League of Legends thread

League of Legends thread

bronzy fag

unowndragon is anyone wanted to add me

also i wouldn't mind some tips and help on giting gud


I only ARAM. Sometimes Summoners Rift with friends. Since patch 6.12 there is no reason to play something else than ARAM.

why is that?

Are u NA, EUW, CN, KR, BR?

Because patch 6.12 was a huge ARAM update. Read the notes. Also, you can earn matstery points, grades and chest on ARAM now. And it's more intense. Im a better teamfighter than a lot of my friends. I also can play more champs and not limited to 3-5 champs on one position if I play Summoners Rift.


this is true

I dont play that often
> silver 3
> jungle
> volibear, warwick, and cho

Plat 1 Rammus jungle main, used to be diamond 5, but I got demoted Due to one month of inactivity.

I got a tip for you, find one champion you really like and play them exclusively until you know all your match ups, and who you can and can't fight. At least, that's what worked for me. Been playing pretty much nothing but rammus since the beginning of season 1

Add me , Zympii ;^]

as a plat jungle main learn how to time the enemys camps and your camps at the same time, base your rotation around the map through these times, you get me?

But thats fuckedup boring mate. There are more than 130champions and you only play 1...

Nice fanart of young reinhart. Who drew this?

Not even 1 mastery 6 or 7... do you even get S ratings?

i quit 2 months ago, so no

it's his spash

rate and guess rank hehe xd

OP here anyone want to play?

i could really use like a coach

silver 3

Play Amumu, if he can't carry you out of bronze nothing can.

far from silver hehe xd

Cardboard 7

Im the ARAM guy, but im EUW mate

Help me name my alt


hehe xd



Not for me i guess.even in other games I only play one character, like sheik in smash bros. I'd rather be really good at one character than be decent at like 10

respek from OP

do you jung?

Nah, not with sion. When I jung i usually go for zac.

Guess my rank. Im also a jungle main :^)