Opinions on the talking to the opposite sex thread? Or some could call this a "game thread"

Opinions on the talking to the opposite sex thread? Or some could call this a "game thread"

I find that being nice is the only way to go, the stronger you come on, the worse. Even if a girl is into you from the start, getting overly sexual is a good way to turn something off.
Ever used tinder and had a girl agree to fuck you and the sex never happened? It happens alot because agreeing to do these things isn't hot, its boring and weird and unless you get her at that second it won't happen.
The best thing to do is be genuinley nice, and start with a "Hey, hows it going?" and allow the girl to be attracted to you by your casual unthreatening compliment.
If you're actually attractive (AND tall) being nice makes you seem humble anyway.
Be nice, and let the girl come on to you!

sauce on that image pls

fucking contribute to the convo you cuck

Femanon here agreeing with you. I personally prefer to pursue cause I need to take time to talk casually and get a feel for him. When he comes on too strong right away I lose attraction. I want to get laid too but I'd like to feel pretty confident that you aren't gonna murder me first.

I'm already confident enough i have to tools to win girls over with my looks height and personality. But tell me, do you find it drull if an attractive guy asks you how you're doing?
Do you expect some sort of highly intelligent conversation or shakespear-like diction?
Most of the time, i'm just out to shoot the shit.
Not even trying to be seductive.

But dance floor game is completely different, because i've gone up to girls on the dance floor and asked them how they're doing and its completely different.
Then i watch as unnatractive guys steal dances from hotties just because they approach confidently and grind on them. so there has to be some type of balance here



Oh no, nothing like that. Small talk is a good starting point. Cause if I find someone attractive then I just like chatting. I find humor to be a great way to break the ice. I like being around someone I can joke around with. I do enjoy deep lengthy conversations but I don't want (not expect some else to want) to dive into that right away. If that chemistry is there and I think you're cute, then I'll just flat out ask "Hey, you seeing anyone. Wanna go out sometime?" Worst case scenario is they say no and I move on.


You have a point but personally I find dancing with a stranger to be a situation that assumes a greater deal of intimacy than I would want. I just don't like bring up close and touchy with someone I don't know. John Stamos could ask me to dance and I'd have to say "How about we talk instead cause I don't know you like that"

Do you find it rude if they leave the conversation if things are going well? or is that more Cat string theory?
I for example have lost girls because they wanted me, and we had already kissed (which doesn't mean that much)
and then i got distracted by my buddies.
At the end of the night, i got cucked by another dude.

I think i can answer my own question here, the girl didn't want me, she just wanted to attention that the guy could give.
So to re word, do you find it attractive when a male who you are interested in plays a little hard to get, even leaves the conversation?
Or/ Doesn't give you the attention you want, or gives in small amounts

When that happens, I assume he has lost interest. Which is fine, and I don't expect him to focus entirely on me, but if he doesn't say something to indicate he'd like to talk later and just kinda disappears I tend to intepret that as rejection.

I have heard girls say "yeah i like the guy who gives me the most attention"
probably had daddy issues hehe

Dubs checked.

>Opinions on the talking to the opposite sex thread?
Don't do it. You have no idea what might happen.

Do you often have one night stands?

You look at these PUA guys, guys like mystery. And you might think "wow what a fag"
But these guys actually went out and fearlessly toyed with lines having fun and discovering a scinece to what makes themselves (not everyone) more attractive.
And you know what, i gotta respect that.

I treat women the same way I treat my male friends. If they don't mesh well with me, why would I want to work on furthering anything?

It depends on how far we've gotten. If we just met and seem to connect, occasional chats and bumping into each other is exciting cause there's no expectations. If we've admitted we're into each other it would bother me if he suddenly ignores me and comes back expressing interest later and I probably wouldn't want to keep pursuing him. I prefer to be straightforward instead of bothering with mind games. I realize it's a fine line between that and coming on too strong, so it's hard to give a general answer. Sorry if this is unhelpful but I'm trying.

No. I enjoy sex greatly but I'm honestly not into casual sex. Plus I want to have some level of confidence that this person is trustworthy and doesn't have stds before I let them inside me.

how does it feel when a tall guy approaches you?

I actually like this attitude. I once dated a guy like that and it was very laid back and easy to let things go at their own pace.

It doesn't affect me greatly. I'm 5'5 so lots of guys are taller than me. Sure, I notice a guy's height, but that doesn't play into my willingness to get involved. It's cool if they're at least taller than me but height has never been a big deal.

Sometimes if i'm casually trying to communicate with girls, the nasty ones, the non-nice ones or the threatened ones i guess. Those ones will be the ones to not look you in the eyes, or acknowledge. Now ive gotten alot better at this, but i find it rude. And if i've consumed alcohol i find myself saying something nasty to them.
Which actually invokes a response. Good or bad, But i have seen my friend win a girl over nearly even though he started with an insult.
And not a playful insult either. But i shouldn't waste my time on such endeavours. But alcohol sometimes makes me a very nasty person to both men and women, i don't take shit.

How do you feel about corny pick up lines?
How much does a polar bear weigh?
*holds out ciggarette "Can i butt fuck you??" *presses my ciggarette to yours.
I find that while some girls find these amusing, they imply that you're capable of keeping that level of amusement. So when you have them shocked they said that, and you stand there waiting for a reply, it makes them leave that state of shock.
tl/dr i'm too boring to keep up strong with a strong line.

nice trips