Good albums to listen to on long drives?

Good albums to listen to on long drives?


Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima




Jazz fusion is the best driving music

Hopefully you have nothing to think about, OP



You either fall to sleep and pull off the road or you try to drive too fast to get away from it. Either way, vaporwave wins. It always wins...

Jalamanta - Brant Bjork


If you want to fall asleep and crash your car.

Awesome driving music.

>listening to fall asleep tier plunderphonics while driving

I still don't get how people legitimately love this album. It has a few interesting moments but most of it is mindnumbingly dull.

Always enjoy the A E S T H E T I C S on this one for drives

anything Stevie Wonder


Thanks guys.