Do you agree /b

Do you agree /b

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Only other biological gender is hermaphrodite

Finally someone agrees.
Thank you OP!

gender is a social construct
just try to prove me wrong
>pro tip: u can't

Three genders
Some form of birth defect/plastic surgery

There's only 2 genders even when there's a defect

If I didn't, I'd be on Tumblr.

yes. someone thread me already.

I wonder whether someone who labels them one of those things can even explain what all of those labels mean.

My gender identity is Japanese

Trips speak the truth.

I identify as an Attack Helicopter. Are trying to tell me that is wrong? Stop oppressing me bro

Pretty sure some of these are Pokémon

Yuuuuup. It's sad when there's a majority of mentally disabled people so they start making the rules. Civilization is fucked, you see.

i lol'd
the spanish unknown alphabet pokemon

Mental disorders don't exist though

Can't reason with a Retard!
Good point autist.

Scientologists actually believe this

I thought it was a list of the Unwon too.


They are correct, but wrong reasoning

It's funny too because it's still an argument against anyone who identifies as anything other than male or female.
>If it's just a social construct why feel the need to identify as something not actually real

Nothing exists if you autism hard enough!

Nigger if I write these down in a yellowed piece of paper Im pretty sure I'd start throwing out energy balls and shit.

Fucking runes for all I care

Born Female Female Born Male Male
what is so hard to understand about that ?
fucking faggots try getting into the ghetto with your faggotry idiology and im not even a nigger.

Bait, and also read a biology book sometime


Social constructs are not real?

>and im not even a nigger.

Icing on the cake. I kek'd.

Nixon was right the Faggots destroy empires like rome the greeks and so on.

Unless it's about feminism, then all the social constructs exist.

but what's your age gender?



13 years gender exclusive

Basically you're a faggot.


lawl, this has to be insane amounts of triggering for tumblrinas

That's implying they are intelligent enough to get the joke.

Sorry, I think you are confusing me with someone else.

This is my gender there are many like it, but this one is mine.

FYI this will be my future wifus gender

Well maybe if they looked exactly like people, I would be okay with this.

do you have a clear version of that chart. Im kinda curious to see what it says

If transgenderism is a mental disorder, then the best treatment we have so far is sex change.

with one important addition since i was triggered

but all the snowflakes are exactly the same

yes they are mental disorders, and the treatment for them is transitioning.

Fix it yourself faggot.
Make the black into an alpha layer and then make the bottom layer into a gradient of colors so they're all different.

my chart is bigger than your chart


still missing one of the most important ones!

the oppression is real :(


I can't sozzle enough.

I am triggered there is no distinction being made between civil helicopters and attack helicopters. Check your privilege, cis scum.

Still needs transmission and transmission fluid

Yup , pretty much have to be another species group to genetically have some kinda hybrid sex organ other than male or fe-male, and even that has to be successful for reproduction before it is discounted as merely an genetic anomaly.

what gender would a homunculus of flesh and blood be if I don't give it genitals

gender roles are a social construct, genders are basic biology

whatever it wants to be, gender is a social construct.

what language is this


pfft sure in the normal world. But in the feminist, who was too lazy to type a word and then just ran with it, world there are no roles only privilege and the oppressed.

The language of free love my user friend.

Transgendered people are born the wrong gender. Prove me wrong.


I think it's pretty obvious that despite the escapist views of Sup Forums and despite the propaganda pushed by fags the past decade, that everybody knows deep down that gender is only: (1) male, and (2) female. "Sex" is as it always was for thousands of years and across all species: between a man and a woman.

All else is deviant behavior, sickness, a black soul of self indulgence that spirals downward while bathing in denial.

Gender is a social construct thus there is no wrong. There is only pronoun choices.

They are born to NOT reproduce and fuck it up for the rest of our species.

It started with homos, then came the trans, then came the bazillion genders. Sex with animals is now being legalized all across the globe, and I'm sure soon pedophilia will as well.

In Warhammer 40k, real mankind isn't 40k's mankind. We're the dark eldar, relishing in our depravity.

Any dictionary for the past couple hundred years has defined gender as "male or female". Fags have recently tried to get all definitions changed.

The truth cannot be escaped.

What kind of faggot /threads with its own post... You smell like summer

So you're saying that trannies are wrong. How oppressive. You should check your privilege.

Just sayin'

People getting confused with the difference between sex and gender. Also not thinking about what they're saying. Idiots backing up idiocy, more than mental disorder.

Like people saying they're gender fluid. "Sometimes I feel like a girl, sometimes I feel like a boy." What does it feel like to be a girl, eh? Being attracted to boys? Wanting to feel pretty and wearing dresses? Guys can't do that? What does it feel like being a guy? Being dominant, aggressive, and wanting to look macho? Women can't do that? TRIGGERED AS FUCK.

>not including all the unown
Fucking F scum can't get their shit right.


Occult symbols you would get your ass char broiled on a stake for back in the colonial days. There are two genders and they are intricately aligned to be one not an array of back patting self soothing tripe.

LOL I like.

>not separating civil and attack helicopter

There are only 3 natural genders. Male, Female and Asexual (Not that bullshit snowflake Asexual. Talking about things that reproduce asexually so they do not have a gender) Anything outside of that is either a defect or flat out made up. Your behavior doesn't constitute a new gender. Get over yourselves, you fucking hipster douchesexuals.

Transgenders are literally faggots that contradict their entire beliefs.

This is why:
>be a faggot
>be ashamed to be said faggot
>you're homophobic toward yourself
>want to be a female so you can't technically be a faggot

so basically transgender people are just faggots who have a mental illness, along with being homophobic toward theirselves, so they choose to be the other gender so they aren't considered "gay"

Prove me wrong




Well hail Satan, down with the King George and fuck taxes to you too good sir.


I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Sexual dimorphism, gynocentrism

Sweet argument there, Champ. You must have been the captain of your High School debate team with sweet explanations like that. You're a fucking wordsmith.


Lol that made me giggle m8.


>mad because nobody is taking you seriously.

>still hasn't made a point
>calling others mad because he doesn't have a point
>trying to troll on Sup Forums

fetuses and hormones
kys fam


I am an aardvark. Respect me and I want to be recognized legally and want special rights (we'll call it "equality").

Worship my aardvarkness through all media exploitation.

If you are not aardvark, you will want to be. Your children will aspire to aardvarkism and wear our ant pants in urban environments.

We will elect an aardvark as the supreme leader.

We will change all the laws to make doing anything against an aardvark criminal.

Any business that hints at anything aardvarks find offensive will be shunned and our supreme leader aardvark government will attack it publicly and privately.

We will create a societal church of aardvarkacy which exists only in the mind but is the most fanatic of religions this planet has ever known.

We will then invade Sup Forums and create aardvark threads daily.

Eventually, you will forget we are aardvarks when you are subjugated and sufficiently brainwashed.

When this once proud nation burns at the hands of our arising from weakness and feels our full scorn and hatred, we will rest.

>d by fags the past decade, that everybody knows deep down that gender is only: (1) male, and (2) female. "Sex" is as it always was for thousands of years and across all sp

FYI I am gay and believe this trans bs is a mental disorder. Biology shows there is only 2 genders. But I mean if they are HAPPY living as something they arent then leave them be. It takes years of therapy for a reason before they can transition... They even have to live as the opposite gender for a year before they can get a sex change... Although the owl kin shit is just bs by tumblr

You stumped me m9... There's no arguing against that. Also, if you do change gender, you're still one of two, just a mutilated disgusting one.

idk about mental disorder, but people who think they're not male or female are definitely wrong

"gender" isn't determined by biology. sex (chromosomal make up) is.