We here a lot about the injustices of Black Americans, Muslim Americans and Shemen Americans...

We here a lot about the injustices of Black Americans, Muslim Americans and Shemen Americans, but what about Native Americans? They're the people who have been screwed over the most by white america
>land stolen off them
>killed and raped
>genitals mutilated to stop reproduction
>continues to get little support from the public but mental health problems like gender confusion gets grants and funding

Let's all spare a thought for the real oppressed people of the USA, the true natives.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey guys im a real indian ama

There are plenty of wealthy indians and most of the ones I know live better than me,

None cares because it questions US's history, which they don't really have. All of their gene pool consists from gold diggers, rapists, criminals, searchers for "easier life" who left Europe, slaughtered natives and then multiplied.

Do you even know any?

Got conquered by a superior people*

Fixed that for you faggot OP

:eye roll:
Summer's here....

>:eye roll:
sure looks like it!

Death to all Spics, Nⅰggers, Sand Nigs, Kikes, and Chinks. All non-whites should either be enslaved or thrown in gas chambers.

All of our gene pool consists from gold diggers, rapists, criminals, searchers for "easier life" who left Africa, slaughtered natives and then multiplied.

A superior people who brought in another group of people as slaves a few years later then broke out into civil war and massacred each other? A superior people who continue to massacre each other in night clubs and movie theatres? Man, sure sounds like a utopia.

My favorite season!

They only need to pay off a few with permits for a casino

but.. casinos.. and peyote

How stupid are you?

Yes I'm sure the red skins lived in complete peace with each other. Oh wait they didn't, they also fought wars against each other, except they lived in tents for thousands of years and never made any real technology or scientific advances. They also came from Siberia, so this land belongs to them as much as anyone else. Next.

Upwards of 50% of female native americans consider or attempt suicide.

Well they're laughing all the way to the bank at the moment. Good on them, dumb crackers.

unemployment among adult Indians is about 15 percent

They still have a greater claim to the land than white settlers.

According to that, entire world should bow down to China because they were the first to invent money & guns?

not my fault your immune system sucks

What rez u from?

>had literally a millennium to adjust to sickness

Morley, alberta. Its in canada so maybe im in the wrong thread. idk


Prairie nigger here. Why do you even care?

how fucking drunk are you right now

Im fucking wasted on listerine and shit that i bought with my welfare check nigga


"We shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their Highnesses may command; and we shall take away your goods, and shall do all the harm and damage that we can."

First Nations welcome, brother.

you smug son of a bitch

“They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things... They willingly traded everything they owned... They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features.... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane... . They would make fine servants.... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots.”

In the provinces of Cicao all persons over 14 had to supply at least a thimble of gold dust every three months and were given copper necklaces as proof of their compliance. Those who did not fulfill their obligation had their hands cut off, which were tied around their necks while they bled to death—some 10,000 died handless.

According to Columbus, in a few years before his death, “Gold is the most precious of all commodities; gold constitutes treasure, and he who possesses it has all he needs in the world, as also the means of rescuing souls from purgatory, and restoring them to the enjoyment of paradise.”

In the year 1500, Columbus wrote: “A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand.”

In the early years of Columbus’ conquests there were butcher shops throughout the Caribbean where Indian bodies were sold as dog food. There was also a practice known as the montería infernal, the infernal chase, or manhunt, in which Indians were hunted by war-dogs.

These dogs—who also wore armor and had been fed human flesh, were a fierce match for the Indians. Live babies were also fed to these war dogs as sport, sometimes in front of horrified parents.

For all the gold and silver stolen and shipped to Spain did not make the Spanish people richer. It gave their kings an edge in the balance of power for a time, a chance to hire more mercenary soldiers for their wars. They ended up losing those wars anyway, and all that was left was a deadly inflation, a starving population, the rich richer, the poor poorer, and a ruined peasant class.

I was in Lytton and Lilooet in BC. Nice guys, but boring to talk to tbh. Navajos and apaches are bros tho.

We're all just humans, we as individuals don't forget that but when we group up we tend to think we're something else. If there were truly a superior type of human then that type of human would be superior in mind, body and spirit which would lead to them being understanding and wise. And if those types of humans were in power then America would be as great as it should be, but clearly judging on how America has turned out so far it's a shame.

Whites bring shame apon themselves and try to call it strength.

French, Italian, English, Scottish, Spanish, German, Irish, Swiss and others are the same race then.

But they got to America and didn't know how to grow a garden. Plebs.

Take a red pill and watch this:


So, a superior people who were exactly like the people who were already here except for the fact that the people here are still living in the stone age?

Can't watch this queer sounding freckled faced sumbitch