Does Russia have NEETs and neckbeards? I don't see Russian society being as accepting of these kinds of manchildren...

Does Russia have NEETs and neckbeards? I don't see Russian society being as accepting of these kinds of manchildren. Even the Russians here on Sup Forums all seem kind of bro-tier.

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oh wtf i thought i was on Sup Forums

Whats your point? The Russians here don't strike me as neckbeards.

They have bydlos and gopniks instead.

haha you must feel pretty stupid now

Because I thought it odd someone would ask this question on fucking Sup Forums you stupid leaf

Yes, we use the word "hikki" for this
(from Japanes hikikomori)

most of them post anti russian posts here
they are made on 2 ch

Russian ambience pushes some of people to sit at home, do nothing irl, playing stupid games/browsing internet.
So yep, we have lot of them here.

There totally are NEETs though they aren't really accepted by the society at large and certainly aren't on welfare (you can't survive on russian welfare)

There's somethin surreal about Russian commieblock cities.
Dunno why but if those cities could make music I think it would be some interesting Doom metal/Dark ambient.

Self-correction: those are either supported by their parents or aren't technically NEETs due to being employed... still as awful, though

This. If you see a self-loathing Russia-hating poster under Russian flag here there is a high chance he's a NEET.
I wouldn't say Russia has a lot of them, they mostly don't survive here as NEETs, they need to have some work and source of income and at least minimum level of socializing to survive.

>you can't survive on russian welfare
hue hue hue hue
Google>кaк выжить нa 5000 в мecяц

Isn't Finland just as cold and gloomy and shit?

>Most of them post anti russian posts here
True, they are retarded af
They speaks like a child. they can't grow up and face it.
Also they'll never leave this country (probably) and as long as they think that live in shit they will be shit as well.
Fucking "they" word, reeeee.

>B нacтoящee вpeмя минимaльный paзмep пocoбия пo бeзpaбoтицe cocтaвляeт 850 pyб

Eбaл я выживaть нa 5 килopyблeй. У мeня oднoй квapтплaты 3-4 тыcячи

We are speaking English in this thread. Dont be rude.

Sorry, you're right

said it's possible to survive on 5000 roubles a month

Pointed out that welfare can be as low as 850 roubles a month

Said fuck this as he has 3-4 thousand roubles of rent a month

Mainly gamers and animufags.

Pictelated: top 1 bloodseeker dotabuff, one of top alches dotabuff. A total NEET nerd IRL.

>Russian welfare is $14/month
Probably, the main reason we don't have many NEETs (and refuges too, btw).

I suggest that you must put bills here

>and refuges too, btw
>what are all these middle asian fags
>and ukrainians btw

Working on a construct site illegally is not the same as being on welfare, Sanya

Ukros can find a job, for they are not even considered foreigners by most.

Asians/easterners are considered trash-tier and are entitled for slave-labor in sweat shops, hence why their inflow significantly reduced.

Comfy t_b_h

>middle asian fags
Google what "refugees" mean, almost all of them are temporary workers/illegals. We've had some refugees from Ukraine, mostly in bordering regions, but many of the went back.

>Asians/easterners are considered trash-tier and are entitled for slave-labor in sweat shops, hence why their inflow significantly reduced.

>Russian welfare is $14/month

Well done. I like the sounds of this country.

Right. Brainfarted there

>they are not even considered foreigners
Yep, but they are literally refuges

Yes, but we dont have such fuckhuge commieblock cities, Kouvola is probably closest but its small as heck compare to many of your cities.

100-200k out of 6 millions of them in Russia, and even most of those 100-200k requested a temporary stay, not a resident status.

lmao just visit /rus/

all the neckbeards and autists speak Russian because they dont know English


Why do they look so fucking awful? Cant you guys like paint them or some shit?

pls no

We have neckbears (pic related - brony "convention"), but NEET are quite uncommon because there isn't any welfare that you can live on.

There are parent-leechers though

How is Tecak viewed in general in Russia?


yes. you're retarded


Like any other pro-kremlin pidoras. This one specialized on converting Russia to gerontophily with dumb school boys help.

He's not pro kremlin though

Don't put me in the same tier as that trash, even we useless leech neckbeards have our pride, you know.

>sucking together movement past
>"Occupy pedofiliay" misheard with opposition protest action #OccupyAbay
>received government grants
>not pro-kremlin
Interesting point of view



damnnn niggggaaaa


The fuck is this you pedopole?


not anymore, I lost all cp


I shouldn't
I must'nt

She's not qt. Stahp

They look more norma... more presentable that the average American fat brony though.

Don't they throw you in jail in Poland for cp?

> > oh wtf i thought i was on Sup Forums
You are the one who is stupid, cunt.

don't think you can get fat in russia

fugg :DD

>I don't see Russian society being as accepting of these kinds of manchildren.


>There are parent-leechers though

How long do their parents let them do that? I mean total vidya & shitposting.

I think it's much harder to be neckbeard NEET here. But still there are some of those.

More pls

being that depressed gives you a chance to make something strongly new which the west has forgotten now. do that instead of playing shitty games.

Why is it harder? Is it because there are no neetbux or because Russian parents are less likely to be able/willing to let their adult sons stay home playing video games?