Muh #worldrefugeeday

>muh #worldrefugeeday



Other urls found in this thread:

Disliked for feminist/SJW butthurt

Keep disliking this shit

oh goy

dislike so google doesn't keep doing this shit

aww yeee




holy fuck 544 already

How many dislikes do you think we can tack onto this?

I'm shooting for atleast 10k if everyone on the board picks up

i hope so
that sounds reasonable
if kek wills it

he literally tells how he travelled through all these SAFE countries to get to germany

good shit mane

Eventually, google will start piling on fake likes. save screenshots as evidence that there were tons of dislikes.

dubs have spoken

Sup Forums is preserving evidence as well

587 now!

>system thinks the google blog post is spam

Oh good, the Sup Forumslacks are on it as well. Tell them to keep up the good work, if you please.

It's going to le reddit also

upbote this

>Implying I trust those dirty, content-stealing net-niggers to do anything more than jerk off to MLP and fedoras

Whatever, fine, I GUESS they can help out too. Don't let them in the Secret Clubhouse though.

Keep the thread alive, faggots. Also, post updates for record keeping purposes

noooo now normies will see it and people will start liking the video.


I think even normies are going to hate on the video, it's reddit for fucks sakes, on a Trump subreddit.


stop it guys this is racist

/r/the_donald aren't a bunch of normies

It'll get rekt plus remember reddit is altering the algorithm so /r/the_donald won't hit the frontpage

Yeah, unless that thread gets so many votes that reaches the frontpage or something like that, or unless cucks post it in a SJW subreddit

meanwhile there are german families starving or freezing, people with no home, people who had a hard family situation, now being on the street,
but lets give the ahmed a job as a programmer, where he gets 4k euros, and not the guy who went to an academic highschool, but dropping out last year bcs his father died, and his mother had no money, lets give fajrut the job, who never did anything for this country, is illegaly here, never paid taxes, and left his country alone to idiots who rape and kill his people. give them all the money, the so called refugees from albania, from tunesia, from asia
but dont give the german people who really need help a cent
i want that we help people, but the german people should come first, then real refugees
economic refugees should get nothing and should be sent back


Sup Forums invaders FUCK OfF

>butthurt refugee

Well, we'll see, but we understand that the like/dislike ratio for the video is clear in the dislike majority. This could also be a test to see how long does it take for the desperate SJW's to get onto the news and fag the video up with ignorant likes.

I am fucking your mom.

you fuck off ahmed
fuck off back to damascus

>comments disabled
i had so much good shit to say

I am spending your tax money.

we know you are

Nice one.

I made it 850

That's why you are hated, yes.

So what? Most of these people return home some day. Whether they want to or not. That is simply what the currently law says. And their certainly isn't a majority to change that.



>856 dislikes
Oh shit

kill yourself sjwfaggot


>889 as of this post

That's like a homewrecker coming into your house and taking whatever it pleases. Ofcourse they'll leave eventually, but what if we don't want them all in willy-nilly without our regulations that would prove they will be guests instead?

Hate us as much as you want, we are fucking your women and spending your money at the end of the day.

doing that now

Clinton wants to do this in America.

>oh goy

Yea, especially in Germany, you alt-right fag. Do you Sup Forumsfucks actually care about the tiniest bit of reality anymore or are that just spastic twitches onto the keyboard?


im liking the pace of this. lets keep this going with some good shit

for now

>916 dislikes



Keep it up, you goatfucking pedophile. Eventually someone's gonna snap and we'll have a big ol' racewar as an appetizer for WWIII, just enough to really stimulate the appetite for death and cruelty.

No shit. There is a reason why Trump supported the idea for making (well, Mexico) the wall.

Sjw faggots ruining Europe.

>That's like a homewrecker coming into your house and taking whatever it pleases

Living in a gym hall for month and eventually getting 350€ a month for food, clothes and everything else is taking all you want for you? Where are you from? Liberia?

wow, rood

Cmon Sup Forums make a bunch of accounts and dislike it

>SJW faggots ruining Earth

Now might be a good time to start investing in burka stocks

its funny that you faggots cry poor me to get free shit
then talk shit to the locals

you wont last long sand nigger

Yep, racewar. Still waiting. Any day now.

what a utopian future


Where those teeth cut from piano keys?

or halal meat

>its funny that you faggots cry poor me to get free shit
>then talk shit to the locals
I don't see the issue.

come on guys keep it up

Brb doing this

Whats going on? Someone give me the jist of what we are doing.

>Assault Rifle
Kill yourself, autistic libcuck.

my fucking sides



w-what if this is propaganda

disliking a pro illegal immigration video.
Google made a video to show their supports to illegals and gave them free laptops or something like that


Because of course they will want to leave after a month (or a short while, whatever you'll say), yeah, sure. Totally.
Also, people would use that gym hall, it literally causes more harm to the society than good. There are qualified people who would migrate because of work, but these people just come in and live off other's like a parasite.

Keep raping people and stealing money, it'll happen.

Not really. But then, utopia is impossible anyway, so fuck it.

a good o'l fashion

might be sammi coggins but im not sure. maybe you should check the title?

>I don't see the issue.
it makes you bitchmade
why cry like a faggot ahmed in that video?
look how pathetic he portrays himself to the world.

and then you are proud of it. kek you people are a disease

of course you wouldnt see an issue look at all the countries you desert dwelling savages come from

>it'll happen
Keep telling yourself that.

Hey the one leaned up against the mom could be a legit m16 from the Vietnam era. Too much jpeg to know for sure. If he got it for $3k I'd call that a bargain. The shitty one he's holding could be built for under $1k and is def not an assault rifle tho.

Is she fucking autistic? That's not how you drink water! She's fucking crying because shes just so fucking thirsty that her brain just goes like this.

report this video, for animal abuse.

nigga, if i wanted the name i would have asked.
I want a link

>look how pathetic he portrays himself to the world.

Keep it up faggots, we're over 1000. We need atleast 9k more though, so keep on making them fake accounts

ok that was rude, here you go


Don't forget to report it as well

done and done

murder all refugees