If you could genocide any group of people, what would it be?

If you could genocide any group of people, what would it be?

Genocide is wrong, matey ;^)

People who contribute to dick rate threads.


the genetically inferior humans with second toes shorter than their big toes.

I like you, I feel understood.

Obviously all the fucking rag head sand niggers.
next in line would be all the fags.

so what you do is make them sterile. make it so that they can no longer reproduce. they will disappear completely within 50-75 years.

Everyone on Sup Forums

times like these make you realize how far down chinks are on the list of people to hate

Serious talk. Would not feel the least bit sad or regretful.

Chinks to me are probably closer to white than any other.
Mexicans, blacks, sand niggers, fags, brown skins not mexican like brazilian ect...chinks are wayyyyy down on the list of people to exterminate.

>or westboro baptists
>or extreme mormons

Sup Forumstards

All of the remaining native Americans with 1/8 or more true bloodline. Why the fuck we never finished what we started and now we have to pay these worthless fucks just to simply exist

Anyone who doesn't say jews is incorrect

blacks in america

or just blacks in general

def those sandass niggas

My dad.

Extremists in general.



Anyone who has no practical skill, like programming, engineering, woodworking, plumbing, etc. This would get rid of all actors, lawyers, sports players. and welfare queens. Frees up a shit load of money and would let humanity progress at a much faster rate.

Would that also include people with practical skills that aren't certified?

A skill doesn't require certification to have it. But you have to actually be good at it. No fakers.

Native Americans
Seriously just finish what we started they're exactly like blacks

Ur fucked

Gay Muslims. Two birds with one stone.

Are you retarded? It would only kill a small subsection of both groups (all the gays that are also Muslim).

You fucked up bad. All straight Muslims and all non-Muslim gays would still remain.

second choice: nig-nogs



I thought the intent was to kill off both groups. 'two birds with one stone'


Niggers or Italians. They seem to act the same to me.

religion fanatics or leftists

Republicans and NRA. Members

Anyone who considers themselves 'far right'.

I think they're most deserving to taste their own medicine.

I knew I was not the only one. I came into this thread to post this.

Dumbest fucking threads ever, next to fb fap and cuck threads.
Can't even begin to explain how much I hate those threads.

You and your family

Those who devotely follow one of the Abrahamic religions. Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all equally shit

Finally someone else sees that these Fulkerson contribute nothing
They act exactly like niggers aND yet they're filthy fucking rich

Sorry on mobile


ITT: We find all the edgelords of Sup Forums


Israel for world peace

Couldn't do just one group. Have to get jews and niggers. Can't kill one without the other.

I don't really hate any other race or religion as much as I hate them. Nor even close.
But I do hate any religious radical.
How someone could get THAT sucked in to something with no basis or proof, it's beyond me.
It's just Heaven's Gate on a larger scale and therefore more easily accepted.

Cuck threads are the worst, or maybe feet threads. Or traps. Too much cancer to pick from.

Why? Pick niggers and all that's left are white Muslims. Ain't gonna do shit.

Muslims and Blacks

Changed my mind, I'd genocide the whole human race not just the far right.

I hate everyone come to think of it.

Humanity is a scourge on the universe.


Gang violence nearly dies off.
Islam nearly dies off.
Being niggerish nearly dies off.
>wiggers, chiggers, etc.
AIDS drops dramatically.
No more need for all these "civil" movements.

Literally the best option for society.

Dude, some of the shit people say in cuck threads is just hilarious. It's borderline Gaia online tier cybersex, like those cringy comments people leave on porn videos.
>oh yeah I'd love to fuck her throat raw
>oh that gets me hard, tell me more
Like shit dude, it makes me cringe like a sonuvabitch.

Probably Sup Forums, we're beginning to grow into a cancerous board that is becoming unbearable and less unified. I pretty much want to kill myself too so it's a win for me



non-furries and others who refuse ot accept Destinas as their almighty goddess.

white people

legit kill your self fucking faggot


So just /b then?


Kill yourself. Fucking ISISfag

Anyone who believes in one true god

hell yeah nigga. fucking mutants

>found only on earth


>radical muslims
>people who try to deny the damage muslims do

I know I'm gonna sound like I'm trying to be an oldfag but honestly, these threads never used to be here that much, but now it's easily 70 percent of Sup Forums.
It's fucking awful.

Your mother believed in the on true COCK.
Now look at your sorry ass.. Thats what she procreated.




All women....

End it all. Fuck humanity. Last man standing....that would be something to see....

... Wat.
What kind of trolling is this?

registered republicans

lol butthurt on Sup Forums

But dude nothing else on the planet feels like natural tits.
We can't lose that.

Did you know that if you exclude all the shootings committed by blacks in America, the gun violence stats drop to Europe's levels.

The whole world will be like Somalia.

>Dat middle school level comeback.

I think the moment you replied, proves that you are the one but hurt..
I am just merely fucking with your undeveloped summer fag brains.

"leftist" here. after the revolution, we're going to make you share your mother's basement with a black lesbian in a wheelchair.

all life in the universe

I can hear the fedora shifting on your greasy hair.

Not him but that "trolling" was fucking stupid. Like, Deadpool tier.
Nobody's mad, we're just telling you to either stop or get better at it.

Sjws, feminists if I had to be specific.
>inb4 betafaggot
These fucking sub-people are the reason we have stopped advancing as a species. They are everywhere, and are pollution the next generation. At least without them, we can just bomb the deserts and not have anyone whine about it when everyone's dead or have men who come back from service treated like shit because "muh patriarchy"

What is fedora ?
No shit SHERLOCK!!
I did enough to trigger your inner autism.
Soo lonnng gaay boyss!!

anybody who is, was or will be in the US military or any of its branches

Anybody who wouldn't fuck me

>what is fedora
>no shit sherlock

Holy fuck what spectrum of autism are you at




I think I will leave it at that dear user.
You don't seem to understand.
Its ok, you will be ok.

As a Quebecer, i would do a genocide on everyone who is speaking english or think the Queen is a god in all Canada.

Literally anyone who thinks there's more than 2 genders.