Serious question here Sup Forums, from a non-american OP, is Donald Trump a serious candidate in USA ? Like...

Serious question here Sup Forums, from a non-american OP, is Donald Trump a serious candidate in USA ? Like, will people really vote for this guy ? Isn't it just a joke or something ?
Not trolling, just really trying to understand how people can vote for him

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I masturbate every night while thinking about being taken by Trump's thick, hairy penis. Hearing him grunt and moan while he splatters his baby juice on my back would be heaven~

He is the leading Republican vote getter in the primaries and will be the party candidate.

Hillary will be the Democrat candidate.

Trump could win in November. He could be our next President. I would bet that Hillary will win tho.

What grade are you in?

He is losing a hell of a lot of support rapidly, so he may not secure the nomination at the republican convention. They'll probably end up nominating the Canadian instead.

I dont get the hair. How can he be taken seriously with that hair. I mean the guy is super rich, he could afford the best hair transplant treatment there is. Either do that or just crop it short and age gracefully. But that comb-over shit is just ridiculous.

he is technically a serious candidate, as in he has a >10% chance of winning the election, but there is literally no way he fulfills his campaign promises, considering multiple military officials say they just wouldn't do the things they ask him to do, as they are defined in both american and international law as war crimes (ie intentionally targeting the families of terrorists). also, if he does get elected, since the american left has been getting more radical lately, i honestly wouldn't be surprised if he just gets assassinated.

He is gaining more and more support, including blacks and minorities.

He's not that bad if you look at what he actually says and does instead of what the media says about him.

How can they support someone like him, like seriously, is there something I don't understand

>not posting about how Hillary is being investigated by the FBI, yet is still able to run.

Because they're American citizens with their own hearts and minds and no obligation to stay on the Democrat plantation

No. "what the media says about him" equals "what he says". The media doesn't even have to lie to make headlines with Trump. They never needed to.

That's a mystery to everyone. Especially when he is known to be racist towards blacks since the early seventies.

Ein serious question about Mein Drumph? How you dare ask, Shillarykopf?

Exactly. No one that bitches about him has ever even listened to him. Just out of context quotes and news cucks spinning everything.

It's all a game, OP. One thing you should know about American politics, is that it's more or less a circus of verbal acrobats and political clowns (politicians). Trump's erratic and downright insensible behavior is meant to essentially hand the election to Hillary. We're being played, and the world is being entertained. Don't take any of this seriously.

Amuriturds, the disgrace of all creation. Even worse than parasites.

>He is all over ALL major news and media
>Country controlled by media

It's how elections work in the US, one candidate is only there as an alibi.

the retard is high in this one


yes he's serious but no it looks like he does not stand a chance. he's fucked the republican party good. oh well. good riddance to this con artist piece of shit.

Yes to your first question, no to second. As a non American I can say wholeheartedly I hope that Trump wins, he's arguably the last hope for an ultra debt ridden nation that will collapse.

You've got to be really fucking retarded...

yeah arguably because the whole notion that trump will save the US or even that he wants to is just nonsense.

>one black person in the audience
>he must be getting more and more

total nonsense. you're a fucking idiot.

>keyword "retarded"
I won't even take this comment seriously, explain and argue or just leave kiddie

He say he will deport immigrants that enter America illegally, the media say he will deport immigrants. He say he will ban Muslims temporary from immigrating to USA, until there are no terrorist threat, the media say he will ban Muslims

>>I'm a queer Muslim half black binary transfluid semi asexual transracial gender fluid Hispanic Jewish Rabbi a quarter chinese, one third eskimo and I'm voting Trump

Let me guess, educated by the us public school system, no father in the home?

brainwashed cuck


I think it is because everyone knows the system is corrupt, and he is not a career politician

Yeah, and

As someone with an Economic background I highly doubt you know how healthy the American debt system is right now.

He's the last hope to make it collapse... if anything, a vote for him, is merely a vote to "burn it all down" which doesn't surprise me. Considering most people that would vote for him are doomsday preppers hoping for a cataclysmic system collapse.

Except 16 year olds can't vote... which btw is the majority of his twitter followers, kids under the age of eighteen.

bah ha ha ha ha

apparently not

Every country has the government it deserves. Joseph de Maistre

Idiot gringos who vote for Idiot Trump deserve him. And the rest of the world will take advantage of his idiocy. Five bankruptcies so far, right?

The black person is defending Trump.

He's the Obama of the right wing leaning retards of America
They think something will change once he gets elected, then, assuming he is elected, it's just the same old bullshit as always

^ this
People are tired of not seeing change in the government.
If people want real change, why would they ever vote Bernie/Hillary?

The Jew person is defending Shillary.

Here's the original post without the assistance of Google translate
>Cuz Muricans muh feelings don need no booksmarts fuck ya Bama

This is him being blatantly racist.

Btw the judge is from Idaho, born American. He can run for president.

Here's the twitter post after the orlando shooting, where he congratulated himself about being correct about ISIS when really the guy was just a self-hating gay guy who shot up the place and then said, "I did it for ISIS", cause he didn't want people to know he was actually gay.

Only complete retards would back trump after these statements.

"She graduated from Highschool she's not a kid anymore."

That was the most cringe thing I heard in that video. The other things were just political B.S. between the two that doesn't really matter in the larger scheme of things. People have their own opinions.

Every empire falls under its own weight.

The gringos are now dead.

Yeah, except Obama knew how to carry himself in public and wasn't a complete moron.

Trump is a genius and will win in November.

Massa Obama, he done give good finger, dat fo shure.

Not even Paul Ryan, head of the republican party, can defend him now.

All you can say is, "but hilary..."

And? And the media is literally misquoting him every single day, it's propaganda and it's fucking working. I live in Norway, and every single fucking young person I talk with, believes this shit. "OMG, Trump wants to deport all Muslims and he's a fucking racist". It's sad.

You're the type of person that giggles at the word "nigger" and says it over and over.

That kid was an inbecile and I wish he was demolished by someone who was really debate ready...I would love making that white washed 16yo boy cry.

nope, that';s literally what he wants to do eurofag

How is this misquoting anything? You fucking retard, it's him saying it.

Yea but how is it racist?

Trump is a *very* serious candidate.

What's essential to remember is all of the "Trump is Hitler!" and "He can never win!" stories are written by people with an explicit goal of stopping him from becoming President.

Note that at the recent Bilderberg conference (where the owners of the planet meet to discuss how to continue to control the world), their two highest priorities were

1. Stop Brexit
2. Stop Trump

What individuals say about Trump is mostly their own internal bias and hatred, projected onto Trump. Note so many comments like "He's all about hate" - and then instead of a serious discussion of what Trump himself might say, the anti-Trump forces simply attack, like a violent animal seeing what it thinks is a violent animal when what it's really seeing is its own reflection in a mirror.

That so many of the oligarchy - the people who have no qualms about enslaving and slaughtering millions of innocent people - want to stop Trump shows who the best hope for change is.

Race relationship have gone down hill in America because of his stupid remarks.

it's not. and?

He's a used car salesman. Americans are easily sold on xenophobia and they don't care about having their views held up to the faces.

Ironically or not that's how I view Trump supporters speaking.

Yea so the media is lying when they call it racist. And how can people vote for Hillary who lies about everything. She even used the wage gap as a talking point.

it's bigoted against an ideology; making blanket sweeping statements. I know you eurocucks have seen a few brown people around and you're freaking out, but that's what america is like everyday.

This is him being racist against mexicans:

I'm sorry that everyone isn't as white as snow over there anymore, faggot.

He's not an idiot he's a con artist. He didn't 'fall' into money any more than a preacher does.

Not everyone lives in the US, we have our own leaders to worry about

Mexican isn't a race either though.

>She even used the wage gap as a talking point.
I'll take stupid over crazy

So you're the guy from the first panel?

trump lies about all kinds of shit and flip flops on almost every single issue, even building the wall.

lies != racism you dumb faggot

I believe you are both in need of education, at a very basic level. A temporary measure to prevent Muslims (NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS) from entering the USA, does NOT EQUAL deporting Muslims who are legal American citizens. Do you not see the difference? Are you not patriotic enough perhaps?

No it's ultimate Sup Forums trollathon

I think to understand better you have to remember that the election process does not select the best candidate for a position, elections select the best campaigner for a position.
Because of his savvy media experience he was able to build a campaign around his brand, which is a non-PC asshat. Unfortunately this was more effective than a bunch of other much more boring asshats that were also running.
Trump is not the best person to lead our country, and neither is any other candidate who ran this cycle. We had a contest between morons on both sides of the isle.
The best leaders are busy being a helluva lot more productive than running for politics.

You'll take the corporate interests candidate over the America first candidate?

No. There's much more that goes into to that, partly due to his education reforms, admittedly, but it's mostly due to media spinning shit, such as the ferguson riots, when the police officer was completely in the right. There's way more going on than just, "damn that nigger president stirrin' shit up" and it'll take a whole conversation to get into the details. I would be more quickly to blame this SJW/PC movement.

he's implied that when talking abuot how his policies would fix orlando shooting. that guy was born in queens, just like him

Im sure this question has been answered butt fuck it.
The reason tup has so much support is because americans in general are tired of candidates who blatantly lie and hide behind politcaly correct bullshit and pussyfoot around issues. So someone like trump whos loud,obnoxious and straight to the point, seems very appealing. Unfortunatly this means people are taking in his stupidity because they are desperate and think his ideas will work. Personally I want him to win becuase I think hillary will be a disaster , Im just hoping that when hes elected the government will be able to take his ideas and refine them.

> Fundamentalist Islam is different than Fundamentalist Christianity.

Correct, believing in holy books and thinking 'God' is on your side is whose to blame.


...Hispanics. How old are you, twelve?

it depends on the audience they're trying to captivate, trump riling up hillbilly retards with his empty speech is probably part of his strategy

Yea sure bud keep believing everything the MSM tells you.

How's that racist?

It has nothing to do with patriotism you dumb shit lord. Don't disguise your white supremacy bullshit for patriotism.

What Trump says may not make him a racist but 90% of his supporters are.

That should tell you something.

I'm asking how you can willingly vote for a thinned skinned little bitch who sues people everytime his feelings get hurt?

hate the sin not the dinner
behead the sinners
It's the same guys!

seen it with my own eyes shit for brains. you can't avoid it. he flip flops on everything sometimes in the same fucking speech. wake up. stop believing shit that people pandering to you tell you.

Yes there really are people that are going to vote for him. But not enough to win, most of us think he is nuts, his policy ideas are not only impossible but ridiculous etc.

Basically the only reason he is in the race is so that Hillary is handed the win. Now, if shit goes nuts and he does actually win, sorta doesn't matter and here's why:

The POTUS doesn't have a ton of power anyway. All these bat shit crazy things he is offering and suggesting, (that a certain demographic of americans support, ie the wall), are gonna have to go through the system, and gonna take a fucking act of congress to pass, which will never happen. Congress will never back the shit he is selling to the idiots that are buying it.

tldr: yes, some will, but the majority will not.

Good luck on creating a ban on a 'religion' since it would be thought crime. Innocent Muslims will get hurt and terrorists will just lie.

When did he ever do that?

Donald Trump is the most serious candidate running anywhere in the world. The USA is in shit and he is the only one saying he wants to get us out. Killary Clinton the butcher of Benghazi is hated so much by the people. The only people who don't like Trump are pinkos and illegals. Everyone else knows he is the only one running who doesn't deserve to die.

Everyone discounts trump due to his lack of political experience but what they forget is that business is ruthlessly political. Professional politicians are just excellent at mincing words and lying in general. I think he will be a refreshing level of honest with everyone. He's already got Putin's approval for steel ca-hones.

The problem is everyone either a) doesn't know how government works in the least and/or b) want to be part of the group by mindlessly disliking him. We see these groups around, the meme popular aids skrillex and carl the cuck are examples of no-argument morally blind folk. They don't really know what is going on but have no where else in the world to fit in so they just follow the social energy of the group. "It's not okay to hate anyone, acceptance for all" minced with "All white people should be hated for their skin color".

I think Trump will be good. Different, but good.

Also, I am Canadian so this comes from a party which won't be all that affected by the president. Other than everyone gettin' all on Trudeau's cock with their "Oh wow, our PM is so amazing, poor US has their awful Trump President." even through Trudeau has so far been rather ineffectual.

many people have formed their own opinion that this guy will fuck it up less than the other republican candidates. some people want him to stick it to all the pc liberal fucktards.

Trump 2016 - he'll fuck you over less than Hillary

Hillary is shady af

>The POTUS doesn't have a ton of power anyway

People tend to forget this. Say he was to win, it would just end up being a "lame duck" presidency.

What has he flip flopped on exactly? Hillary used to be anti gay marriage and proclaims herself as a champion of gay rights. Sad!

It tells you to kill gay men. The fact you've become watered down is not because of Christianity but in face of it.

> Hey guys, we don't follow our holy book so our religion is totally more peaceful!

>hate the sin not the dinner

It's the American way!!

Hillary is a jacked up Lesbian. I want to see her in the gore thread one day.

Ya, his shit will be tempered in the house and senate, that's what they're there for. Hillary has a lot more experience manipulating them so she'll pass more long term destructive policies under the "mother knows best" big government mindset, since that'll increase power to the reps that are supposed to keep her in check.

I think its a cultural revolt against political correctness

Nobody cares about his plans for the economy or anything. They just like how he is open about being angry about stuff that should be okay to be angry at, like terrorists, the overflow of criminals from Mexico, and foreign countries that think they can take advantage of America.

One doesn't develop multi-billion dollar media empires - which themselves are merely components of the business-government-media entity that controls the world - without knowing how to produce effective propaganda.

If nothing else Trump's candidacy exposes how both the MSM and the American electoral system are corrupt, and exist not to follow the will of the people, but to control them.

(Good to see people outside the US can see this.)