Badly explained vidya thread

Badly explained vidya thread
i missed the last one edition

>i'm friendly
>shoots you in the head

>hear some dope music
>take some acid
>kills some russians
>can't wake up
>actually can

>be on faggot island
>full of mongoose, dogs, koalas, etc.
>rarely you see owls, tigers or sea lions
>creepy old dude



1 is DayZ

bumping agen

Far cry ?

yes it is


2 is hotline miami

which one?

> Be me small boï
> Lives alone with mom
> Mom loves TV

> Mom is a bitch
> Need to hide

> Start defecate and cry while hiding from this bitch
> Maybe died from this and don't even know if it is

> Damn mom is a nasty bitch

The bad one.


>armored dude without gun, sword, etc
>it's very deep
>rich mofo

Binding of isaac

binding of isaac

wp, ez one tho

i don't even know which one you mean, but no none of them is

>ima kill that mofo who shot me in the head

>the hunger games

> Fuck that place woth wierd blue doors
> Some bitch ass suqlletons everywhere
> This horned nigga come to face me
> Imma quick nigga and jab his face off
> Dang this is some kewl stone you got there dead horned punk ass bitch

The Binding of Isaac.

>get orders
>don't follow them
>orders-dude get's mad

workplace ?