I've been considering stabbing myself "accidentally" somewhere to get out of an exam...

I've been considering stabbing myself "accidentally" somewhere to get out of an exam. What's the best place to stab and how do I build up the courage to do it?

through Forearm between radius and ulna. Alcohol, Whisky.

source: personal experience.

Just under the bicep on the inside of the arm or inner thigh.
Totally safe.

Take like 10 extra strength tylenol and go to the er. It is enough that they will administer the antidote and hold you for psychiatric evaluation, but little enough that it shouldn't hurt you.


You'd never have to take an exam again.

Fuck me, you're a genius.

OK,so first off your retarded, just fine an illness. But whatever, I'll help you.
So get really mentally prepared and have money to pay for medical, because your going to be putting a FUCKING KNIFE IN YOU.
The shoulder is a good place as people will not expect you to do a lot. Like the trope in pic related. So good luck in your adventure and study after you put cold steel in your muscles and tendons. You fabulous motherfucker.


Do NOT damage your body. Your intellectual deficiencies guarantee you a lifetime of manual labor. You don't want to accidentally cause permanent damage, your body will get beaten up badly enough by a lifetime of menial, unskilled labor.


Are you fat? Through some fat wouldn't be bad. Anywhere through muscle and you're risking permanent nerve damage or possibly bleeding to death. Could just own up to not studying and don't stab yourself like a moron.

One time i drove a switchblade into my thigh mind you i was drinking 4loco at the time.

I've got a new plan: stay up all night and do the exam prior to the exam.
>mfw in exam

never expected Sup Forums would say something this smart

Also, as a med student, don't stab anywhere. Nowhere is "safe" or "safer"

Try poisoning instead

Use back pain, migraine, or chest pain at the ER. They are all things that are impossible to prove fake. Why injure yourself and risk it?

You can't think up a better excuse to get out of school besides stabbing yourself? God you're fucking dumb. Why don't you just shoot yourself.

You're a faggot. You want to stab yourself to get out of something? Just learn the fundamentals of whatever the fuck you're taking an exam on, don't be a nigger and stab yourself.

Migraine is the way to go. The worst case is getting yourself prescribed some fancy painkillers

I really wanted too, but I don't have a gun...

oh my god, kek'd! Take it from a teacher, son: This does not get you out of the exam. It merely delays it.

Pretty much this.
If OP is nigger enough to contemplate stabbing himself to get out of a test he's sure to fail, then brains are certainly not his most valuable asset, but his body very well might be.
Take care of your body, OP. It might be the only good thing about you.

But I went to college to get OUT of the cotton fields, not to go back to them :/

This is actually legit. It's one of the least painful places to stab and has one of the lowest risks of complications.

>your retarded
Please tell me that's b8

just dont ALEXANDER

I did this for an exam, but I used hot water to burn my writing hand and said that I dropped it on myself when I was making a drink. The burn lasted for about 24-36 hours and wasn't too bad as far as pain goes. This way you don't fuck anything up with the cut

OP please don't be retard.