Twas a sad episode

Twas a sad episode.


Rip Wun Wun.

Haven't seen it yet, spoilers plz

Hasn't even aired yet

just watched it

Easy coast it already ended, dummy

what happens? I don't care about spoilers

Me too, where the fuck are you?

Shireen died. I don't even watch game of fags.mthanks fab lmao

Good night sweet prince

Predictable, yet it was awesome.

dragons burn masters
rickon forgets to swerve and ramsey arrows him
theres a lesbian moment between the dyke of the iron islands and the dragon queen
little finger saves jon snow
sansa feeds ramsey to his own dogs and smiles an evil smile

I'm in australia

The whole fucking season is fucking predictable...

they're all shit now


idiot boy ran in straight line while being shot by arrows, thats what happended

And how about giving that giant a Fucking tree bat or giant sword

More pissed off that little finger got his hooks into Sansa. She's got balls but she's still dumb as fuck

Be honest you fucks. Did anyone notice when Jon was in the middle of the arrow storm that where he was at was a fucking slaughter but he just managed to have them make a circle around him. He's the light in the darkness, was the Lord of light protecting him?

Dany lets dragons loose kills masters takes fleet No dick boy and sister make bargain with her and she says yes...rickon gets let loose ramsey shoots arrows untill he kills rickon right in front of jon, enrage jons army charges ends up in a shit show and a no way out situation until littledick rides in to save the day then they take winterfel and capture ramrod and sansa feeds him to his own dogs the end.

Yes, he had a magical shield protecting him.

The giant dying was the saddest part of the episode

But yea that was the best episode of game of thrones yet