Why does the voice in my head speak english even though my native language isn't english?

why does the voice in my head speak english even though my native language isn't english?

does anyone have the same "problem" and is there a scientific explanation?

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you are obviously a reincarnation of some sort of faggot


Yes, most of the time my thoughts are in english

its the NSA's latest project.

Same here, in my head everything I say is in English even though I only speak Coprolalia. Fucking cunt shit piss drinker.


that still doesn't explain it


Interesting thought user. Lurking for possible explanation.

In my head everything is in English but I only speak Samuel L Jackson, motherfucker!

What the fuck is up with that motherfucker?

I speak English, my thoughts are in german

Yeah but some voices have different accents

Cause you spend much more time on the internet browsing english websites than going out, thats it for me at least. Also i read people who speak two languages tend to have different behaviours

because thinking in a different language makes you think things more logically, someone explained it somewhere but idk.

How did people think before languages

"Learn a new language and get a new soul" - someone

my native language is spanish but i read a lot of stuff in english, so probably my brain got used to it

they thought in images?

i'm making shit up

They didn't

I speak English and Irish, my thoughts are in English but my dreams are in Irish

i listen to stand up comedy too
have anymore jokes you want to steal and post as real threads?

so you only dream about green leprechauns and pots of gold?

The voice in my head explained to me that we'fucking fucking retarded and he'll speak in the language he damned well please

you must watch some pretty shitty stand up comedy

sama siin

I've heard a lot of non-native English speakers say this. The NWO has to be involved. It's radio waves or something.

Yes, and fighting the British

sick burn bro

you spend too much time on the internet consuming english-speaking media.
go out more, converse with peers in your home language

Because of the not-so subtle but constant US propaganda and intrusive pop-culture.
Everything on telly, every movie and soap is sold to us cheap from the US.
It's a soft invasion, no weapons used, we're all just slowly being brainwashed into yanks.

In short, we're being taught the language of the occupying forces.

There's nothing to do about this, it's too late for the western civilisation (so called).

Humanity is fucked.

i my case it depends on the internet i think in english because that is the language i communicate in at that moment but when i talk with my friends in rl i think in my native language
i think that your brain remembers stuff in the language you have heard it in if the majority is in english it will become more efficient to think in english

In emotions and abstracts.

what language uses the voices in the head of a deaf dude

sign language fagot


Why does my voice in my head sound different than my speaking voice

Multi lingual

Deaf person here, I don't hear a voice.


- What are you doing here?
- (?!?) Waiting for a friend..
- You'll wait in the car.

Because English is best. Best for writing, speaking, singing, thinking. /thread

Not best. Fastest..

This. I'm slowly starting to forget my native language. Sometimes when I speak I stop and realize I don't know the word for something but I know the English word, I know what it is exactly I just don't know what my native language's word for that is. And don't get me wrong, I'd prefer it if the whole world spoke only one language.

No you must be thinking of lojban.

Damn that happens to me as well

I think more English than I think my native language (Danish). It's just the language of the internet really. And that's where I am most of the time.