Out of curiosity, is there an updated version of this? and what was the motivation behind making it?

out of curiosity, is there an updated version of this? and what was the motivation behind making it?

The motivation was to expand this limited board past the pop of the original essentials

it's quite pretentious desu

welcome to the board

How? Why? Because it includes more than just p4k FotM pop?

I'm here since the first day. Always the same shit
No, it's just pretentious

in what way? it's supposed to be a little bit of all genres of music to get you started

>I'm here since the first day

lol okay newfriend, good luck on graduating jr. high

>a little bit of all genres
That's why. Who chose them? It's pretentious in so far as it is synthetic

Interesting question. What was the criteria for making those selections?

The board chose most of them with repeated threads as the chart came about.

Iirc, they were actually some cool threads making it too. People had to argue why an album should be changed which made for some interesting discussion.

Yeah, I can see some albums on there that got changed around on later versions (which were usually better for the most part). I don't think I have a copy tho.

Calling something pretentious because you are ignorant of the methodology / purpose behind it is the dictionary definition of pretentious.

no it isn't, but I agree with the sentiment you're expressing

Man. I'd really like em' if anyone's got em'

>no it isn't
Yes, it is.

Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

By claiming that something is "pretentious" (attempting to impress by affecting a greater 'x' than is possessed) without knowing how much 'x' is actually possessed, you yourself are attempting to impress by affecting more knowledge than you actually possess because it would require knowledge that you do not currently have to accurately make that claim.


I looked under the folk rock one with Leonard Cohen and it actually says Joanna Newsom instead.

I would call being unaware of the methodolgy/purpose behind something while calling it pretentious "ignorance" instead of pretentious, because pretentiousness implies that there is at least a basic understanding of the concept. Please forgive the retarded sentence, I just think "ignorance" should replace "pretentious" in that context.

It would if he were asking "isn't this pretentious because [reasons]" instead of making an assertion that it _is_ pretentious because of his lack of knowledge. The difference is subtle, but important.

ahhhh okay. that's a fair point, sorry fambly. Proceed, like I said, I agree with you anyway lmao.

I'm making a better one
