You have to give a 5 minute presentation on any musical subject. What do you pick?

You have to give a 5 minute presentation on any musical subject. What do you pick?


I pick anzu

I could talk about guitars, amps, and recording gear for hours.

the drop

development of post-rock in the 90s

Kanye's use of sampling and features on MBDTF to create a dual narrative.

I'd be interested in hearing this

Algorithmic composition

the parallel evolutions of punk and metal and their points of convergence
that, or the conflict between historical and formal genre descriptors in popular music and the case for their separation

Noice. What specifically would you touch on?

Psychoanalyzing MC Ride

Ambient drone
Sample based ambient

Probably noise rock honestly

The Hammond organ. It's all over the place, on countless songs and albums, but very few people know anything about it.



It's roots, what albums inspired what album, and which ones were the most important

techno or something else i only have rudimentary knowledge of because 5 minutes is nothing

Lowercase / EAI for me. Though I'd like to know more about sample based ambient.

Have you read storm static sleep? It's a book about post-rock

The parallels between the original narrative structure of Kendrick Lamar's Good Kid M.A.A.D City and James Joyce's Ulysses.

Do a Bob Ross on noise music.

Could do this one too

The Artificial Intelligence mailing list and how its artists when on to influence electronic music.

The fact that musical critcs herald The Beatles as one of the best band of all time and why they are biaised.

the joy of tinnitus?

Erik satie and minimalism.