I am in trouble. There is a conspiracy out to get me locked away and i can't call the police...

I am in trouble. There is a conspiracy out to get me locked away and i can't call the police. I need a place where i can hide and nobody knows me. Please help me.

Where are you at rn?

Near berlin, germany.

Please help me. Please keep the thread bumped. I am entirely serious.

get a gun faget

cant do fuck ass without details the nigger.

What year is it?

If anyone is out there who can pick me up and provide shelter for me, please report into this thread.

ill only tell my specific location if anyone accepts providing shelter for me.


Paranoid schizophrenia or? What's happening?

I can't explain.

Was hast du getan?

Nichts. Sie wollen MIR was antuhn. Sie versuchen mich einzusperren, haben auch schon versucht mich umzubringen.

Yeah sure, sandnigger. You probably planned a bombing and got busted, I hope you die

Und aus welchem Grund bitte?

Keine ahnung

Zu spät, wir haben deinen Standort. Gib einfach auf.

So ein Bullshit. Ernsthaft. Niemand tut irgendwem aus keinen Gründen irgendetwas an.

Du bist einer von denen..

Translation pls?


Just a german fag from Berlin who doesnt wanna give out the reasons for his shit, abondon thread.

Amybody speak Nazi?

explain and i might help. it is my power to do so

Tld;r i need a secure location. If you can provide shelter anywhere in the world for me please say so in this thread. I will give you my contact if i see you are legit.

It's okay, kitty, you can come stay with me.

People try to get me locked up for life in a mental institution. PLEASE HELP!

are they doing this for legit reasons?

If ya can make your way to norway i might have a place

If you are absolutely 100% percent sure that you are not paranoid schizophrenic then call Bild Zeitung. They can't do much if you're in the public eye. Then go either A) Jason Bourne style on the run. Leave for rural areas in Brandenburg or perhaps you'll make it even to former Pommern in Poland.
B) go innawoods and hide there
C) you have friends, right ? Go there
D) go to the nearest Botschaft and explain your story. You'll need to be followed for political reasons to get asylum I think

No! Not all all! All people around me conspired to get me in trouble so i get in the bin for life. I akready had a court trial last month for it where it was denied but they will continue tryin untill il in. My time is running out. My online friend asked for pics of my burned leg so he can claim that i tried killing myself.

Are you legit? Please give me proof so i know ur legit.

>was haben die dir Vorgeworfen ?
>aus welchen gründen wurde die klage abgewiesen ?
>wer und seit wann versucht es?
>warum sollte ich dir Schutz bieten?
>was sind deine Pläne?
>warum versuchen sie dich hinter Gitter zu bringen?
>warum ist dein Bein verbrannt ?

Wenn du mir diese fragen beantworten kannst, kann ich dir Schutz in Friedrichshain bieten. Abholen könnte ich dich auch

Ist zu nah dran. Das darf nicht in berlin sein. Außerdem vertraue ich dir nicht.

I see. Nobody. You are all just them tricking me.

I dont have friends. They are all them.

I can house you. I dont give a fuck what you did even if you murdered someone. However there are terms you will agree with like a cover story that shifts all blame away from me and of course, payment. No questions asked. Yes?

Warum ? In meiner schicken Bude finden die dich nie

Well, legit yeah. Thing is, there's a forest by the place i live, with sort of a shed in it. I'm not in charge of the house i live in so i can't take you in here, but the shed is a sort of shelter. Yojr quality of life will be literally shit though, so depends on how fucked you are where you are and if it's worth it to move in a filthy shed in a norwegian forest :p

Wir haben dich bald. Natürlich über wachen wir dein Internet

woah calm dude that's the kind of talk that set people against you nobody here knows who you are and that is good

Don't go to Cheers.

Sounds like something a schizophrenic would say. I know a bipolar Berlin guy that thought he was hunted by the BND and ripped his macbook apart then fled

Turns out he had a manic episode from too much weed kek.

That guy is normal now and lols at what he has done during that time. Fucking called his friend 100 times an hour

I live in Velbert in the Ruhrgebiet. If you tell me why they are after you and what you have done then I could house you for 6 months at least

Im not fucking mentally ill. That's what they keep saying to lock me up.

Im not sure. I havent done anything.

Hello, I see you.

Then what are you and why are they trying ?

To declare all people as your enemy isn't the biggest sign of lucidity


I see you,

you're suffering psychosis i know because i went through it, seek some medical help. This is the best advice i can give to you.

Do you see us?

Its hebrew!

You said you had a trial in court. What was it about ? And why did they start and who is "them". I need to know why I should let you in my house before I do. I think you'd demand the same in my perspective.

You are free because we allow it

And you will be found when we demand it

We look forward to seeing you fight like a cornered rat

Do you look like the guy in this pic? If so you can hide in my vault-like basement.

Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Goodbye, LooK ouTSiDE tHE WInDOW

Hey man, du scheinst cool zu sein, ich komm aus steglitz

Shit! my Dad came from near there - Tonesheide or something.

Tönisheide is nowhere near. Its more in the south. I live more towards Essen

Could have sworn he said it was near Velbert - about 30-45 mins to Dusseldorf?

Nagut zeig mal bilder. Hast du nen schlafplatz für mich?

Obvious schizo, refering to all as 'Them'


Gästezimmer im Keller. Hab Einfamilienhaus geerbt

Wenn due die Fragen aus
Beantwortest zeige ich Bilder

Das ich meiner mutter drohte
Weil das nur ne kleine sache war
Seit jahren, jeder um mich herum
Weil du hier mal was gutes tun könntest und ich sonst mein leben komplett verliere wenn die damit irgentwann durchkommen. Ich bin 21 hergott.
Mein plan ist alles was zu mir führen könnte zurückzulassen und dort unterschlupf zu suchen
No fucking idea. Ich weiß es verdammt nochmal nicht
Warum mein bein verbrannt ist? Warum interessiert dich das? Mir ist heißes wasser drauf ausgekippt.

Warum drohst du deinen Mutter

Sie hat mich sauer gemacht. Das war keine absicht

i know a place on the edge of the red light district where we can lay low, but my hands are all messed up, so you better drive brother

I dont have a drivers license or car

Are you the king of Spain ? I will help you, your majesty.


Schätze daraus wird dann wohl nix oder?



Ey antworte. Ich hab deine fragen beantwortet!



Also wiedermal verarscht. Toll. Oder wurdest du gebannt?


Try posting this to /x/ maybe they'll hear you out.