So here's my situation Sup Forums. I met this couple off of Craigslist. They wanted me to join them in the bedroom...

So here's my situation Sup Forums. I met this couple off of Craigslist. They wanted me to join them in the bedroom. They wanted me to creampie the girl, because it's a fetish of theirs to see her filled with another man's cum. They have said that she has the "rod' implant which will keep her from getting pregnant for 3 years. I'm not worried about the STDs as much as getting her pregnant. But anyway, is there anything I should worry about? They don't have my name or know where I'm from.

Tbh, I wouldn't risk an STD man.

Is the photo related? If so creampie that slut.

no condom, are you stupid?

Definitely don't do that

Pics of the wife



The plan would be to call you the father the
paternity test shows you as the father
He can't have a kid so they get you to pay for one
She's happy He's not responsible

Plan b pill dumb fuck

As someone whose girlfriend also uses the same implant, you're good to go she will Def not get pregnant. my suggestion is you make them show you the implant, it should be in her arm on the inside of the bicep you can easily feel them by rubbing your finger over the area and you can usually see it too. If they don't want to be cooperative, they are probably lying.

this is the funniest form of cucking possible.

Shes going to get pregnant (her husband is infertile)

They get a kid, whithout havinbg to adopt

You pay the bills.


>I'm not worried about the STDs
I would be, but if you're that stupid then you deserve whatever you catch, especially considering you don't know how many dozens of other guys have shot into her before you. You do know that you can catch anything ANY of them have, right? No, you don't, because you aren't worried about STD's.

>But anyway, is there anything I should worry about?

Yeah, AIDS

No birth control is 100% guaranteed brother.

You can google the statistics for each type of birth control. Which is something a smarter man would have already done before coming here, but I digress.

So in answer to your question, yes there is still a chance she can get pregnant. The question you have to ask yourself is if the time of pleasure will equal the time of child support if she gets pregnant.

Good luck.

pill is 100% guaranteed if taken corrently.

dude if she gets pregnant you have to pay CHILD supoport for 18YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol no. At most it is 98 percent effective. Again fucking use google you Morton. All this info is at your finger tips

tom leykis she can 'oopsiedaisy' not take the pill without telling and get pregnants retards

Try nota geta murdered

Unless you've already got AIDS, you definitely have STDs to worry about.
Also, if you do have AIDS, FUCKING TELL THEM!!

This and make sure you get a clean bill of health from them, or at least make sure you know exactly what you're getting into.

pills only effective if she is taking them and unless u r shoving them down her throats at the rigtht times

And even if she takes them it's only 98 percent . USE FUCKING GOOGLE YOU IDIOTS.

Oh I forgot to tell you, she should also have a card that tells you when it expires. It's got a bunch of info about where they got it and all that.
Anyway, it's very effective but as another guy pointed out, no birth control is 100%. This one is one of the best though.

10/10 you'll be good, my ex had that and it was the shit

what i think op should do is tell them he will creampie her for $100,000.00 USD