Hey Sup Forums is collage really worth going to or is it a waste of my time

hey Sup Forums is collage really worth going to or is it a waste of my time

If you are getting it paid for by parents/affirmative action grants/scholarships, yes.

If not, no.

Student loan debt is voluntary slavery.

There's no definite answer to that. Depending on what you want to do with your life it may or may not be (it's pretty good for STEM careers), what do you want to do by the way?

If you can't spell "college" then it's probably not for you

Hiring manager here: Go to a votech like FullSail if you're going to spend the money, otherwise you're paying for courses you'll never use. $100K in student loan debt is the norm. You don't need a college education to build web sites and develop apps.

i don't really know yet, right now im a promotion guy for different beverages and i enjoy doing that and was thinking just keep moving up in the company

this. you can't buy aptitude in college.

ya and im not looking to make triple digits, im just trying to live comfortably i don't mind apartments at all


College isn't hard. Go to community college first, that will be the same education for a much lower price. After that, transfer to a university that is in state to save even more money. Bust your ass off, get good grades, and you'll get scholarships. It'll open so many more doors in your life than not going to college.

Get a trade.

Not for you.

It's the best decision you could ever make. You just spend 5 years getting a bachelors degree, then afterwards you will be making minimum $160000.00 a year GUARANTEED. Everyone who has a bachelors degree from college is making that much. Everyone


Only if you do STEM.

Honestly you can join the military, get the same education+experience+travel+a government clearance for free.

If you are going for arts of some weaksauce bullshit like that don't even bother.

Know 100% what you want to do and who you want to be before you go.

Remember to do what your heart tells you to do and don't do something you don't want to do because someone says it pays well. As a mechanical engineer who graduated two years ago money isn't fucking shit compared to happiness. Going back to study Archaeology and music at my state college.

Speaking of, minor is shit that interests you. It'll give you more to talk about and make you seem more well rounded for interviews. My boss has told me when they see Engineering 4.0 GPA with business minors they just think tryhard and throw the resume out. Now that doesn't go for everywhere but honestly do you really want to work for a company that looks at you as a walking GPA/degree?

Go to a college you can afford now. Don't take out a ton of loans and bank on making good money to pay it back. Nobody cares where you did your undergrad.

Maintain a high GPA but don't go all sperg and not make friends. A 2.25 GPA and a ton of friends will get you further than 4.0 and no network whatsoever.

I know this is a troll thread but for all of you other people who are actually looking to go to college that is my advice. I wish I could do it 100% different.

If you do want to do the college route, as said before, do/Community College/ State school, not Private. Also, make sure you get a USEFUL degree (Science, Engineering or Business). That way, paying off you debt isn't too horrible.

If you are really into a domain and u like it, do it. If you're not sure yet what to do with your life/career, then wait until u figure it out. You can work in this time...

>Don't go to college and learn a skill
>Blame Mexicans for your poor decisions

I wish I had this advice so pay attention to this user!

My undergrad took me SEVEN FUCKING YEARS because I didn't know what I wanted to do before I went to school. That's a LOT of money.

OP here: wow man you right, and no i dident make it a troll thread ive just been debating this for the past few days, im going to take your advice

Came here to post exactly this.

I am personally not into collages, but i suppose if you are into that sort of thing go for it. Maybe you should browse etsy or pinterest for ideas. Just know you may have to suck a dick or three when you start making collages.

My b, bro. I just figured because you spelled it 'collage' you were trolling. But yeah, it's definitely worth it if you know what you want to do with your life. Make as many friends as you can while your there and make sure you always remember you have to actually learn the shit. Not just pass the classes. But good luck, man.

This has gotta be the most genuine and thought out response to ever occur on Sup Forums. WTF IS GOING ON HERE...

If it's not STEM, seriously think hard about it. If it is STEM, then yes you need to go to college and have a degree to get a good job.

If you're looking at by yourself, a house isn't much more expensive monthly than a mortgage.