

Think about if trump did anything at all like that and what would happen to him if he did. He would get raped by everyone. But no one seems to care about hillaries scandals

The reason why Hillary wasn't raped is because she didn't do any of that bullshit either.

you fell for propaganda. it happens. dislike her for the issues you don't agree with, not this conspiracy nonsense.

Well i mean if people are attacking him from all sides, hell yea he gets pissed and wants to hit back. Because they are a bit unfair about it compared to every candidate ever.

And dude naaaah Clinton flip flopped soooooo badly on many issues. Was against gay marriage, suddenly goes and says she is for it. Lies and says she was never against it. Said while landing from a plane she was shot at and had to run to her car from the plane. Total complete lie never happened.

Those are major lies dude. What has trump really lied about? and what has he flip flopped on?

Appreciate the open dialogue here :)

Trump for President. Fuck Shillary.


here are some citations i keep in case people ask

Just wait until September or October I think that is when Trump will influence a lot of people.

But hey I reccoment this it goes on about trump's strategy for the election

He's a senile old man

Wait wait so your saying the contents of those emails are a conspiracy?????? Duuuuude hell no.
Multiple donor lists with her getting donations from out of the country which is a federal offense right there. Shes in cahoots with the saudis which is another red flag.

These arent conspiracies, and it gets way crazier. There are even emails about praising moloch, the god of that bohemian grove group. And these arent conspiracies bro.

>she sold her soul to a god named moloch

yeah, you're right. this all sounds very plausible. my bad.

One of the first thing that comes up when searching Hillary Clinton on youtube is a 13 minute video showing her lies with straight video:

I'm not gonna say Trump is perfect, but I think that he is better than she is.


ugh this nonsense again. you faggots need to learn what a lie actually is. jesus fuck.

what do these number have to do with the homosexual punishment? i don't get it. more importantly why are you pretending to care about homosexual punishment?

oh you must htink this will make gay people vote for trump.

you're the dumbest fuck on /b maybe

Yea thats another point. Trump is far from perfect. Some of his views dont align with mine. But atleast he understands the economy and the huge bubble thats literally about to pop. And by pop i mean severe financial depression for everyone. He said himself that he hopes the bubble pops before his presidency because then they will just blame it on him of course. Its unavoidable.
And he is against mass ILLEGAL immigration which i think can ruin any country

>And he is against mass ILLEGAL immigration which i think can ruin any country
everyone is against that idiot. no matter what conspiracies you believe in.

it just isn't a priority nor should it be.

I'm curious I follow milo yiannopoulos (gay trump supporter) I don't see what's so wrong with being gay and supporting things like border security from these countries that want homosexuality to be illegal and having people come in that will threaten their lifestyle.

Dude look up bohemian grove with your smartass sarcasm lol

>The Sup Forums i know
i stopped here

why the fuck is a cow on my screen

there are gay republicans, sure.

just like there were jews who helped lead other jews into the concentration camps.

Yea dude milo is hilarious and he bluntly states hard facts.


I know I love how he just get people to pop with his facts like this:

Well sir by that i mean the crazy depraved neckbeards that are racist as shit lol Or atleast say nigger/monkey/sandnigger/camel jockey a lot

Ive watched all of those dude. Pure genius. He is gay too so it makes the perfect feminist troll

>i did a classroom presentation on trump because i am a minority and bernie lost!!!! >:(


could only watcah a few seconds before shutting of this giant douche

i'm a republican you faggot. no way would i vote for him. or hillary.

sitting it out unless a conservative indy candidate appears

you'll notice none of the trump is a racist type of attacks in there. that's just as silly as hillary is a murderer. all dumb propaganda. focus on the issues.

Well I also think Milo would be one to change people's opinions on Trump and open that he is not what the liberal websites say he is (CNN, The Huffington Post, Time)

My philosophy is IDGAF what a candidate says. All of them are trying to get votes, and the usually end up in the center anyways so they can get reelected. What I do care about are actions. Trump has shown that he habitually jumps to conclusions. Ex: When flight 804 went down he immediately said it was terrorists. Not only did experts not finish their investigation, but no terrorist group took accountability. I get it, America is sick of the establishment. However, I can't bring myself to vote for a guy who thinks it's his way or the highway. He's going to have to take advice if he becomes president, and his ability there is marginal.

I respect your decision, but I believe that this election in general has showed many people how screwed up the establishment is.

Fuck it. One vote for one night with her.

he isn't really anti-establishment anyway. he's just pro-trump. he certainly won't hurt coprorations. he has like hundred of 'em.

Oh I completely agree. I actually liked that he called out the Democrats for having the fucked up super delegates situation. IMO: if he does become president, nothing major will change. If we look back to Adams and Jefferson we can see that this idea of one person ruining our country is false. People were scared piss straight when Jefferson came into office because he might've removed all of the Federalist ideologies of Adams. In reality a president can't just do things willy nilly, we have checks and balances.

I like this thread so far. Pretty civil right now.

I totally get you. Judge some of his actions.
Declines any donations from special interests groups
Has spend atleast 15 million of his own money.
Released a politicians phone number for the lulz
Bought Jeb bushes website when the domain wasnt paid for, again for the lulz. Everyone was automatically redirected to trumps webpage.
Went on alex jones. This i just respect a lot. IDK why. I just think thats interesting.

So far he seems like the kind of crazy i like.

Personally (and what's my opinion worth? I'm a stranger on the internet), I would categorize him as anti-estab. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel may have endorsed him, but I believe it was yesterday when Ryan gave the pk to other Senate and House members that they are not obligated to support him. Trump has definitely divided the Republican party because he's shown his perspective resonates with people. The Republican party has been trying to find the candidate that can reap in big votes. Now that he's here, they can't commit to swallow the pill.

Actually presidents now have the power to sign executive action orders to basically do whatever the fuck they want so yeeeeeeeeea it could be pretty bad nowadays.
I do think he will get things done though. All his life hes gotten HUGE projects done, with planning, and with ACTION. So i dont think it will be a president with just promises promises and promises like usually

just because people are distancing themselves from him doesn't make his policies anti-establishment.

he is derisive in what he says and does and most of the stuff that's bothering people has little to do with actual policies.

especially since, besides the wall, he's said very little abuot details of what he'll do if he's president.

they;re against stupid shit like congratulating himself when 50 people are killed. that isn't going away either. he can't help himself. best thing they could do is wrest his twitter account from him.

And I completely respect that. The thing I hate more than politicians is people fighting among each other. If anything it's you and me against them. When it comes down to it, I want my neighbors to defend my rights just as much as I would fight for theirs. Politicians come and go; no need to get angsty over them.

Yea dude agreed. Plus the people on the republican side are even attacking him on all major media platforms like FOX. So hes really going against all of those people with cards stacked against him. If that doesnt scream hidden agenda from the establishment i dont know what does.

yeah except it isn't against anything radical in his policies. he's just not conservative at all. besides skin color*, a tiny penis and racism there isn't much difference between him and hillary.

naturally the republicans don't like that. i don't like it.

*he's orange

YEA dude totally agreed on that point.
It just kinda pisses me off that now we have 15 year old faggots and college gender studies majors suddenly acting like they are experts in politics and act like they really have any clue whats going on in this world. It actually aggravates me

samefagging HARD itt