Thread thread

Thread thread.

I lost my Sup Forums folder in a tampon related accident.



I'm out guys, get posting so I have shit to put in my Sup Forums folder.

>i have 500+ items in my folder































Holy shit

Anyone got screenshots of the thread below?









unfortunately not

>Tampon related incident.
The fuck happened, I mean sure I've had a tampon accident back in highschool but it never deleted shit on my computer.











The problem with a machine using your dick as a port for internet connection would be a 2-10 minute connection speed and then all the data that you need would just flash on your screen in an instant.

Then your browser closes all your tabs and cancels all your downloads.




Yeah, if you're sending the same data packet 500 million times, it's still the same data packet. This image is fucking retarded.








that's two satan numbers





what the fuck


i love you



every poster has been the same from this point




>mfw i have a slippery dippery long mover in my knittedy wittedy sheepity sleepity


i'll post webm


These two link i think












