You smirk you lose

You smirk you lose

Fucking got me

got me





i don't get it.


now am of the understand


can't stop laughing



get out of here with your reddit shit




fuckin bam



i like this, batman

hey i have that same gun mod on my pc

it's a terrible weapon

>On my PC
Well fucking tickle me pink user I thought the mod would've been installed on your fucking gamecube

what is this, 2015?
everyone has dreamcast

i am ashamed

cant you install mods on consoles now? i have it on my Zune

Ahhhh the ACE homeschool books. Graduated with those. Pure gold in those things.

give me your tears

I can't even read that. Colorblind. Red and green doesn't mix well for me.

thats it
im uninstalling Sup Forums
you're all cyberbullies


how did you install?
i'm still using it in my browser, lol.
also, does anyone know why the videos don't have sound?



learning how to triforce unlocks the premium edition

watch this

▲ ▲

i have seen that there are pictures i can't access.
i need to buy premium i suppose.
is that also why i can't hear sound?

also, i found a really funny picture.
hopefully you haven't already seen it.




Yes. Or you're deaf. But if you hear sound from other sources, it's probably the first one.

oops forgot to post it lol.

>cash money

>5'10 161lb 12 year old

What the actual fuck who gave this kid HGH?




can i save this? i really really like this image.



dont you fucking dare










is.. is that... red orchestra 1?







>You candle sucking freak


Hahaha I lost my door

Someone murder these two humans please

Thought it was going to end in a fucking












wow you are so tough and cool


I have honestly done this man








>yard meat
>no trouble

For some reason I had to stifle a smirk. What the shit.



are you fucking shitting me with this? scrolling through the thread, and then this fucking shit comes up. oh, what a great thread, but no, my self conscious insecure self feels the need to post this fucking image. every fucking day, your stupid cuckface neckbeard giggles until you fucking let shit squeeze out of your hairy asscheeks. jesus christ. grow up dude. i'm not laughing at this shitty image, you should be fucking sorry about this. and don't even get me started on that filename. what the fuck is that filename? are you fucking 12? you need to be more like me and start working out so you can fucking lift your limp dick when you try to jack off, and then you cry when you realize your dick is to small to even fathom about jacking off. jesus christ dude.


I don't think they would want the bunny back at that point.


that's a normal fucking middle schooler.