There is a hole in my toe and there is

There is a hole in my toe and there is
growing something out of it.

What should i do Sup Forums

Pic related

planter wart, freeze that shit with some cryo

Looks like a wart.

establish UN diplomatic relations with it


I had one the size of a quarter in my foot before. I literally dug it out with a knife and let it heal. Didn't come back. But if you don't get ALL of the root it will, every time. Don't be a bitch, dig deep so you don't gatta do it twice.

Sounds like a good plan.

Cancer. You've only got 6 weeks to live, OP.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.

What're you? WebMD?

It's a wart. Get some apple cider vinegar, a cotton ball and some band aids. Apply the apple cider vinegar to the cotton ball and keep it in place with the band aid every night for two weeks. It will fall right off.


Guy hit it on the head - plantar wart. Go buy some "CompoundW" at Walgreens. Seriously.

Had one on my finger years ago. Put some wart removal liquid on it for a few days. The liquid made it grow deformed looking and big. Was washing hand on fourth day and it fell off, fingers been normal since.

where does one obtain said cryo?

Most likely spider eggs. My cousin had those once. He wasnt nice to the spiders so they killed him. Treat your little spiderbros with respect and they'll like you too :)

My mother's heart

I had some of these for a while. Tried freezing them but they kept coming back. What really worked in the end was applying a mixture of lactic acid and salicylic acid. The name of the medication wont get you anywhere cause I'm from Germany so just check what they have a your local pharmacy. But acid is the way to go.

does this actually work? if so, does it work better than duck tape? i have one the size of a penny

meant to say duct

i'm retarded

How to get one? They look cool

Yup. I had 5 warts on my fingers, did this and they all fell off.


Looks like you're having a child.OP.

put your foot on my nuts
i have a few on my sac

Almost forgot: I started using the liquid some time in summer during festival season. A few weeks later I was seeing Iron Maiden live and, not even kidding, it fell off during The Number of the Beast.


Hey OP. You probably live in NA so it would be hard to get it. In europe therea herb called Chelidonium. It juices cures that shit

Pull it out with tweezers. Hurts like a bitch but it won't come back.

You can hit up any Convienence store to buy some freeze away, just

naked tabby 4 u


post vid

i have that hand soap in my bathroom


I had some pretty nasty ones on my feet. You're lucky that it's small.

you will dead with agony !

That bottle read my mind.

i hear it makes good anal lube

I have one of my heel right now. It's a little bit smaller than yours. I've been treating it for well over six months maybe even a year. It gets smaller but it never goes away. I try to take it out but it hurts too bad. I read that they usually go away within 18 months to two years on their own.

Yeah I had to use salicylic acid to get rid of mine

more pics of her ass, preferably showing that tattoo

are we going to have anal sex?

put some apple cider vinegar on that shit

Underrated post

Confirmed this works. remove 2 warts from my hands

Goto to a chemist and get some body ph test kits. shitty diets result in having an acidic body, which then leads to fungal problems/cancers/skin problems etc. Sort your body PH y'all!

I had giant plantar warts on my feet for around 15 years. I tried burning, the topical things, cutting out, freezing, duct tape, vinegar, nothing ever worked.

Finally about a year ago I gave up. I just started ignoring them completely and doing nothing. About a month ago I finally looked at my foot again and they were gone. Fucking nuts

Wart faggot


>buy a bogus test kit
>eat healthier
>work out (oh noes!)

Duct tape is more effective than cryo for warts, but not sure about planter warts. It's cheap so just try duct taping your toe for a bit and seeing if it dies off.

Google for better instructions.


I did the same with nail clippers

Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit

DEFINITLY a wart. I used the freeze off stuff for a couple weeks to no avail. One drunken night I used several freeze off applications on it and proceeded to cut the entire skin chunk with my kitchen shears. Big mistake as there is now a hole there. Digging the root out will suffice tho.