Ask a guy who knows where Madeleine McCann is buried anything

ask a guy who knows where Madeleine McCann is buried anything

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is Madeline McCann? Was she hot?

Okay, and...

Where does the sun go at night?

non-sense, she's right here with me, imposter!

where is she buried?

tell me where that chicken is and we have a deal

How many shitskins raped that loli?

gasp* dun dun dun, shes buried in the chicken, shocking!!!

big news, sounds more like white people as most of those refugees wouldnt know how to hide a body or why due to them coming from a war torn area!


Why dont you tell the police and claim the $800000 reward they have offered

Is she still in spain?

only if you're a pedo

How do you know this?

Shit its my first time ever! I didn't even realise! Thanks for alerting me. Also, seriously who was this Madeline woman? Should I care.

its called google faggot, use it.

Google is evil. Use duckduckgo instead.

Is she buried in Portugal?

this you OP?

Proof before /thread.

Prove you're not a faggot, OP.

According to the pic on the right, she looks like she's doing fine.


How specific of questions are you willing to answer?


Portugal you cretin


Also, this thread is nothing new. We've already talked with the real guy that has her. Unsure if she was killed etc. There was a picture of her in a basement. OP said something along the lines of knowing where she was buried. Everyone freaked when someone posted the image asking if it was the same girl. It most likely was.

Unsure if she is dead and buried already. Highly unlikely that OP is following up from that story or that he will give us more information than he already has, since this would most likely lead to his arrest.

TL;DR OP is undoubtedly full of shit

If I saw a hot ass white girl in a Latin nigger country like Portugal, I'd kidnap her too.

That's prime white meat right there. Latinos dream about fucking a grown up version of a bimbo like her. All you gotta do is raise her til she's ripe.

>mfw forensic artist impression

the parents gave her to the Illuminati, it's well documented they were friends with Tony Blair and members of the government at the time, she's probably been assfucked to oblivion by Prince Philip by now

>assfucked to oblivion

this needs to be a movie title


So OP is a faggot right?

>In 2013 Scotland Yard released e-fit images of men they wanted to trace, including one of a man seen carrying a child toward the beach that night.

That girl's dead.

What about that missing Malaysia flight? Have we found that yet?

plot twist: she was on that flight

God dammit OP I don't know why I got excited.
Fucking faggot.