Be honest Sup Forums, would you think about hanging out with me and becoming friends?

Be honest Sup Forums, would you think about hanging out with me and becoming friends?

u look like my old friend Jack

i fucking hate Jack

Try a less creepy smile, don't try so hard at smiling, let it flow

You look like you smell like pot and shit.

If you smile like that all the time:No

You drink? Yeh you can be my drinking vidya buddy

What are your interests?


Yes, as long as you can provide interesting events, and keep me entertained. It also helps if you are a social one. Though wallflowers are ok too.

But personally I perfer spending time with women.

Having lots of sex.

you look normal, just don't make that retarded smile.

Bros before hoes

Only if you swallow.

dont force your smile

You look like a clown without make up

No, but not because of your face. Rather because you created this thread.

Why not just ask for us to R8 u

Depends how good your eyes are.

For money and as long as I get to keep my gun concealed. That's a scary nigga

But what can I get from a bro, a bro can't give me twins. I just want to be successful and blow my money on women. I'm not sure how males fit into that... :/

You look like Micheal fucking Cera

Your undies dirty?