Anyone see the hack yet?

Anyone see the hack yet?

funniest shit


why not delete the vids

Post a video on their channel.

Top kek

Kill the chanel. Delete al videos and make a top 10 niggers on movies




i dont get it they just changed the titles

All they did was change video titles as far as I can see. That's some bullshit hack right there faggots.

>didn't delete videos/channel, or upload stuff to get them banned
What a fucking waste.

Top 10 Games with a female lead who transitions halfway through the game to become a male


anyone know how they got in?

by hacking it

bribery, brute force, inside job?

hack it yourself then nigger

>Top5 Channel

No care.

Wow. All they did was change titles?

and descriptions, still should have deleted the channel.

why arent they deleting the channel and the videos? are they sacking in the money now from the channel or what?

Trips have spoken. Have to delete channel now.


by decree of trips!

WatchMojo is a good channel. I'm gonna go watch the Top 10 Gary Oldman Performances video again.
>tfw Stansfield isnt #1

>are they sacking in the money now from the channel or what?

Maybe it was a stunt they did to themselves for more views...

Script kiddie gets into a channel. They know all of their "destruction" and "deleting" can easily be undone, Google isn't going to watch one of their top channels go down because of a skid.