Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

I quit, but I wasn't smoking 75 a day.

How many were you smoking

You have to want to. Like, really really want to, for yourself. It sucks and you are consistently reminded of how you shouldn't have started in the first place, but you can do it. I personally found blowing bubbles helped fill those moments that I would've otherwise spent smoking. Bubbles can be a good icebreaker socially, I've met quite a variety of people by replacing my habitual smoking with bubble-blowing.

>blowing bubbles

lol wut

It's just replacing an addiction with another addiction, essentially. It can work if you *need* to quit smoking; you replace the time, resources and energy you put into that habit into a different habit, hopefully a less destructive one. I had a friend who quit smoking and replaced it with drinking tea consistently, she now collects various fruity flavors.

It's not that hard op, I quit around every hour or so.

just change it to fap 75 a day and you can easily quit smoking

'Bout a pack a day.

I was going to quit, but then I found out I have an inoperable brain tumor, so decided not to bother.
>true story

I know it's kinda gay, but vaping might help you quit.

>tfw this same fucking thread every day

Either quit or die, but stop wasting Sup Forums space you worthless fuck.

I was a pack (25) a day for 7 or 8 years. I quit for 3 months a few years ago using the patch, then summer hit and I was drinking on patios and started smoking again. I quit again in February and started using a low-dose vape. Before everyone jumps up my ass about how gay it is, yeah I'm aware. But it got me to quit smoking. I still have the occasional smoke if I'm drinking or at a concert or something, but I don't buy them any more.

I quit about a month ago, was smoking around 15-20 a day

First 4 days are difficult, i suggest drinking heavily through them as I did, after that it becomes easy and after about 2-3 weeks you literally just forget about smoking

Spend that money on weed and you can continue to smoke just as frequently but without the whole killing yourself bit.

Wtf dude I smoke like 3 a day

How is vaping gay? It's proven to help people quit. The 2% of douchebag vapers ruin vaping for people who are legit trying to quit.

Try to replace smoking with watch colection


Seriously this fucking thread is annoying. It's the same flag just replying to himself every day

Heavy smoker here: so, 3 packs and a half per day. That's chain-smoking. Try not to smoke before eating breakfast. I also suggest to figure out which cigs you enjoy the most (idk, like the one after coffee or with beer or whatever) and try to pull a break on the lesser important. If you manage to cut some out of your routine, your "hunger" for smoke will decrease a little and you'll have a new equilibrium (maybe < 40/day?) A little will power will be required tho

Sage this thread

I got a mouth fedora and memes aside it did help quite a bit

I did - now I chew pens and pen lids all day... Lol but still better than smoking!

do you even smoke? less than 5 packs a day is not considered "smoking"


Ikr. Basically he is a chimney now.

I used to make fun of vaping but it really helped me quit, some people will make fun of it but no one looks down on it like they do smoking. With high nicotine juice youll save money and eventually, like me, not even be able to smoke a stogey if you tried.


Try again, mate...


take your pocket fedora and get the fudge out of here you son of a business man.

U mad ciggie smoker?

Kill Yourself.
I've seen this thread hundreds of times and if you keep asking for help everyday it shows you have no self-integrity and/or confidence to quit; Desperately asking for more help each and every day... You sir are cancer

>same thread every day since fucking forever
shouldn't those 75 cigs a day have killed you by now? Oh wait, you probably don't even smoke do you?


he's literally cancer smoking 75 a day

>mfw you start this thread every couple days
>still have made no progress on slowing down or quitting

Time to kill yourself, op.

>couple days

m8 I've seen it 4 times today

I was going through about a pack and a half of Marlboro Red 100s and my old roommate let me have his vape last Monday and I havent touched a cig since. I work door at a bar where I'm constantly surrounded by coworkers and customers who smoke and making it through a shift there without smoking once was extremely hard but once I did that I knew I'd be able to quit. It sucks but after about 3 days of using a different, healthier nicotine delivery system you should be feeling like you don't need cigarettes quite as much. I try to hide the vape in public by covering it with my hand and holding each hit in my lungs since it looks so douchey but it really has helped me not have the urge to smoke anymore.


U wot

Oh look this thread again, what a surprise