Okay Sup Forums whats your unanswereable questions...

Okay Sup Forums whats your unanswereable questions? If a tree falls in the forrest and no one is there nor any cameras/mics etc did it make a sound when it fell?

What came first the chicken or the egg?

Is there a God?

Depends on what you're defining "making a sound" as

"sound" as we "hear" it is our brains interpretation of vibrations in the air, without a human ear or device to "capture" it, there will still be vibrations, but nothing to decode it into "sound"

obviously. you faggot.
just because youre not there doesnt mean it didnt make a noise. its like saying theres thunder in africa right now but theres no cameras or mics to hear it from where we are, does that mean it didnt make noise?

If a Cuban man marries a woman from Iceland, and they have children. Are the children considered icecubes?

He said unanswerable, not complete fantasy

How are trees real if our eyes aren't real?

When will my dad get back from the store?

We are all already dead.


Of course it made a sound user. Is this a bait thread? Am I being baited?

Here's an actual unanswerable question for you: What is the universe expanding into?

define real

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Go back to school

This is technically answerable. The answer is no, because in order for an event to occur, there must be an observer of some kind. Therefore if there is no observer to the tree falling, it technically does not make a sound.


gtfo out of here man this is a thread for intellectual discussion not potatoes like you haha

Why? Fucking dumb religious mudblood

OP, go look up the wikipedia article on sound. Sound is not just "something that is heard", sounds are vibrations through the air - and a falling tree will make a lot of them.

>The answer is no, because in order for an event to occur, there must be an observer of some kind.

Bullshit. That's just fancy wordplay. If it happened it happened, regardless of whether anyone saw it.

It was a joke you fucking moron.

Is intricate communication between species possible?

I died

Yes. Granted the two species are intelligent enough.

Why did the tree fall ?

that gay media player

you r hear coz ur mom got fucked .. by whom

Of course from the scientific and factual perspective the tree does make the air vibrate and emits sound. But in zen buddhism it is used to shiw you that all events only exist because we perceive them, it's a koan in which one should meditate and contemplate about it not a serious sciemtific question.
The point if it is not to find a question but to change a way you THINK also it's nearly impossible to benefit from a koan without a teacher that further forms your mind and changes how it perceive things

Will I die a virginity?

No one really tried on this one. But technically something that wasn't really a chicken layed eggs that gave rise to chickens. So the egg came first.

The egg

The modern chicken evolved from some other sort of bird and all birds lay eggs

Who was phone?

Is my state of consciousness a reality?

That's what I've been telling people for years.

Now for the $64,000 question: which came first: the chicken egg, or the chicken?

Nope. Sorry user, but you're just a figment of my imagination.


do you mean egg that gave rise to the chicken, or laid by the chicken