anyone who disagrees is trolling.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hello you boosted animal, get better then it's not a hell.

Learn to farm you pleb

holy crap op learn to farm you should have more farm if not a shit ton of kills by 30 min

That fucking farm, on a splitpush champion nonetheless

you deserve to be in bronze

Go purchase a cactus, be sure to water it very well for a few weeks until it grows to it's full size. Then proceed to shove it directly up your ass.

you must be the same shitters I get queue'd with...

it looks like his bot was autistic look 1/11/8 morg and a 5/8/6 jinx what the fuck man that sounds like ass

Do you have another account in bronze I can carry you on?

Even if I tried I cant get bronze.

who gives a shit league sucks nigger dick anyway

no one gives a shit what you think faggot why reply to this in the first place if you don't like this game

>Learn to farm you pleb

>Learn to farm you pleb
nigga how you hot -3 lp

How do you only have 55CS in a 20 minute game?
Do you even click the minions?

Reddit is leaking.

>he didn't /remake

you deserve this

That farm explains it all - you are where you belong.

Its not that bad jungle farm at minute 30



i thought he was top like a retard i am its pretty good for jg

Learn 2 farm retard.

Also, had a friend who kept qqing about ELO hell, then I took his account and took it from Bronze V to Gold without a single game lost. In fact I have won a game where 3 of my team mates left the game at 5 minutes mark.

If you are halfway decent, bronze is so weak you can carry 1v5.

im not that good

but im not one of these fucking feeder pieces of shit either

so if they arent banned from ranked, then I need to move up

because im better than them, its that simple

I would carry you but I literally cant get my ELO that low.

Ran down mid and went 0/32 on a bronze 3 account as yi mid and my team ended up 4v5ing lol

who cares, it's just a game
enjoy life

first you got 55 cs in 20mins... and u first build rush boots not just boots sorcs boots and then get gnashors next? majority people have at least, at least 120cs by 20mins

add african warlord and carry me out of this hell jesus christ

56 minutes and you literally aren't full build


butthurt alert

Dude youre still playing? I remember you posting since last year why havent you quit yet play some overwatch whats wrong with you

Am stuck in Masters. Can't make it to Challenger. Hngh help.

>$40 for tf2
No thanks.

> 36 minute game
> 123 farm
> muh elo hell
Its my teams fault i lost! !!!

Holy shit dude you are bad. You should have atleast 200+ farm at the 30 minute mark. Jungle or not. Your farm is subpar.

Its time go stop blaming your teammates and time to look at what you could do better.

its 60 bucks
even worse

It's so disgusting how every sub diamond is so full of themselves. None of you "deserve" to be wherever the fuck you are. The simple truth is that if you were better, you wouldn't be as low as you are. Your elo suits you just fine.

>56 minutes
>104 Farm
> "i dont belong in bronze/silver"

M8, i think you belong in plastic 5. I have more farm then you when i play support. And you're the fucking midlaner.
Learn to farm.
Be patient.
Always farm.
Dont waste time.



Why do all the immobile ADC'S have tp instead of flash? No wonder they're in bronze


>lost to tp/heal ashe
>uses exhaust/smite in bronze

HAHAHAHA stay bronze.

>lost against ignite/tp jhin
Holy fucking shit.

yeah afk lux and no jungler had NOTHING to do with that loss huh?

>Nashors on Zyra

That Singed

add me at PikachuTheStar i want to 1v1 op

Should've dodged. Would've lost 3lp and 5 minutes.


How did I not spot that? kek

Should've dodged. Would've lost 3lp and 5 minutes. Also take fucking flash. Theres no reason not to

Do you even defensive items?

>50 minutes
>not even 120 farm

Bro im starting to see a pattern here.
Your farm is so extremely bad, i think youd get more farm just standing afk in lane then what you are doing now.

Litterly, if you farm well you will leave bronze. Try to get atleast 80 farm/minute

Yeah, that's not how you support m80

>80 farm / minute
>80 farm

Glad i've never been bronze, that looks like a fuck-fest

oh look its this thread again.... *yawn*

If you cant carry the game when you are fed as fuck then you might just be a fucking retard and it may be your fault that you are stuck in "elo hell". If faker got on your account he could easily carry the game 1v5, what is your excuse you fucking autistic manchild.

>jungle trynd

>AP varus

>lulu support in bronze

50+ minutes and no rabadons

>buy LW

>no flash

this is the only decent build but you play ap teemo as adc in bronze V

you are a shitter but you don't know it yet

/10 my bad

That Singed.

How do you only participate in 10 kills at 36 mins as jg? Like maybe top, but not jg

WTF is that team comp

Deaths dance on Shaco, what a dunce.
Looks like you did your job as lulu, don't flame Ashe, she's a support adc and it looks like she supported illaoia with you, as long as she was landing ult arrows

What is that TF Build?

the farm isn't the problem, at least not the worst problem.
I've had a few terrible lane match ups where I've literally had to hug tower 90% of the time, only picking up CS when the enemy bases or I get a gank.
Farm doesn't necessarily win games.
The problem here is the win loss disparity. He's literally never going to close that gap, his only chance is to make a new account and try to suck less and play better, farm is only part of the problem


This is me carrying a bronze game for all you scrubs btw. Plat II on main

Per 10 minutes but the point is clear

Well you get thornmail on Ashe in the tutorial, so obviously you need it on TF.

Yeah, but this guy has subpar farm every fucking game he has posted so far.if this guy learn to not mis farm then he wont need to wait till 50 minutes clownfiesta to get his items
>plat 5 here euw (aka NA challenger :^) )

U suck OP

He bought thorn mail against an all auto attack enemy comp, I don't see the problem?

your friend list is maxed out cant add you

>condemn max second

>123cs at 36min as a SPLITPUSHER

>55cs at 20min, playing AP VARUS WITH IGNITE

>heal exhaust and ROA on lulu support

>104cs 56min, are you even trying nigger?

>not getting QSS against all of their hard CC while playing a immobile adc.

>not taking flash on a melee with no gap closer, were you top or mid? wtf

>119cs at 48min

Listen here you fucking retard. If you cant cs, cant build right, and don't even take FUCKING FLASH, then how do you expect to win games? Kill yourself

Just hit Silver 2 tonight, just playing ranked to see how far I can go.

>My main.

>no ap

Shittiest varus build ever. Scales into the gutter

Im pretty sure you are placed in your true elo, stop whining and git gud

stop these "im a special snow flake" builds and you might win

You fucking fed, OP. You just suck. Get better and you will win. That Irelia is the only one that did shit on your team. You are garbage. The enemy team smoked you. Also, wtf is that retarded build you have? And you only have 123 cs!? No wonder you are fucking Bronze. You are shit.

what server are you on?

There is no Elo Hell. Those who say that are simply too bad to climb.


tfw op leaves his own thread

dumbest shit ive ever heard

ap varus' damage is a % of max health, you vaporize tanks

why? I can wreck everyone regardless of who i pick and how i build them.

now if I could just a team 4 people that arent blatantly throwing my games...

not when you dont actually fucking have ap

Koreans almost never build defense, they put everything in positioning.
And Bronze guys put everything in "if I kill him before I die, he can't kill me".

If you are so good, why cant you carry your shitty ignorant ass out of bronze?

Faggot attitude, hurrr im the best. I can wreck anyone!1!!!1. Meanwhile im pretty sure half of the people in this thread would wreck your shitter ass.

Main thread ? Main thread.
Jhin is the best champion ever, and whoever says the opposite is stuck in Platinum throwing autistic tantrums.

Do you even know what nashors does.
You need more ap to make it usefull you fucking retard.

Next time go full armour pen like POE in worlds.

You're giving me actual cancer.

Seriously, just learn to farm and build your champions and /maybe/ you'll be capable of carrying literal brain dead teammates.

Got my first penta on ranked with jhin some time ago.

Farm is ALWAYS the problem with low tiers of ranked play. In any moba gold is what wins games in the end and if you dont have enough because you cant last hit right your going to lose unless the other team is worse at it than you.

I'm pretty sure I could rekt your ass out of the lane without building any item. If you're good, you can carry a team of monkeys. It's not about winning your lane, it's about winning your game. I've won more than once being like 2/5/10 as an ADC, but still having carried with my calls and (as Ashe notably) my engages.
When you win your lane, try to carry that advantage to other lanes by roaming.

Never got a penta on Jhin and I'm mastery 6 with 2 mastery 7 tokens on him. He's one of the few ADCs I have no penta with, along with Kog'maw, Sivir and Caitlyn.

Climbing is easy lol

The guy is fun as fuck.
My build is:
IE > ER >RFC > BT > defensive or PD.
Boots your choice

Agreed. I play with friends on a smurf (would love to play with them on my main but they're Silver and Bronze, I can't), and I outfarm my laner so hard I can end up 1v2ing when I'm 0/0/0. 15 minions are worth 1 kill in terms of gold. I sometimes outfarm by 150 minions. For the enemy team, it's literally facing a more than Legendary guy.

