Killed by your own car, shitty way to die

Killed by your own car, shitty way to die.

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Autoerotic Asphyxiation is worse.


No that's more taboo, but this is more embarassing. Autoerotic asphyxiation has the risk of death woven in

This guy didn't put his handbrake on, and was subsequently crushed against his mailbox by a car that probably wasn't going faster than 1-2mph

a security camera captured his death - any links?

Did his car intentionally murder him? Why wouldn't you just call it a fatal car accident? Why would they need to specify that it was his car since that would be the general assumption?

the autocompanies did it, there were timed explosions in his cars brake lines, wake up sheeple, automobiles can't melt human beans
>it's legit look at the captcha

trips not withstanding, are you from this planet? The majority, and by a massive margin, of car accidents result in people being killed by another car or by being in a car which collides with something else

It is exceedingly rare to be killed by your own car when you're not in it.

Seems like a final destination type of death. sucks

Every one go and watch Alpha Dog on HBO Go/Now He was talented and had a big future.

Lets prosecute the car for manslaughter

To be honest, I didn't look the article up. I was too amused by the thought of his car gaining sentience and killing his ass.

lol So this guy was drunk - and was "ghostriding his car" (a term used in rap, where you walk next to your car whilst it's moving), and it ran over him??

you can't make this shit up. what an idiot


i'm not surprised the only way to klll a russian is car related


You could have found what happened in less time than it took you to guess, consider killing yourself as this world has already got too many absurdly self-assured yet ignorant people.

What a great twit.

You have got to be kidding me...

Could you imagine, if someone told you "after becoming Famous, you will have your car roll back into you and crush you to death..."

I've been in some pretty fucked up crazy situations in my life, but getting killed by my own car would just suck balls. The last thing going through my head would be "Jesus Titty Fucking Christ...!"

Noooooo Odd Thomas ! :(

We should ban all automatic cars.

Damn, he was really good in green room.

So many people going out this year, lots of contracts must have run out

Fuck that. Download Green Room and watch that. He's way better in it. Better movie too.

any info on what car it was?

Cool. Never heard of it. Wil do.

I said that because a lot of people have an HBO app and I just watched Alpha Dog like 2 weeks ago.

mehh his accent made me fuckin cringe anyways