Dear all Britons of Sup Forums

Dear all Britons of Sup Forums,

Please vote remain tomorrow, so I can continue to siphon money from your economy to build up our "holiday" camps for all the muslim refugees coming into europe. Also so I can liberate the people of austria. Thanks,

Fuehress Merkel


I do not see why you find this post humourous. The glory of the 4th reich is not a laughing matter. You're not a muslim are you?

i'm voting stay anyway. i just hope its the right thing to do.

Yes definitely my child. With the help of people like you, the establishment of the 4th reich will be effortless! Now fucking sieg heil me bitch

do you think Merkel brought in the refugees just so germany would have an excuse to be nazi again?

woah woah! don't use that fucking word you insulting kike. we're less n*zi, more ingsoc


i like germany i like to think i would like to live there

I'm voting to stay because we need it for the good of our economy.

We must face the future together. Choose to stay.

This shit again

Anyone who think that this muslim slut is a nazi is simply dump.

Shes actually a red socialist - yes you dumb fucks shes a red one. Thats what happend when a fucking anti nationalist red slut came to power.

I wish those german counts are back with their nazi shit. Then they would help to kick those goat fuckers out of europe.

i see anything really changin either way


we don't actually need more niggers you know?



Those muslim "goats" are as european as you or me; they're not going anywhere soon.



>says the biggest lefty nigger camelfucker lover since the kardashians.

i m half japanese half english, but its unrealistic dream - i dont speak german

Raus mit die Ausländer!


Hillary is a nazi? She looks like shit here

We all should vote, if we want any brexit britfags in europe. They demand a lot but don't contribute to anything. We won't take any refugees from britain, if one day your island is totally fucked up!

Holy fuck son...


Back to pol or school you freaks.

Mutti is ne feine

Please Vote leave, please do not continue to destroy your national pride and standards.

Economy is not a measure of happiness. Do you really think your economy will collapse wgen you leave? UK has great skills and products and if UK leaves they will just make independent trading contracts that will do just as well.

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