All four stop at the same time

>all four stop at the same time

who has the ride away?


right of way*

Whoever flips everyone off and goes first.

>ride away

1. i think that kind of junction doesn't exist
2. hand signs
3. the strongest

>ride away

Also, vehicle with most ground clearance goes first.

i think technically whoever rides away has the ride away

Whoever has the shittiest car

Whoever has the gun

To the right.

the one who has an AR15 in his trunk

>ride away
not you dipshit

Quite simple really. Not simple enough that I don't see people fuck this up every day though while driving.

If they all stop at the same time, right of way goes to those traveling the shortest distance or causing the least inconvenience first. Right turns, then straight across, then left turns.

The guy with the biggest testicles.

Whoever arrived first, or has the balls to gun it.

>ride away
Are you fucking retarded?

None, swerve into crowd.

>MFW I see this about to happen. Don't stop.
All these responses are correct.

Questions like these are a diamond dosen. Its a doggy dog world out there.

>purposely slow down way before stop signs so this doesn't happen to me
Sucks for you guys who get stuck in this situation.

the person to your right has the ride away, but for all intensive purposes it is whoever pulls out first

From what point of view? Because if the guy to your right has right of way, then what about the guy to his right? Or how about the guy to the right of the guy to the right of you? Shouldn't he have the right of way? And for that matter, you're the guy to the right of the guy to the right of the guy to the right of the guy to the right of you. So... shouldn't you have the right of way? It doesn't fucking work because you all got there at the same time.

It works like this at stop signs:
1. Normally when two people arrive at the intersection at the same time, the person to the right assumes right of way. This doesn't work in your intentionally broken example.
2. Since the first rule doesn't work, the next rule is that the person crossing the fewest lanes of travel assumes the right of way. This means that a right turn goes before someone going straight through, and likewise a person going straight through would go before someone making a left turn. Since you want to be a dick, we will assume that everyone wants to go straight through.
3. It's a game of chicken. Whosoever has the balls to go first will assume the right of way.

I don't know which of you is more retarded.
But I lost.
Best YLYL in years.

intents and purposes idiot

ride away...

OP, you're an autistic faggot.

u said ride away...fuckin faggot

North to South then East to West.

the porsche 911 has the right of way

Alpha has "right of way", so clearly the grey Porsche....

Buddy, 4 way stop sign intersections are very common


>ride away


Whoever is turning left has to automatically yield to those that are turning right or going straight, assuming everyone stopped at the same time.


MFW, anybody in a Porsche is even assumed Alpha. Only single middle aged men with small cocks drive a Porsche.

whoever is crossing the least lanes of traffic.

under raided post