How does it feel to Eurotrash that they won't be able to visit Sup Forums and many other sites starting next year?

How does it feel to Eurotrash that they won't be able to visit Sup Forums and many other sites starting next year?

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Pretty good, thanks!

So, whom are you going to vote for?
Clinton or Trump?

EU will have less neckbeard basement dwellers


Young white males will be forced into socializing and start to produce more offspring.

why is that?

>The European Commission wrote the draft Directive in two weeks, after the Paris attacks in November 2015, basing itself mainly on existing EU and international instruments.

>They added new text on blocking of websites “inciting to commit” terrorist offences, without any indication of whether the content would be legal or illegal, or why they might think that this might be a good idea.

>Next year, when your Member State starts blocking websites, without quite knowing why, when it starts imposing restrictions on Tor and proxy servers, without quite knowing why, when unaccountable, unclear legislation leads to arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement, and your government says that it is “EU law that it is obliged to implement” and you wonder why the press never reported on it, when you search in vain for who is accountable for a weak and dangerous text, come back and read this again.

Not dubs, but true

i am ok with this, maybe it's not too late to start a decent life after all.

As i read that, i got felt a deep sadness like never before about my country...

Too late, Muslims claimed their women.

Jews completely control Europe. Letting all of the arabs run rampant destroying the place

Because nothing benefits the Jews like populating the land with people devoted to their destruction.


Gary Johnson

Awesome, I waste way too much time here anyway.


Should have went with Petersen, much more reasonable.


McAfee was the better candidate

ITT: Tumblr

Dubs do not lie