My boss promised me overtime for calling me in on my day off for an extra 6 hour shift...

My boss promised me overtime for calling me in on my day off for an extra 6 hour shift. I was already clocked for 40 hours and I really needed the money. Then the bitch went and worked the pay schedule so 7 hours of my pay is thrown onto the next pay period and my overtime became non-existent. So not only did I not receive overtime, I was shorted almost a full days pay till next fucking week.

I only worked the fucking shift because I needed the extra money and now I made virtually nothing.

Is there any way I can fuck her over without getting fired?

Be a man and confront her. She did that shit because she knows you're a pussy who won't even ask why.

listen to this user. Just talk to your boss ffs

Contact your trade union

I called her on it and was told to fuck off or be fired... What they did is technically legal since our time clock now switches to a new week at 12:00 am on wednesday.

I need a job and can't afford to be without one for even a week so I can't just throw a baby fit and get fired.

My boss did that. Its illegal. Call your local labor board shit will change real quick then get fired like me.

That's a major labor violation, like at the Federal level. I would get a free consultation with a lawyer who specializes in labor law and explain your situation to them. They can tell you what your options are legally.

If you're committed to fucking your boss over on the DL instead, I would suggest figuring out (you may already know) what her weaknesses are and exploiting those.

Why not just fuck her?

bumping with some bitch

pic of boss

She's ugly as fucking shit. Like I would rather take the pay cut than be inside any portion of her

Why would I have a picture of my boss

Close your eyes but when you do it

Might just go out with a bang and sabotage the next store review. They would fire everyone in the store if we failed

Also, if you feel like she's personally targeting you you can get some extra money in a lawsuit.

I would still feel it in my soul

What type of business is this, a restaurant?

Truck stop... Only fucking thing that's hiring besides walmart or the local call center and that place ruins people

Is there a video or a name to go with this gif?

No fucking clue

your state has departments you can talk to and discuss possible violations. in Texas it's the Texas workforce commission.

All you have to do is contact your states labor board and explain the situation.

At that point they are obligated tp begin an investigation, in which, if your story is true, they will catch the fraud.

At that point the company will be fined 10k for everyday they dont pay you.

it must suck pretty hard being a part of the working class.

Yeah, you're kinda fucked.

She blew smoke up your ass to get a shift covered then worked your hours so OT didn't show and she'd have her Supervisor breathing down her neck to get her numbers in line.

Not much you can do in the area your at.
Live and learn.
Don't extend yourself for her anymore.

Do you have any written or typed correspondence of her promising that? Would help your case.

Just to clarify, I work overnight, so at midnight every wednesday 7 hours of my day is pushed onto the next pay week. So even though I worked 46 hours, I lost 7 and was shorted the overtime for the 6. Doesn't sound like alot but I ended up $140 short

I'm not even concerned with getting the money back. I mainly just want to ruin this woman on a very personal level. I want her to leave in tears emotionally changed for the fucking worse.

Call centers arent that bad. Just ask for a tech support position rather than billing.

Holy fucking shit! Sauce?

Thats all they do is billing. It's for Sirius XM and pretty much everyone who has worked there came out stressed as fuck. One dude was a retired marine and couldn't handle this place.

Well in most states in the US what she did is technically illegal, and it would also be technically illegal for her to fire you for reporting her to the state. But she'll find a way to fuck you out of it.

So then are you being given no shift for the week to make up for it? Like you don't have to work one of the days you'd typically work?


No, those hours just disappear. I've been told multiple times that "it catches up" but every week I am short 7 hours

I've also noticed even though I'm kept late at least 15 minutes every morning, those extra minutes never show up on my time card


That violates pretty much each states labor laws. Pay schedules are suppose to be constant, in the sense that hours are collected within the same timeframe each pay period. You need to look over your states labor law poster she is suppose to have in view of all employees. You can take her to small claims if needed.

>I mainly just want to ruin this woman on a very personal level.
That's kinda hard to do at work unless you know her situation.
You gotta find what shaky ground she's on and see how you can work it to your favor without taking a direct hit for it.

It can be done.
I've managed a fair share of restaurants and one thing I know is your staff will make you or break you.
Employees tend to not do their jobs well on an inspection if the don't like the manager on duty.

I'm pretty sure they changed it right before the pay period ended or something, but there's a chance I just wasn't aware of the shift from one period to another. Either way I was informed by two store managers and our DM that I was receiving overtime, then left hanging when payday came

If your scheduled 40 hours every week then you will still get your overtime. It will just be on the next check since your time clock cycled to the next pay period. You will have your time from that extra day plus your 40 for the next pay period.

Well I'm the only overnight cashier and saved the entire staff from being terminated when we had our store review. None of these fucks do anything. They left an out of order sign on the bathroom for 2 days because they didn't want to unclog the toilet. I asked our assitant manager about it and her exact words were "I'm not paid to be the fucking plumber"

So I imagine if I stopped doing my job we would all be unemployed

I won't receive the overtime because the extra 6 I worked filled in the 7 that was pushed off. So technically my hours didn't go over even though I worked 46 in a row with no days off


Should have kept some kind of record like a clock in stub or something.

Or just kept the texts or emails or what ever she used to ask you and promise over time

>"I'm not paid to be the fucking plumber"
"You're paid to solve the problem" would have been my response.

Then a friend would have called the Board of Health about that situation for a surprise visit.

I overrode my GM one time because the floor drains were backed up and flooding the kitchen. He didn't wanna pay a plumber for weekend hours. I got one in on a Sunday night to do it. I told him and the DM we had customers complaining about the bathroom floor drains backing up.

They paid more for not getting it taken care of as they should have. Those guys were demoted later, but not because of that.

The store's cameras record both video and audio so there's technically a record of it but I doubt it'll ever see the light of day.

Hence the question of how to fuck them over...

Well by the time she got there, I'd already done my job and unclogged the fucking thing. It took one push on the plunger. Two days of a shit filled toilet solved by one push...

So technically you're "backloaded" by 7 hours. This is a common practice done to avoid paying overtime. If you're in the US, the Fair Labor Standards Act provides that you must pay your employees for all hours worked in the time period, which means if you work 41 hours in this pay period (eligible for 1 hour overtime) then she can't have you work 40 hours bext week to make up for it.
Why can't she do that? It's 1) done specifically to avoid overtime, and 2) you have a "deficit" of hours worked versus hours paid now.

Well because I lose 7 hours every week, Im never over 40. Im actually under

Oh it was all in person?

So there is no proof in anything you are saying here.

So there is really no reason to actually believe you got fucked over in the first place and that this is all for revenge.

In all actuality you are more likely to be just a shit employee and want to fuck with your boss over nothing and are too unimaginative to come up with anything on your own.

Why not just do the world a favor and quit your job so they can hire a good worker?

Exactly. So she says "oh well we push those hours forward," but if you still work your normal 40 hours this week, then those hours still aren't paid. And so on. That's a common overtime avoidance scheme. Plenty of cases have been brought under the FLSA and won due to this.

who frames a print out from the lion king?

Oh no! Someone on the internet doesn't believe me? Dear god no!!!! WHATEVER SHALL I DO WITH MYSELF NOW? How will I go on living with the knowledge that a stranger doesn't trust me? You wound me sir...

Fuck you

Oh shit I didn't even see that

Enough to get that response lol

I deal with retards that can't even make a cup of coffee on their own and on very little sleep. I've got a surplus of borderline child-like anger


So if my check next pay day doesn't even out, I have a leg to stand on?

You sort of have a leg to stand on since your Managers and DM knew about it.

But given the job market you're in you'll probably be terminated for some other reason instead and still not get your cash.

Well I was mainly asking how to fuck her over legally while I'm still employed. If they fire me it's fair game...

It sounds like you work for a corporate chain which is probably unaware of your boss's actions. Write an email to your HR or payroll dept that is worded like "I may have messed up, ur don't understand my stub". Don't accuse anyone of anything and just play the idiot who needs to have this explained in very small words. Before sending reread the email several times and make sure you're not even implying your manager is doing anything wrong (don't even mention her, just that you worked X hours on X days). You can also ask about the 15 monutes every morning, but probably shouldn't because they know this sort of thing happens and don't care. If your manager is screwing you it'll come out. If not and you're just temporarily butthurt you'll find out in a way that won't cost you your job.

Just be grateful that you have a fucking job.

Doesn't do me any good if I still cant pay my bills. I drive 45 minutes to get there and costs me $5 in gas each way, so I'm actually losing money...

I have no idea how to contact HR. They have all the corporate numbers in a desk drawer somewhere and god help me if I ask the manager.

Replying to my own post:
$140 for 7 hours labor? Even if that's the overtime rate it means your getting $13.33 an hour. Not bad for a cashier. Might just be smarter to keep your mouth shut at least for a couple of pay periods to make sure your pay isn't actually being pushed forward.

Alright. Here -

If you wanna get back and your manager hit her in the wallet.
A couple of unwrapped Hershey's Kisses in her gas tank will do the trick. Put them through the gate the nozzle pushes open to get them in. If you can't do it at work because of camera's do it at her home.

Forget about contacting HR. They represent the Corporation NOT you.

and this is another reason why we need labor unions

No $140 because of the shorted overtime

I make $8 an hour and most of the time my checks are well under $200

Sugar in the gas tank doesn't really do shit to modern cars.

Huh. My old mechanic told me that. He said it would clog or melt the fuel filter.
Google tells me you're right.

But apparently a bottle of water will fuck it up.

The laws refer to workweeks. Workweeks are different from calendar weeks. Your pay period isn't legally required to go from Monday-Sunday and just because you work 40 hours in a calendar week doesn't guarantee you overtime. Your boss is right. If you don't like it then grow some balls and get a different job.

Try again. Bleach will rust the tank and really fuck up the engine if it sits overnight

My old boss did this on the regular. People just stopped covering shifts. It ruined the place. Now everyone is leaving and they have to make due with a skeleton crew. I couldn't be happier