This just happened rn Sup Forums, Im still in shock

This just happened rn Sup Forums, Im still in shock.
>Be me
>18 yo still living with parents, moving to uni this august but still.
>hungry as fuck
>decide to go get some greasy ass jack in the box tacos
>put car in neutral and roll it down the street as to not wake family up from loud ass engine starting
>start it down the street
>drive to jack in the box
>eat tacos
>drive back home
>park it down the street, turn engine off, put in neutral, coast it as park in front of house
>bitchy ass 40yo neighbor who still lives with her mom calls my house saying "theres a tall skinny white boi stealing your car!"
>Unknowingly sneak back into my house
>I walk in and my mom thinks im the robber
>puts a revolver right to my face
>realizes it's me
>puts gun down and screams at me
Im grounded and my parents think I went out to do drugs with my friends, I didnt but i dont really give af considering I almost died and im only here for a couple more months. Just thought id share my story.


Fuck you

>Parents fucking ground you

What are you fucking Mormon or some shit?

18, and Im grounded from driving.

>mother point gun in your face
>it's your fault

holy fuck, OP. Do you live in a bad neighborhood where the likelihood of having your car stolen is that great?

>there's a skinny white kid that looks like your son, stealing your car.
>dumb cunt thinks its more likely to be a robber than her actual son.

No wonder you live in a poor shithole where people steal and rob, your parents are complete retards.

That's hilarious but what time did this all happen? And did you or your parents eventually confront the lady?

If it's not your car that's fair, they can do that whenever they want because it's their car. But I'd say you don't exactly deserve it because technically you did nothing wrong just like Hitler and you were even nice and considerate trying not to wake them up.

Count the scores:
You're a bitch
Your parents are bitches

I live in a upper middle class beachside neighborhood.

> holy fuck, OP. Do you live in a bad neighborhood where the likelihood of having your car stolen is that great?
> No wonder you live in a poor shithole where people steal and rob, your parents are complete retards.

We also call it america my friend.

Happened at 5am

You should fight the lady who ratted you out

Why didn't you just tell your parents you're going to get some tacos?

Who the hell is gonna wake their parents up at 5 in the morning to let them know they're getting tacos? I'd be pissed if my kid did that on a weekday

because i didn't want to wake my parents up at 4 am just to tell them im getting fast food

And instead you woke up your mother because your neighbor thought you were stealing her car.

No, I would rather be woken up knowing that my son is going to get some tacos at 5 am, than wake up knowing that someone is stealing my car.

Sure but how was OP supposed to know some bitchy neighbor was going to yell at his house about a would-be thief

WTF, she took time to realize instead of firing.

you shitty asshole, Tacos seller was a quarter of mile away, and you had to use the car? you deserved not one, but a good dozen of bullets.

kys, It was longer than a quarter mile.

yes, it was almost 500 meters.

>be 18
>hungry hungry
>mommy sleep sleep so no tendies
>fantasize about Taco Bell
>jerk odd then climb the basement steps that groan beneath my mass
>take keys to my brothers car. He's a Chad though so fuck him
>get in car
>put in neutral and push onto road
>remember I make mommy drive me everywhere and never learned
>push car to Taco Bell
>take 10 minute breaks every 4 feet
>spend 30 minutes at Taco Bell before I get kicked out for taking off my shorts (mommy doesn't like me wearing crumbs!)
>get back home at 5am
>completely naked at this point
>moonlight reflects off my quivering and sweat glistening skin
>neither sees a thin ray of moonlight before it hits her in the eyes. Blinding her
>starts screaming
>panick because loud noise
>run inside. Completely knocking down the front door
>mommy pointing daddys old toothbrush at me
>sighs and sends me to bed. Takes Chads keys
>hear her start crying crying
>hear daddys toothbrush
>shit the bed

car stolen is to america as blown up is to the middle east
or raped in any part of Europe at the moment

1) how do you know how far it was?
2) why are you so mad?
3)probably a nigger - not a question more of an assumption

>daddys toothbrush
topfuckingkek m8
gr8 pasta





It was almost Darwinism.


>young person eating tacos
That's stretching it, isn't it? I mean, if the mom shot herself that'd be Darwinism

(Me) samefag

Maybe I'll shoot you


If you had AR-15 this would have not have happend.

MORE GUNS!!!!!!!!!

If you want to hate on Daniel Keem - Keemstar, his phone number is (716) 783-7696, and his address is 55 Mineral Springs Road, Buffalo, New York, 14210-1862.

Don't do that I don't have dental


Stop posting your information online, Keemstar
No one cares about you that much

>I walk in and my mom realizes it's me
>puts a revolver right to my face
>thinks to herself "I could do it. Only way to get this loser fucker out of here. Neighbor will vouch for me...On the other hand I'll have to pay for a funeral"
>puts gun down and screams at me
