No stoner thread?? let's start one

No stoner thread?? let's start one

smoking on some haze right now
also rate my spliff

Fuck off retard

shameless selfbump

I r8 5/10 filter

but seriously, why the fuck is the filter the same size as the spliff?

I don't need to smoke more to get stoned, the joint is inside out

anyone else panic when they're running out? i do. every day i don't have weed i get annihilated on spirits or harder drugs. if i stay sober i panic like all fucking hell.

So when you are smoking, what else do you do while high? Just eat crisps and stare at the wall?

Where are you from? Who the hell rolls doobs like that?

Ima bout to roll one up at work and get my stealth high on

Maybe you should identify and tackle some of your issues brah, sounds like you have a few...

Well i like to watch movies while stoned. But i only smoke after work or school, im studying engineering

i'm from germany, what's wrong with the spliff?

>40% filter

most people stop being a stoner when they're young. i'll be 40 soon and haven't been sober since i was 15. i'm an absolute wreck, since my gf married someone else in 2012 i've drunk as much as 5 70cl bottles in 1 day, used entire sleeves of benzos and opiates, od'd on like 7 different drugs and i'm dying from m.s anyway. i do have some issues which drugs help to cover up.

Not a lot I guess, I mean it'll get you high, but fuck if I rolled like that I'd get laughed out the building.

You should just buy a pipe if that's how you smoke, it'll probably be more efficient

.i don't get it why u guys complain about the proportions of weed and filter. Do i have to take a smaller filter when i wan't to smoke a small amount of weed??

your filter shouldn't be longer than a cm.
getting high in about 20 mins just waiting for my pizza to bet ready.

anyone else watch GoT? how about euros? what do y'all do when high

Do you guys ever get open eyes visions from weed/hash?
I mean I have closed eyes visions all the time but today I smoked tons of hash and I just went nuts I saw colors and weird shapes.

well, we call this kind of joint sticky and this for a reason...

Damn, I guess I'd be doing the same if I had ms. Better luck in the afterlife man sheeeet

I like to eat an entire family sized bag of Smartpop and play Smite.

Wtf are you even using for filter? Like whole index cards? Just go to a cigar shop and buy some Swanson Slims bro. It's like 2$ for 200