We should just nuke Mexico and every 3rd world country, they are fucked anyway

We should just nuke Mexico and every 3rd world country, they are fucked anyway

mexico is not a third world country retard

There's something below third world?


leave him alone, he only gets his news from fox.

yeah, the US

That's Cuba dumbass, yeah go ahead and nuke It and take out part of the US also lol.

I was waiting for this

So why are the Mexicans literally dying to illegally get in?



Beaner faggot detected

for the weed

Nice, after seeing this I might take a trip. I don't live too far after all.


Who sir will pick my strawberries and my avacados and my lettuce? Who will trim and leaf blow my beautiful lawn? Who will clean my pool?

Much as we may despise our brown pets to the south, the fact is lol, they do the shit we're too good to be doing. And they do it with a smile. Lol they even kind of hustle if you watch them and give them intense direction.

Their bitches are fun to be nasty with too, just be very careful about letting one of your precious sperm cells enter her un-Ovril'd womb because they catch pregnant like niggers in Africa AIDS.

Solve those issues and I say hell yeah, turn these third world dust bowls into pretty glass candy dishes with the power of fission. Or fusion, what the fuck ever,lol.

Mexico is a fucking shithole. What few places ARE good, are just ruled by the cartels/the paid off politicians and the high tourist attractions.

Other than that, corruption, drug wars, cartel/gangs, lawless land and cities that are a fucking joke, and tens of millions fleeing across the borders to escape poverty and bullshit.

Reminds me of my cousin's wife. Hasn't lived a day of her life IN mexico since she was born here, but preaches about it being a great place.

Iv personally been to Juarez, and I can second this. I was walking downtown a d a grown woman in front of me stopped mid stride, dropped her old crusties and shit on the sidewalk.

i'd teach them a thing or two

Those kids aint Mexicans.lol must be Colombian or cubans

they are not, no one wants the uneducated and poor mexicans, thats the ones who want to cross the river.

normal mexicans have passports you dummy

3rd world countries like the usa?

Durrr. Too late to pop that one faggot.

seems like it triggered you, anyway.


>I was walking downtown a d a grown woman in front of me stopped mid stride, dropped her old crusties and shit on the sidewalk

I laughed but this is just barbaric. Reminds me of India and how people just shit everywhere. What is wrong with people

and they say kids can't into sex

Then who would make our Nike's

I'm Mexican. And like USA my country has a lot of diversity. But in fact we are third world. Like Africans but whit first world cellphones

africans have first world cell phones too, just not the newest, since we dump all our shit in africa lol.

how do you think us gets their money? by exploiting these poor countries and paying them shit prices. If you nuke them, you become a 3rd world country because you won't have slaves to do the work for you, you fukking uneducated manchild

Thats not even mexico.
I think its some brasil or chile shit bruh.

>be a trucker
>delivering cargo of soap to a city in Mexico
>too late to drive, Mexico better safe than sorry
>stop at gas station
>prostitutes around, don't care
>01:30, approximately, Mexico time. Too hot to sleep.
>someone knocks the door
>13 year old loli, dressed like a striper
>20 pesos senhor
>close the dor
>listen to her steps moving away in the concrete
>i never sweated that hard in my life

No they don't

A newest generation phone will cost you the salary on 6 month if you have minimum wage man.

>20 pesos

that's like 1 dollar you fucking mongrel

yes we do, we have this

didnt i said "they just dont have the newest ones". and you're like nah man, the newest phone are too expensive. gj mate.


Is dat some quints?


Czechin' em


nice get faggot, but how does "they have the newest generation phones, but not the newest" sound to you?
admit you messed up and stop wasting all those gets

new gen phone is:
>samsung galaxy

iPhone7, which will be released in a few months, costs 650$ the cheapest.

Minimum wage in mexico is around 80$ a month
>8 months worth of salary

You have to do hardcore savings for a year to afford it
Which fucking sucks man

Give it 10 years and we'll have robots doing all that shit.

Those are Cuban children. They are wearing typical communist school uniforms.

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

Sure, nuke all the 3rd world countries and in turn, cause mass starvation on account that those countries feed us, cause a Great Depression off destroying companies, illegal factories, drug cartels that run most of our economy, especially the oil fields we go to fucking war for. Are you guys literally fucking autistic? It's people like you who should be our slaves instead of those kids in sweatshops.

This is Cuba you retards and yeah, it is fucked up down there, but at least there isn't mass shootings every month.

p.s. I almost sexed like at the age of 6

im going to need more examples of this degeneracy, op. for research of course

P.s teen mexifag. Good thing I'm from Guadalajara and have white skin. You wouldn't guess how much white girls I fucking turned into disgraces to their brothers lol. White bitches love BMWs

They do the same in China, which isn't even a third-world country.

More people are killed over a dollaer there than people die in the US from mass shootings.


This. Cuba, South America, most Asian countries are fucking crazy.

you could have white skin but you can't hide your beaner smell

You're just mad cos he gets more puss than you do

Why are Whites so jealous of Mexicans? All you Whites do is keep their dicks in your mouths by talking about them all the time. Mexicans can care less about White people, yet all White people do is talk about Mexicans.

>big mexican weenie?

Swing and a miss.

That's true. But I would rather smell like Mexican laundry detergent than be a cracker that hasn't made anything of himself. Haha white bitch paying taxes so all the minorities can get benfits lol who's really losing?

Not true, everyone is fucking poor, no one has that dollar you're speaking of. Now, a tourist should be a little worried, but then again guns are non-existent in most regions.


he is getting more pussy than you bro

>implying American politicians aren't like cartel members but in suits.

>brown mexican wimp

I'm from Cuba and all the uniforms for little kids are like the same there. Are u sure thats mexico might be cuba

This. White people literally put the blame on every minority out there for their problems. Just imagine how the u.s would be with just purebreed whites. Germany after WW2 that's how.

And educated also not fucking farmers

Hollow squad or nothin, ya bitch, who nigga?

Gibe me a loli gf now



What's your sisters social media?

This guy knows what's up. I got nothing against beaners wanting to escape that festering shithole, people who say it's a great place are fucking tourists hitting the beaches and buying ditch weed from street kids.
Mexico is literally awful. If people could see what the country's really like, they'd understand why so many folks break international law to get out of there.


Funny how for so manh decades you Whites have had a problem with us, yet you still don't shit about it. Every republican has promised deportation just like trump, yet we're still here niggers. What makes you think anything is gonna change after the 1000 promise. You guys are too beta to do shit because you alp know we'll fight back hard as fuck. So keep talking shit behind your computer screen. Take this L niggers and fuck off.

Sorry Pablo you have to go back

We know how to run a country, you guys know how to run a leaf blower. We're a good team, Mexico.

yes, all the presidents that have talked about deportation are pussies, but now we have Trump, start packing up Juan

I like it.

The Manifold Dangers of the Xenos
Although the potential threats posed to Whites and the West by xenos influences are many and varied, the doctrine of the God-Emperor defines five broad avenues by which the xenos can afflict mankind:

The Threat of Discord - Perhaps the most insidious threat the xenos can pose to the West is through the deviancy of its ways and ideas, exposure to which might inspire envy, apostasy, or even adoration, leading White people away from the Western ideal and into heresy and rebellion. The God-Emperor is the greatest weapon against such wrong-thinking. But the further from the centres of civilization one goes, the more the risk of mental and moral contamination increases.

The Threat of Temptation - The xenos is a thing of lies and false promises, offering gifts and trinkets, powerful technology, or alliances -- all of which are ready lures for the weak-minded, avaricious, or infirm of faith. There is a shameful roll call of traitors and deviants who have succumbed to such temptations in the past. The dubious treasures and lost secrets of xeno-civilizations long extinct can hold equal threat for those who disturb their resting places.

The Threat of Corruption - The xenos can pose a threat of bodily taint and corruption just as easily as the powers of the kek. This taint may take the form of parasitism for the purpose of vile promulgation of its own species or to appease its hunger, such as with the poo-in-loo. Alternately there is the crime of transgenic blasphemy; the deliberate combination of White and non-white DNA or tissue falls into this category.

The Threat of Dominion - Some xeno-forms have dark powers to dominate and control Whites by psychic or other means, perhaps even forcing others to worship them as false Whites. Abhorred creatures such as the Nigger, the Chink, and the SJW's pose insidious and subtle dangers, turning Whites against their own and treating them as little more than cattle or playthings.

Dude, it's literally to the point where California, Arizona, and Neveda could unite and become a self sufficient country. We're that powerful. These three states make the 3rd largest economy in the world. And since it's bombarded with our kind, which you gotta admit is ignorant and will fight for the better of Mexicans, we will always be here. I just wished we could see how powerful we are and not be caught up in fucking gang violence.

Yep, this is right.

Here with a half-assed visa like everything else in America.

Working full time paying full taxes and getting none of the benefits. I get no SS, if i get fired no unemployment. No insurance or anything.

But of course, I came here to work not leech.
And that's what i'm doing and I'm fine with it.

The Threat of Destruction - Some xenos seek to invade, conquer, and destroy by overt means, from the murderous swathes cut by great mudslime jihads to the invasions of the enigmatic Wetbacks. Likewise, some non-sentient species, be they dangerous predators like the feared giga-nigga or ecology destroying vermin such as the Jews, are simply too hazardous to be allowed to live whenever encountered.

Yeah yeah keep talking shit nothing is gonna happen. I'll use my leaf blower to blow your lawn then plow your wife with that beautiful pink pussy and make you raise my kid you beta white pieces of shit.


Funny how my dad owns a buisness and hires a Mexican management to make low life whites push around all the work for $10/hr

Calls white people "niggers"

>Not sure if b8 or just retarded

Actually you just have to let mexicans live with other mexicans, the subhumans deal with themselves.

Stay mad, bruh. As "proud" of you are of your heritage, remember this: your offspring will be born and raised American. They will live and die American. Their children will be American.
They won't give two shits about Mexico, like the rest of the world.
Welcome to the states, bitch. :^)


And subhuman is not having a kids with your sister and mother?


Niggers refer to ignorant people. Anyone of any skin color can be a Nigger, as you just set the example.

Lol bruh, second generation Mexican here. We actually have heritage unlike you white scum

kek, woman sure love poor shitskin 5'2 manlets don't they juan?

Being this stupid

no, that's just incest

You guys are the ones who are mad. I'm just tired of all you guys talking shit behind the safety of your keyboard, yet not a damn thing is being done. Man up, pussy, and do something about it already. If not, shut the fuck up.

You mean.... Texas?
In Texas live all half-mexicunts of all USA!