Did I mess up Sup Forums

Did I mess up Sup Forums

Her and I were talking and made plans kinda then I asked for her number and she just stopped talking to me



Don't say anything else, either she sends if or she doesn't.

you did nothing wrong, but if you ask for it again you will come off as desperate. Either she got busy, forgot, or doesn't want you to have it.

You come off as boring and uninteresting. You're free all week, really? Also all your replies are just asking her what she wants to do. You beta

And shes' fat

Hahahahah OP got rejected lololololololooo faggot

Summer is here

Indeed it is

Checked kekd and rekt

do you actually think that if some girl is interested in making plans with a guy, that she would honestly stop talking to him because hes "free all week"? How fragile are your friendships with girls man fuck

Ya dun goofed OP


Simply send her "plz respond"
She pretty much has to at that point.

Yes, girls are fucking dumb and she probably has some guy on there who is dumb as a brick but is ripped so she will go and see him instead, OP is fucked

i assume you were talking to her on facebook or tinder? then you didn't need her phone number because you already had a way of communicating together

you went too fast

i'd suggest you find something REALLY nice to do on friday and send her the link on thursday evening, as though you had forgotten about her
send something like "if you're still interested, there's this thing on friday" and that's it, don't mention her phone number until you've seen her in real life

also, if she doesn't respond on thursday, just forget about her and move on

Too. Fucking. Eager.

you didn't goof man, try not to overthink shit like this so much, your low self esteem is showing
Just don't ask reply until she does, or until Thursday, to make sure she's still good for your plans

OP here forgot to say this is only like the bottom 1/3 of our conversation

he has a point though

Im free maybe 2 nights of the week, because I do two sports and visit friends often. If youre free the entire week without any reservations, then you must be either a basement dwelling neckbeard or a shut-in.

i just moved here literally less than a week ago so i havent started my new job yet

You should set a 5 min timer and everytime it reaches zero you type "plz respond"

After 10 iterations you send a "i love you"

Repeat over 9000 times.

>taking it personal
You were talking in the general sense of the word and I was responding in the same fashion. Stop taking shit personal, faggot.

you sound pretty bloody fragile in your self confidence man, OP is on no way fucked. The fact that you think so from something as little as a girl not replying shows how fucking inexperienced you are. You literally smell like sexual frustration and jealousy

>girls are fucking dumb
>someguy who is dumb as brick but ripped so she will go see him instead

you're fucking hurt, pleb.

You must send this
Hey you fucking cunt im gonna rape all your family even your fucking dog and then kill my self if you dont give me your numbers so hurry up retarded bitch

you're a moron, don't listen to him
it's tinder - if you don't get her number the moment she expressed interest, you've cooked it

I'm no player but I have plenty of girl friends/ friends that are girls, and I'm open as fuck about not being busy. I really think most people who aren't dumb as fuck aren't that shallow.

I know OP isn't fucked man, let me whip on my damage control cap. You just broke my confidence more man, fuk lyfe

Also start investing in other matches on the side as long as she doesn't respond

Clearly doesn't want to get to know OP by text or any other method quite frankly. She told you about her friend (bf) in Tampa... Obvious fuckbuddy is obvious. Just text her your number and keep it cool, fag. The less you know about her, the less the chances of her getting caught cheating. Use the fuckin app.

haha. sorry friend

>not being busy
>being free literally the entire week without any reservations AT ALL
>this is somehow the same

If people know you are free always, they'll see you as a bit of a loser, subconsciously at the least.

what if thats what theyre going for

Don't worry OP!! It'll be right, just wait for her to reply.

you goofed man. time to either kill yourself or kill her then yourself

You could put "Shit, something came up, can you by any chance do Saturday?" to revive some conversation and then just say "if anything changes could I text you?"

If you're a loser who isn't busy, sure, they'll see you as a loser. But if you're just a normal person then I don't think they'll give a fuck, even subconsciously. Maybe occasionally, but not to the point that you could make it a generalization.

I really do feel that if your opinion remains that people don't want to know you as much for not being busy (or whatever) then you're probably basing that from your own poor social examples if you know what I mean.

I mean, this girl seems like she's actually interested in hanging out with him, so she probably at the very least thinks he's an alright dude. You think her finding out he has no plans for a weeks would change her entire opinion of him, even subconsciously? No way.


All Im saying is, pick up a sport, go hang out with some friends more often. This should be very hard to defend. It spans your horizons when you talk to people and a bit of exercise isnt bad either.

shouldnt be*