Loli bread!!!

Loli bread!!!





Itt we ignore trolls







You sick cunt. You know i used to like some of you guys here. I used to find you amusing. But it's because of faggots like this one that now i can only fantasize about tracking you down one by one and doing unimaginable horrors to all of you. And you know what? It makes my dick hard. Sometimes i masturbate to the thought of hanging little shits like you upside down by your feet like a squealing piggy and gutting you from your groint to your neck and watching your entrails fall out onto the floor. I wish i could fuck your dead corpse in the mouth and cum with the biggest fucking nut of my life inside of you. But first maybe i'd cut out your tongue and take you into the woods and tie you to a tree. Maybe i'd come back every day and peel off pieces of your skin until there's nothing left and pour salt water all over your wounds. Do you want to know what else i'd do to you you little faggot? I'd scalp you with a knife and stuff your hair down your throat until you choke on it. I'd cut off your balls and spoon out your eyes and put your balls in your eyesockets. Then i'd rip off your skin and make a rope out of it and hang every single little fuckface like you that ever crossed my path. I wouldn't do any of this because i think you're a bad person, which you are. Or because you actually deserve it, which you do. No, i'd do it because no matter how hard you try to sound tough and unafraid you're weak and pathetic and that disgusts me more than you could possibly imagine. I wish you the worst faggot and i hope for your own sake that our paths never cross.


Hot ass lolis









How old are these girls supposed to be?


I can't get a boner until I see Spiderman




no problem




Imako system, maybe my favorite loli manga







no problem user


In a perfect world 9-12.





nice loli ass






how can she inflate the condom while sucking simultaneously?





Ha HA! DT fucking Silver Spoon. Niiiice. Any of the CMC?
















Poor Scoots getting left out.





it seems the other thread has died.
you ready to admit what you are to me pedophiles?
or need i persist?











more plz








